Subtlety has never been a strong suit in America’s Christian supremacists, but you have to admire the feckless honesty of this guy:
Perhaps at no other time in America’s history has religious freedom suffered under such a sustained assault as today. And by “religious freedom,” I mean Christianity.
That’s it in a nut-case, er, -shell, isn’t it?
Author Louis DeBroux complains that
Americans face persecution by anti-Christian organizations seeking to force Christians to keep their faith only within the walls of their own home (and sometimes not even there).
and his lead witness is Kelvin Cochran, the Atlanta fire chief who was fired from his job after giving his subordinates copies of a book which he wrote condemning homosexuals and lesbians as morally equivalent to pedophiles and zoophiles.
Though the New York Times claims the book was chock full of “virulent anti-gay views,” the book mentions homosexuality just twice in more than 160 pages. Though there has never been any claim of harassment, discrimination, or mistreatment by any of the homosexuals under his supervision, the PC Police in the Atlanta Mayor’s office determined holding traditional Christian views makes Cochran unfit to serve.
Or at least, that’s Cochran’s version of the story. The mayor’s office reports that “his distribution of a book about his beliefs within his department had caused his employees to question his ability to continue to lead a diverse workforce,” and that the situation was further exacerbated by his failure to follow proper protocols both before he published his book and after his suspension. But remember, to DeBroux, “religious freedom” doesn’t mean leaving each person to their own beliefs. It means Christianity, including the freedom of high-ranking Christian officers to force their religious views on their subordinates, some of whom may very well be the ones he’s accusing of being morally equivalent to pedophiles. According to DeBroux, that’s not harassment, that’s Christianity, and therefore it’s “religious freedom.”
He goes on with the usual laundry list of other poor sad Christians being frustrated in their attempts to denigrate and discriminate against gays, but you’ve heard it all before. His point, as he says in his second sentence, is that only Christians should have what he calls “religious freedom.” Christians, to be “free,” require the right to treat everyone else like shit and expect them to be grateful. No more, no less.
Well brother, if that’s what “religious freedom” means to you, I’m glad it’s under assault. We’ll all be better off when it’s dead.
By persecuted he means people are not obeying his version of his cult?
By persecuted, he means not allowing his cult to persecute others:
Non-cult members (members of different cults).
Anyone who has political leaning different than his.
Anyone who doesn’t ‘toe the line’ as laid out by his cult.
He’s being oppressed!! (queue Monty Python)
It’s difficult to have a conversation when one party isn’t using language consistent with everyone else. Up until this point Christians have tried to keep their cult semantics under wraps because when the majority of people realize that they mean something different, support for their extremism will collapse.
Unfortunately for them, many of their kind believe their own propaganda that they are the majority and the majority agree with them, so they assume they are free to speak unfiltered and expose their shenanigans. But more fortunately for them, few people are going to hear about this, and if anyone does, it will be suppressed and they will try to push in into the past.