Franken is a vile little bigot whose claim to fame is that his politics are just SLIGHTLY more enlightened than Rush Limbaugh’s.
Let’s see. He still uses the term “cut and run” to describe what every sane American wants–withdrawal from Iraq.
He actually posed with an Abu Ghraib ATTACK DOG over Christmas in a picture that makes him look more ridiculous than Dukakis driving a tank.
He has NO experience as an elected officer. At least when Minnesota last had a chance to elect an entertainer, Jesse Ventura had been a city mayor. Ventura had his crude moments but never as low as Franken’s disgusting “joke” on PHC. To say that Franken has a cultural “tin ear” would be an insult to tin ears.
There must be at LEAST 10,000 Minnesotans with better credentials to be a Senator. Franken may have some moments as an entertainer, but let’s be serious for a minute. Ventura was also entertaining, but really, do we want to do that again???
It sounds like el Techno cannot distinguish comedy from commentary. I have listened to Franken’s show, fairly regularly, and while it is a technical train wreck, it’s funny, and I cannot recall him ever racially slurring anyone. In fact the only person I ever hear him raise his voice to is is dittohead friend Mark Luther in Colorado.
If I were in Minnesota, I’d be voting for him myself. Are you seriously saying I-grand-stand-in-front-of-foreign-dignitaries Coleman is better than Franken? Oh, and you don’t need to be a political science PH.D to be senator. The republican party is obvious proof of that. Franken is a lot more informed than you give him credit for. And besides, Sonny Bono was a senator. Why can’t Franken be one?
I think Stewart and Franken would be great press secretaries. They’d bust on all the crap that the media puts out there, and it would be one heck of a ride.
My vote is with Jim Hightower.
Forget Franken-Stewart, we need Stewart-Colbert in 2008!
Bono actually was a US Rep, although he did run for the Senate. He was mayor of Palm Springs before that too.
All that and still making albums with U2.
natural cynicsays
There must be at LEAST 10,000 Minnesotans with better credentials to be a Senator.
Hmmm. I remember Pat Paulsen’s campaign. If eight-year-olds had the vote, he’d have gotten mine.
Pat’s campaign was based in comedy and he ran it using outright lies, double talk and unfounded attacks on his challengers. Who would have thought this style would be the method of campaigns in the future? His work on the Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour earned Pat an Emmy in 1968.
Sigh. I can only hope my discernment has improved slightly since then.
John C. Randolphsays
Al writes some funny books and sketches, but these are not qualifications to hold office.
He also tells the truth, which may disqualify him for office.
Scott Simmonssays
“Let’s see. He still uses the term ‘cut and run’ to describe what every sane American wants–withdrawal from Iraq.”
Huh. I’m not familiar with Franken’s politics, but this really sounds disingenous. The Democrats want us out of Iraq, the Republicans want us out of Iraq, Bush wants us out of Iraq, and I’m pretty darn sure Franken wants us out of Iraq. But that’s as opposed to us staying in Iraq forever … The dispute is over the means and timetable for ending our involvement. And, for example, John Kerry’s idea of an immediate total pullout is (IMO) aptly described as both ‘cutting and running’ and inane. We’ve massively fucked up their country, and we have an obligation to try to help fix it–a job that our armed forces are currently doing admirably, in the face of some determined opposition by some of the Iraqis. Some poor decisions have been made and are still being made at the highest levels of leadership-but to ‘cut and run’ would just be to add one more poor decision to the heap.
(And FYI: if it matters, I voted for Kerry in 2004.)
Jessica, he discussed that on Letterman last night. He visited Abu Ghraib, and talked about what a difficult job the soldiers working there have. He’s a dog lover, and noticed a particularly beautiful German shepherd. Later he went to lunch with her handler, who had guarded Saddam Hussein, and ran the dictator character part of his act by the handler, who said it was dead on for Hussein. I have no idea why any of that would be an issue.
(sorry if this posts twice; I got an error message the first time, and don’t see it posted now)
He also tells the truth, which may disqualify him for office.
Yeah, occasionally, between all the lies and hyperboles. The title of the book Lies is sefl-referential.
george cauldronsays
Bush wants us out of Iraq,
What’s your evidence for that?
