Tremble and Behold: The Rare and Marvelous Irish Piano Spider!

PZ has been after me for Irish spider pictures, and I’m finally able to provide one. This spider narrowly escaped a horrible death in the machinery of a piano being tuned. Apparently, it sought shelter between the piano keys. I’m not sure what sort of spider we’re looking at, or whether it’s an adult or juvenile. Despite its best efforts, Tegan rescued it, transferred it to a plant, and got the best picture she could:

The center of this image is dominated by a spiraling plant tendril. Above it, a serrated leaf, and behind, more leaves, out of focus. Hanging down from the tendril, from an invisible strand of silk, is a tiny spider. It's near the bottom of the picture, is maybe a millimeter long, and appears to be a light tan color. Because of its small size, it's not perfectly in focus, and so it's difficult to see identifying marks.

The center of this image is dominated by a spiraling plant tendril. Above it, a serrated leaf, and behind, more leaves, out of focus. Hanging down from the tendril, from an invisible strand of silk, is a tiny spider. It’s near the bottom of the picture, is maybe a millimeter long, and appears to be a light tan color. Because of its small size, it’s not perfectly in focus, and so it’s difficult to see identifying marks.

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