
  1. craig says

    It was JMcH, just spamming his blog as usual. Why anyone would want to read it, I don’t know – it’s just all “cut & paste” thought… might as well just read the original limbaugh/coulter/o’reilly rants.

  2. Blake Stacey says

    “I was over in Australia during Easter, which was interesting. . . Interesting to note they celebrate Easter the same way we do: commemmorating the death and resurrection of Jesus by telling our children a giant bunny rabbit left chocolate eggs in the night.

    “Now. . . I wonder why we’re fucked up as a race. Anybody?”

    — Bill Hicks, Rant in E-Minor

  3. george cauldron says

    Craig, you forgot Rove. And you call yourself a liberal? For shame!

    Not at all. Rove doesn’t publish rants under his own name. He just tells everyone in the Federal Government what to say. Aren’t you paying any attention?

  4. george cauldron says

    Wow, our very own JMcH insulting PZ’s daughter at her blog! You’re a helluva a noble Christian, JMcH. Bravely battling the culture wars one blog at a time, without even leaving your desk!

  5. Azkyroth says

    I only hope I’m as lucky in that department as you, PZ. My own daughter seems to be much more absorbed by her War on Raisins and Blocks at the moment…

    Meh, I’ll give her time. ^.^

  6. says

    Wow, our very own JMcH insulting PZ’s daughter at her blog! You’re a helluva a noble Christian, JMcH.

    Yeah, it’s not quite like cowardly insulting Christians behind their backs, is it?

    Bravely battling the culture wars one blog at a time, without even leaving your desk!

    You mean like what PZ, you and every other person who comments here does every day?

  7. george cauldron says

    Yeah, it’s not quite like cowardly insulting Christians behind their backs, is it?

    I’m not ‘behind your back’, genius.

    You mean like what PZ, you and every other person who comments here does every day?

    No, the rest of us actually have things to say that don’t involve insulting people. That’s not true for you. As far as I can tell, you say nothing here (or elsewhere) that doesn’t involve bashing liberals or atheists. Gets pretty tedious.

    Besides, as a Christian conservative, aren’t your ethics and conduct supposed to be so much better than us wicked secular liberals? All you do is hop around insulting people. You’re not doing anything other than confirming a lot of stereotypes.

    Plus, I don’t hear you defending your actions, all I hear is “I know you are, but what am I?”, which I asssume will be your response to this post.

  8. windy says

    This is a fascinating case study. I think we should write it up. How about the title:

    “A case of familial troll (T. fanaticus) transmission in a blog environment. Implications for treatment and parasitology”

  9. Azkyroth says

    Heh. My daughter assures me that JMcH is a poopyhead. Well, it came out kinda garbled, but I think the intention is there… ^.^

  10. idlemind says

    Yeah, it’s not quite like cowardly insulting Christians behind their backs, is it?

    Strangely enough, there are a number of Christians who post comments here. Just because they aren’t mouth-breathing fundies who get their yucks leaving turds in the punchbowl doesn’t mean they aren’t here. And I’ve never once seen PZ (or any professed athiest here) hurl a personal insult at them. It’s possible to respect a person while still thinking some of their beliefs are utter codswallop. Kind of the the atheist’s version of “hate the sin but love the sinner.”

  11. Apikoros says

    Idlemind, that’s a really good idea for a slogan.

    Let’s see, “Hate the idiocy, love the….”

    Eh, needs work.

  12. Kagehi says

    On a similar note.. Just saw part of a special last night on the History Channel. The part I saw involved a) taking the lords name in vein and b) profanity. Got to love the Prodestants and the morons that translated the OT into English. See.. In the original Hebrew, (a) involves ****only**** making oaths in God’s name, then breaking them, OR trying to invoke God to punish someone else. So, basically all Republicans and most Democrats are in serious damn trouble, nearly every invocation given before a speech, ball game, etc. is breaking the commandment and Pat Robertson types, that insist God *will* smite people they don’t like are in just as serious trouble, according to the religion they claim to follow. lol

    Profanity is even more fun. The original meaning of “Profane”, simply meant what we now call secular. I.e. brushing your teeth, eating lunch, repairing your roof, or anything else not “specifically” done as part of worship of god. The translators munged it into something like, “That which is done in opposition to God’s will.”, or some similar BS, then the Prodestants first act was to create a list called “profanities” and add, “God doesn’t like it when you say bad things about our church.”, at the top of the list. This was soon followed by names of bodilly functions, body parts that they thought where offensive, and finally just anything that they decided was vulgar and bad to say. The Bible itself makes no mention of forbidden words, in the original version, save for God’s name and its misuse by liers and cheats or the lunitics that want God to kill you for not bending over and having their revised edition of the Bible shoved up your ass.

    Just more proof that the Religious Right should be called the “Anti-Christian We Get Almost Everything Wrong Club”. Its bad enough they reject sound thinking for dulusional thinking, but couldn’t they at least “try” to get their delusions right?

  13. Paula Helm Murray says

    I congratulated your daughter today. I need to write (100x) I will not read blogs at work”, I nearly asphyxiated myself preventing laughter. She’s cool.

  14. Mnemosyne says

    I don’t see what all the fuss is about. Everyone knows that Easter treats are flown in from Rome by a magical Easter bell. And anyone who says otherwise is oppressing me.

  15. gmm says

    Forget it!! At my house they are flown in on a giant easter basket drawn by eight tiney easter chickens and put under the decorated Easter tree. We sing Rudolph the Red Beaked Chicken and then hunt for the eggs the Easter bunny has left, along with paper footprints. And this is when I went to church….