Mark Parissays
Well, let’s see. We had a president who thought members of the armed services wore costumes, and whose wife consulted astrologers, and he’s considered a god by most republicans. Al Franken is orders of magnitude more qualified to hold high public office than that particular ex-president.
“He also tells the truth, which may disqualify him for office.”
Oh yeah…he’s truthful. He’s also a moron.
NY Times: Mr. Franken, you have said you did not know that your multi-million dollar paychecks were coming off the backs of the poor elderly and disadvantaged children that Gloria Wise is supposed to be serving. How then, sir, do you explain your signature mark on this legal document agreeing to re-pay those unfortunates?
Franken: I never read it..I just signed what ever they put under my nose; (eyes glaze) I know nothing except Bush lied and people died.
Pfft..The perfect PZ type progressive candidate for Senate!
Actually, I do hope that Franken runs. He’s just the sort of shiney object we need to distract the children while the adults tend to business.
Well, let’s see. We had a president who thought members of the armed services wore costumes, and whose wife consulted astrologers, and he’s considered a god by most republicans. Al Franken is orders of magnitude more qualified to hold high public office than that particular ex-president.
If Al Franken lets James Baker be in charge while we provides British monarchy-style humor, he’ll make a good politician.
If you pro-Iraq war types were really honest with yourselves and the rest of us, you wouldn’t try to pass this off as your heart-felt concern for the Iraqi people and our “obligation” to set things right – give me a fricken break! You know that’s bullshit and we know that’s bullshit. Do you honestly think we buy any of this this crap?
You simply can’t accept the fact that the U.S. (read Bush administration) has failed miserably. Why is this so difficult for you to admit? It was doomed from the start; our team lost; Elvis has left the building; the fat lady has finished singing; the opportunity to save face is long gone. Get over it and stop using the lives of U.S. soldiers and the Iraqi people as pawns in your game of denial!
I’m already planning on being on his team here in SE MN.
Because comedians are willing to offend; politicians, never.
Al Franken and Jon Stewart. Now that’s a winning ticket.
buridan beat me to it.
Franken/Stewart or Steward/Franken 08!
I meant Stewart…sigh…
Ha! Great read. Is the rest of the debate, or at least Coulter’s response available somewhere?
Here’s a bit more from the uneven HuffPo:
Why don’t our official news media ever dig into the truth as plainly as our comedians?
I guess the comedians have it covered.
Franken is a vile little bigot whose claim to fame is that his politics are just SLIGHTLY more enlightened than Rush Limbaugh’s.
Let’s see. He still uses the term “cut and run” to describe what every sane American wants–withdrawal from Iraq.
He actually posed with an Abu Ghraib ATTACK DOG over Christmas in a picture that makes him look more ridiculous than Dukakis driving a tank.
He has NO experience as an elected officer. At least when Minnesota last had a chance to elect an entertainer, Jesse Ventura had been a city mayor. Ventura had his crude moments but never as low as Franken’s disgusting “joke” on PHC. To say that Franken has a cultural “tin ear” would be an insult to tin ears.
There must be at LEAST 10,000 Minnesotans with better credentials to be a Senator. Franken may have some moments as an entertainer, but let’s be serious for a minute. Ventura was also entertaining, but really, do we want to do that again???
It sounds like el Techno cannot distinguish comedy from commentary. I have listened to Franken’s show, fairly regularly, and while it is a technical train wreck, it’s funny, and I cannot recall him ever racially slurring anyone. In fact the only person I ever hear him raise his voice to is is dittohead friend Mark Luther in Colorado.
If I were in Minnesota, I’d be voting for him myself. Are you seriously saying I-grand-stand-in-front-of-foreign-dignitaries Coleman is better than Franken? Oh, and you don’t need to be a political science PH.D to be senator. The republican party is obvious proof of that. Franken is a lot more informed than you give him credit for. And besides, Sonny Bono was a senator. Why can’t Franken be one?
I think Stewart and Franken would be great press secretaries. They’d bust on all the crap that the media puts out there, and it would be one heck of a ride.
My vote is with Jim Hightower.
Forget Franken-Stewart, we need Stewart-Colbert in 2008!
