How to Play Right

I may have given the idea, by way of some cheek, that I am an inflexible taskmaster as a GM.  I think it’s possible to have standards in player behavior while also adapting to what the players want to do.  Observe the comments on this old post, where I GM’d a little adventure, wordpress style…

RP by Comment

If the whole thing is too much to read, the teal deer:  In the end I had one player left.  He wanted to cut jeezis some slack, which is not what I’d originally set out to do at all.  But he was being a good player, writing a story that worked, so I let it happen.

Maybe consistency isn’t the thing I’m desiring the most.  Maybe I just want to see players write characters that I would ever want to see in media.  Hero, antihero, villain, joker – just be entertaining.  Not to yourself alone; consider the audience of people you are playing with.

That includes the GM.


  1. Joe K says

    I’d be happy to have players that are willing to be vampires if the game is vampire the masquerade lmao. The bar is in hell and all the devils walk the earth as bad players.

  2. JM says

    That I mostly agree with. There are some characters that can work in media and play badly in games. Lone wolf warriors don’t work well with groups. Snipers require specific battle setups that don’t always happen. There are a few that work badly the other way but it doesn’t seem as common. Dedicated healers can work well in rpgs but are hard to build into a story unless it’s an adventuring group.
    Mostly though the problem I run into is the player who plays the same character in every game over and over. Even if they are reasonably good it gets boring for everybody else eventually.

  3. dangerousbeans says

    Yep. The entire group is here to have fun, so we should all be working together to make it fun. IMO part of the fun is players bringing different ideas to the game; I’m running a sad elf Burning Wheel game and cultural differences in wood working is now a theme due to one of the players, which I didn’t seem coming but it’s interesting
    But also this is why i won’t GM D&D, cause that’s just not fun for me.

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