This one you’ve heard of, and maybe more of you subscribe to: the Dec/Jan issue of Seed. In addition to an article on Dark Energy, a review of the Year in Science, stories about Angela Merkel and Stephen Colbert and James Hansen, there’s the infamous feature on us sciencebloggers, and the very first entry in my new column. You’ve got to love a magazine that intersperses its articles with full-page photographs of venomous jellyfish. All they need now is a cephalopod centerfold, and the magazine will be perfect!
DPG says
Congratulations on the new column. I read and enjoyed your piece. And to think I knew you back when you were just a blogger…..
Warren says
Isn’t that what WorldNet Daily does?
Greg Peterson says
So if I understood your column correctly, cave fish chase after hedgehogs and their sharp pointy needle-backs pop out the fish’s eyes and they go blind.
Did I miss something?
Seriously, great column. I always thought the explanation was the first one you addressed, the notion of economy, of not bothering to produce something that didn’t have practical utility. As usual, the real answer is more subtle, more interesting, and more awe-inspiring. Thanks.
Aaron Kinney says
Awesome! Rock on, PZ! :)
Scott Hatfield says
Indeed. This gives me additional incentive to read Seed.
it says
I just received this months Seed magazine (here in the UK) and proceeded straight to the PZ column. Too cool! Any hints as to what might be featured in future columns?
TheBrummell says
…full-page photographs of venomous jellyfish.
That clinches it – I’m picking up the new Seed as soon as I see it.
PZ Myers says
Genetic assimilation, then something general on signal transduction, I think. And in the fuzzier future, beetle testicles.
But then something cool could come up, and I might flit off to a completely different topic.
Mike Haubrich says
So, I am confused. In order to read your column we have to “BUY” the magazine?
And I have been so loyal, too.
PZ Myers says
Hey, it’s not as if I gave up on posting here.
donna says
Cephalopod of the Month… mmm….
Paguroidea says
Congratulations on the new column, PZ! You’re off to a great start. I’m looking forward to reading your future articles.
Scott Hatfield says
Well, you know what they say….”Ask and ye shall receive.”
Just remember to be thankful, like that kid in “Animal House”….I’m sorry to say there are no staples!