Bono actually was a US Rep, although he did run for the Senate. He was mayor of Palm Springs before that too.
All that and still making albums with U2.
There must be at LEAST 10,000 Minnesotans with better credentials to be a Senator.
And none of them are named Norm Coleman.
Bono in U2 != Sonny Bono of Sonny and Cher.
As for Senate…sure, why not.
Hmmm. I remember Pat Paulsen’s campaign. If eight-year-olds had the vote, he’d have gotten mine.
Sigh. I can only hope my discernment has improved slightly since then.
Al writes some funny books and sketches, but these are not qualifications to hold office.
He also tells the truth, which may disqualify him for office.
“Let’s see. He still uses the term ‘cut and run’ to describe what every sane American wants–withdrawal from Iraq.”
Huh. I’m not familiar with Franken’s politics, but this really sounds disingenous. The Democrats want us out of Iraq, the Republicans want us out of Iraq, Bush wants us out of Iraq, and I’m pretty darn sure Franken wants us out of Iraq. But that’s as opposed to us staying in Iraq forever … The dispute is over the means and timetable for ending our involvement. And, for example, John Kerry’s idea of an immediate total pullout is (IMO) aptly described as both ‘cutting and running’ and inane. We’ve massively fucked up their country, and we have an obligation to try to help fix it–a job that our armed forces are currently doing admirably, in the face of some determined opposition by some of the Iraqis. Some poor decisions have been made and are still being made at the highest levels of leadership-but to ‘cut and run’ would just be to add one more poor decision to the heap.
(And FYI: if it matters, I voted for Kerry in 2004.)
Since when is posing with attack dogs beyond the pale?
Jessica, he discussed that on Letterman last night. He visited Abu Ghraib, and talked about what a difficult job the soldiers working there have. He’s a dog lover, and noticed a particularly beautiful German shepherd. Later he went to lunch with her handler, who had guarded Saddam Hussein, and ran the dictator character part of his act by the handler, who said it was dead on for Hussein. I have no idea why any of that would be an issue.
(sorry if this posts twice; I got an error message the first time, and don’t see it posted now)
He also tells the truth, which may disqualify him for office.
Yeah, occasionally, between all the lies and hyperboles. The title of the book Lies is sefl-referential.
Bush wants us out of Iraq,
What’s your evidence for that?
Well, let’s see. We had a president who thought members of the armed services wore costumes, and whose wife consulted astrologers, and he’s considered a god by most republicans. Al Franken is orders of magnitude more qualified to hold high public office than that particular ex-president.
“He also tells the truth, which may disqualify him for office.”
Oh yeah…he’s truthful. He’s also a moron.
NY Times: Mr. Franken, you have said you did not know that your multi-million dollar paychecks were coming off the backs of the poor elderly and disadvantaged children that Gloria Wise is supposed to be serving. How then, sir, do you explain your
signaturemark on this legal document agreeing to re-pay those unfortunates?Franken: I never read it..I just signed what ever they put under my nose; (eyes glaze) I know nothing except Bush lied and people died.
Pfft..The perfect PZ type progressive candidate for Senate!
Actually, I do hope that Franken runs. He’s just the sort of shiney object we need to distract the children while the adults tend to business.
Go Al Go!
Well, let’s see. We had a president who thought members of the armed services wore costumes, and whose wife consulted astrologers, and he’s considered a god by most republicans. Al Franken is orders of magnitude more qualified to hold high public office than that particular ex-president.
If Al Franken lets James Baker be in charge while we provides British monarchy-style humor, he’ll make a good politician.
If you pro-Iraq war types were really honest with yourselves and the rest of us, you wouldn’t try to pass this off as your heart-felt concern for the Iraqi people and our “obligation” to set things right – give me a fricken break! You know that’s bullshit and we know that’s bullshit. Do you honestly think we buy any of this this crap?
You simply can’t accept the fact that the U.S. (read Bush administration) has failed miserably. Why is this so difficult for you to admit? It was doomed from the start; our team lost; Elvis has left the building; the fat lady has finished singing; the opportunity to save face is long gone. Get over it and stop using the lives of U.S. soldiers and the Iraqi people as pawns in your game of denial!