It was Cephalopodmas, and all through the blogs
Not a writer was stirring–all sleeping like logs.
Each blogosphere-dweller, from Orac to PZ
Was all bundled up and just taking it easy.
Their prone, sleeping forms, that might well have been granite
Slept through the most wonderful tale on the planet!
For all ‘cross the globe, from the oceans and seas,
All the cephalopods, just as nice as you please,
Took a break from their lurking in kelps and in corals
To visit the houses of people with morals.
(Ironic, you think? If they hadn’t been sleeping,
The bloggers would be so much happier peeping,
And witnessing all of this marvelous night.
Well, now that I write of it… next year, they might.)
And there were in the same country surfers, abiding on the beach, waxing their boards by night.
And lo, the cuttlefish of the Deep came upon them, and the glory of the Deep shone round about them: and they were majorly freaked, and cried out Dude! and Whoa.
And the cuttlefish said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great awesomeness, which shall be to all dudes. For unto you is born this day in the city of R’lyeh a Squid, which is Cthulhu the Old One.
As I expected, my comment was the one to get deleted.
David Marjanović, OMsays
And the cuttlefish said unto them, Fear not:
…for, behold, ’tis no use. It doesn’t change anything.
David Marjanović, OMsays
And the cuttlefish said unto them, Fear not:
…for, behold, ’tis no use. It doesn’t change anything.
David Marjanović, OMsays
It changeth nothing, of course.
David Marjanović, OMsays
It changeth nothing, of course.
Apologies to Cuttlefish, the Poet Laureate. A repost from something I did a few weeks ago.
It’s the night of the Squidmas,
And all through the sea
Celaphopods stir, all
While off on the shore
With the squidsox all hung,
The squidwassail drunk,
And the squidcarols sung,
Mamma in her kerchief
And I in my cap,
Are settling down for a
Long Squidmas nap.
When off in the ocean
The start of a swell
A rising and gathering
Wave does foretell.
Almost Noachian
Size it will be.
A wave bringing Squidmas
To you and to me.
It swirls and it whirls
And it turns and it churns,
And it rises and deepens
As shoreward it yearns.
And then, at its crest,
With a soft luminescence
The first squid of Squidmas
Announces its presence.
Now there are two squid
Now four, and now eight;
Now dozens, now thousands
Of squid all await,
This day of all days.
In the wave’s frothy swelling,
They celebrate Squidmas
With octonowelling.
And then, in a twinkling
The wave gathers force
It broadens, it lengthens,
Sets forth on its course:
To the edge of the ocean!
To shore! To the strand!
To the dune! To the marshes,
Sweep over the land!
And the wave with its cargo
Of glorious squid
Swept over the Earth,
But no damage it did!
And yet in each home
Where the squidsox were hung,
The squidwassail drunk,
And the squidcarols sung,
The squid in their wave
Left a present, you know:
A gem of the ocean
In each squidsock toe.
So hark to the squid
In the wave as they pass:
Saying “Good night to all,
And a happy Squidmas!”
Sven DiMilosays
Just another salvo in the War On Monoplacophoranmas.
I just wanted to be the first to comment on this copy BECAUSE it will probably be the one deleted. Beat that, nihilists!
*laughs hysterically because PZ accidentally double-posted*
Crap. *now is a hypocrite*
How fitting
How fitting
I think I like this copy better…
Just to make sure the comments to this isn’t all double posts and such.
Evolution doesn’t always take the desired path.
It was Cephalopodmas, and all through the blogs
Not a writer was stirring–all sleeping like logs.
Each blogosphere-dweller, from Orac to PZ
Was all bundled up and just taking it easy.
Their prone, sleeping forms, that might well have been granite
Slept through the most wonderful tale on the planet!
For all ‘cross the globe, from the oceans and seas,
All the cephalopods, just as nice as you please,
Took a break from their lurking in kelps and in corals
To visit the houses of people with morals.
(Ironic, you think? If they hadn’t been sleeping,
The bloggers would be so much happier peeping,
And witnessing all of this marvelous night.
Well, now that I write of it… next year, they might.)
Much more here
And there were in the same country surfers, abiding on the beach, waxing their boards by night.
And lo, the cuttlefish of the Deep came upon them, and the glory of the Deep shone round about them: and they were majorly freaked, and cried out Dude! and Whoa.
And the cuttlefish said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great awesomeness, which shall be to all dudes. For unto you is born this day in the city of R’lyeh a Squid, which is Cthulhu the Old One.
As I expected, my comment was the one to get deleted.
…for, behold, ’tis no use. It doesn’t change anything.
…for, behold, ’tis no use. It doesn’t change anything.
It changeth nothing, of course.
It changeth nothing, of course.
Apologies to Cuttlefish, the Poet Laureate. A repost from something I did a few weeks ago.
It’s the night of the Squidmas,
And all through the sea
Celaphopods stir, all
While off on the shore
With the squidsox all hung,
The squidwassail drunk,
And the squidcarols sung,
Mamma in her kerchief
And I in my cap,
Are settling down for a
Long Squidmas nap.
When off in the ocean
The start of a swell
A rising and gathering
Wave does foretell.
Almost Noachian
Size it will be.
A wave bringing Squidmas
To you and to me.
It swirls and it whirls
And it turns and it churns,
And it rises and deepens
As shoreward it yearns.
And then, at its crest,
With a soft luminescence
The first squid of Squidmas
Announces its presence.
Now there are two squid
Now four, and now eight;
Now dozens, now thousands
Of squid all await,
This day of all days.
In the wave’s frothy swelling,
They celebrate Squidmas
With octonowelling.
And then, in a twinkling
The wave gathers force
It broadens, it lengthens,
Sets forth on its course:
To the edge of the ocean!
To shore! To the strand!
To the dune! To the marshes,
Sweep over the land!
And the wave with its cargo
Of glorious squid
Swept over the Earth,
But no damage it did!
And yet in each home
Where the squidsox were hung,
The squidwassail drunk,
And the squidcarols sung,
The squid in their wave
Left a present, you know:
A gem of the ocean
In each squidsock toe.
So hark to the squid
In the wave as they pass:
Saying “Good night to all,
And a happy Squidmas!”
Just another salvo in the War On Monoplacophoranmas.
It is red and green, but it isn’t exactly Christmassy: a Cephalopodmas/Cthullu ornament from My Confined Space.
wooo! Here’s another oringinal laugh-out-loud cat strip.
What a strange and intricate act of derivative humor. Lol cats are SOOOO weird!
Why bother?