I couldn’t resist. Shakespeare’s Sister has a satirical post on the female reproductive tract as a source of gay rays, and evolgen chimes in, noting the similarity of her diagram to the nematode vulva (it’s true—if mammalian vulvas are radiating gayness, nematodes are even more common; Ben Shapiro is probably crawling with hermaphroditic nematodes, all oozing sexual ambiguity all over him). So I had to repost my summary of the evolution of the mammalian vagina, and I want you to look at the diagram of Hox gene expression in the female reproductive tract. It’s like a rainbow! Admittedly, there are no disco balls, pink triangles, or floating Melissa Etheridge CDs, but this is research that has only just begun—as we get more details, we’ll have to sprinkle more symbols in there, and I think Shake’s ideas are excellent suggestions.
Once again, liberal leftist irony stands at the forefront of modern scientific research.
(Oh, and if any guys are feeling left out, I do have an article on penis evolution. All the pictures are in black and white, without any hint of a rainbow.)
It’s been pointed out before, but I’m frequently struck by the similarity to the Dodge auto logo. So do Dodge vehicles send out gay rays, too?
“Ram” trucks indeed.
“Admittedly, there are no disco balls, pink triangles, or floating Melissa Etheridge CDs”
I disagree. When I look at that picture of the female reproductive system, I see a pinkish triangle (with a blue center). Some may think it looks orange-red in color, but I see it as pink.
I’m ever so pleased you’ve jumped into the feminazi cooter, PZ, as all of us in the League were fervently hoping you would.
(Pun most decidedly intended.)
PZ, it doesn’t matter if the illustrations in your penis evolution article are in black and white. Guys are afraid to be caught looking at pictures of penises. It’s not, uh, manly. Penises are supposed to be inspected by means of brief sidelong glances at urinals. Brief! That should suffice to reassure the glancer that his pee-pee isn’t freakishly small. Or he can buy an SUV.
(Oh, and if any guys are feeling left out, I do have an article on penis evolution. All the pictures are in black and white, without any hint of a rainbow.)
Hmmph. Lesbians are hott so they get their pretty rainbow, but gay males are too squicky to color, eh? Typical male.
In black and white? PZ, are you seriously advocating miscegenation?!