A guide to bullying

Here’s a quick guide to bullying and harassment, as practiced by LGBT/allies versus anti-LGBT. (Possible trigger warning if you’re sensitive to lists of the ways people abuse other people.)

Abuses by Anti-LGBT “Abuses” by LGBT/Allies
Insulting people who are LGBT Passing laws against some of the worst abuses in the column on the left
Slandering people who are LGBT Attempting to enforce some of those laws
Demonizing people who are LGBT Referring to behaviors in the column on the left as “bigoted” and “abusive”
Falsely accusing people who are LGBT Identifying champions of the behaviors in the column on the left as “bigots” and “abusive”
Preaching that God hates LGBT people
Pretending to “love” LGBT people while condemning their orientation as filthy and unnatural
Gloating over the idea of people who are LGBT suffering eternally in Hell
Passing laws against being LGBT
Depriving LGBT people of the right to do business
Depriving LGBT people of the right to housing
Depriving LGBT people of the right to employment
Attempting to shut down any public display of affection between LGBT people
Attempting to shut down any public appearance of LGBT people at all
Depriving LGBT couples of the right to marry
Depriving LGBT couples of the right to physical intimacy
Depriving LGBT couples of the financial/contractual perks of marriage
Depriving LGBT people of the right to ordinary dignity
Verbally attacking LGBT people
Physically attacking LGBT people
Imprisoning LGBT people
Torturing LGBT people
Subjecting LGBT people to harsh “re-education” programs to try and change their sexuality
Murdering LGBT people

The interesting thing about this chart is that if you eliminate the abuses in the left column, the column on the right will take care of itself.


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