Bruce Jenner, like most who transition later in life, is an autogynephilic fetishist. His idea of what it means to be a woman is shaped by fashion magazines and porn. Autogyniphiles usually pressure their wives, daughters, and stepdaughters to go all out on makeup, hair removal, and plastic surgery. And that’s exactly what Bruce has done. And then Bruce had to warp himself into the pornified real woman who could set all women right on the cover of Vanity Fair.
Sorry Bruce, you are a freak! Absolutely zero people want you with your bolt on tits and your hormone shrivled old-man dick. But you already knew that. But you already knew that. It’s all about the brain now. You want to transgress boundaries and show women what being a woman really is
So what if I’m wrong and the transcult is right? Suppose Bruce has always been a woman? Then he should give up his medals as he used a deceiving body to earn them.
Seriously folks, how can we who claim to be skeptics really believe there is such a thing as gender identity? Gender is not a binary, it’s not a spectrum, there’s no such thing as feeling like a man or a woman. Gender is a socially imposed HIERARCHY put in place to oppress girls and women, though it also gives a shit deal to plenty of men.
Sorry Bruce, you are a freak! Absolutely zero people want you with your bolt on tits and your hormone shrivled old-man dick. But you already knew that. But you already knew that. It’s all about the brain now. You want to transgress boundaries and show women what being a woman really is
Such irrational hatred!
Apparently, someone becoming (presenting, to you) as they wish to be bothers you quite a lot.
So what if I’m wrong and the transcult is right? Suppose Bruce has always been a woman? Then he should give up his medals as he used a deceiving body to earn them.
Oh, for goodness’ sake.
Seriously folks, how can we who claim to be skeptics really believe there is such a thing as gender identity? Gender is not a binary, it’s not a spectrum, there’s no such thing as feeling like a man or a woman. Gender is a socially imposed HIERARCHY put in place to oppress girls and women, though it also gives a shit deal to plenty of men.
Your attempted sarcasm only exhibits your own reification of (and obsession with) gender; I perceive it as impotent reactance to a changing reality.
(You had better get used to it, not veryone is as hung-up as you)
I am adding you to the moderation list until you can work through whatever issues are causing you to lash out so irrationally against people who are doing no harm. There may be some therapeutic benefits in venting your emotions, however this is not the place for it.
@2 Die Anyway : “Why the hell did God make winter?”
He didn’t. Don’t even exist.
Blame the Earth’s axial tilt. Dats da reason 4 da season.
Besuides winter isone of the best season here in Oz. Summer has all these bushfires, droughts, heatwaves and more thatare all really awful. Give me nice cool conditions, long crisp nights where the Magellanic clouds (first seen by Al Sufi?), Omega Cen Eta Crainae et al shine brightly longer in dark skies and a little light rainfall anyday!
God made each of us naked.
I think saying “god made each of us ignorant babies…” is more powerful.
You’d certainly get more people who could reasonably claim to have remained faithful to that standard.
Personally, I go for the ‘staying naked’ part… except in winter. Why the hell did God make winter?
As for Jenner, it’s one of those things that I wouldn’t do… like skydiving and free climbing… but others are free to do it if it’s right for them.
Eat well, stay fit, Die Anyway
Bruce Jenner, like most who transition later in life, is an autogynephilic fetishist. His idea of what it means to be a woman is shaped by fashion magazines and porn. Autogyniphiles usually pressure their wives, daughters, and stepdaughters to go all out on makeup, hair removal, and plastic surgery. And that’s exactly what Bruce has done. And then Bruce had to warp himself into the pornified real woman who could set all women right on the cover of Vanity Fair.
Sorry Bruce, you are a freak! Absolutely zero people want you with your bolt on tits and your hormone shrivled old-man dick. But you already knew that. But you already knew that. It’s all about the brain now. You want to transgress boundaries and show women what being a woman really is
So what if I’m wrong and the transcult is right? Suppose Bruce has always been a woman? Then he should give up his medals as he used a deceiving body to earn them.
Seriously folks, how can we who claim to be skeptics really believe there is such a thing as gender identity? Gender is not a binary, it’s not a spectrum, there’s no such thing as feeling like a man or a woman. Gender is a socially imposed HIERARCHY put in place to oppress girls and women, though it also gives a shit deal to plenty of men.
Such irrational hatred!
Apparently, someone becoming (presenting, to you) as they wish to be bothers you quite a lot.
Oh, for goodness’ sake.
Your attempted sarcasm only exhibits your own reification of (and obsession with) gender; I perceive it as impotent reactance to a changing reality.
(You had better get used to it, not veryone is as hung-up as you)
Well said John.
Hi Francisco,
I am adding you to the moderation list until you can work through whatever issues are causing you to lash out so irrationally against people who are doing no harm. There may be some therapeutic benefits in venting your emotions, however this is not the place for it.
Thank you.
@2 Die Anyway : “Why the hell did God make winter?”
He didn’t. Don’t even exist.
Blame the Earth’s axial tilt. Dats da reason 4 da season.
Besuides winter isone of the best season here in Oz. Summer has all these bushfires, droughts, heatwaves and more thatare all really awful. Give me nice cool conditions, long crisp nights where the Magellanic clouds (first seen by Al Sufi?), Omega Cen Eta Crainae et al shine brightly longer in dark skies and a little light rainfall anyday!
Dangnabbed flippin’ typos. Eta Carinae dat is o’course and well , y’all get the gist I hope.
Anyhow milder seasons spring and autumn especially spring for the botanical ease of identification with flowering are prob’ly best seaason wise.