The contrast is agonizing. Palin tries to dismiss Warren’s comment about supporting fast food workers by claiming liberals think fast food is “of the devil”.
Would you believe she has something called The Sarah Palin Channel, where she babbles like this every day? At least for a few more weeks, until she quits.
I’ve seen Youtube videos with more polish and substance. This is like watching a failed comic’s B reel.
I don’t believe you can hate or even ridicule common liberal issues without creating strawmen caricatures of them first. Or gigantic, evil, invisible motives behind them. That’s a fairly huge disadvantage all Republicans have.
Another huge disadvantage shared my many Republicans, is that they can’t communicate well, to begin with.
At first I couldn’t understand how THIS awkward muttering travesty was the best take.
Then I realized she probably didn’t care enough to rerecord or even rehearse.
“Nailed It.”
“Stepping stones to sustainable wages” are called apprenticeships. They have protections for the apprentice, wages that can be lived on, and a dependable end date when that “sustainable wage” will be earned. Fast food jobs are frequently nothing more than mind-numbing drudgery which SOMEBODY has to do to keep that sweet profit rolling in to the owner of the business. This whole idea that we have to prove our worth to escape poverty is some serious feudalist bullshit.
She just has no idea what it’s like to be broke. Or if she does she’s got it more repressed than a Catholic’s sex fantasies.
My god, it’s as if she’s channelling Shakespeare. Every mumbled syllable is like liquid gold to my ears.
WTF – I know she has never been the sharpest knife in the drawer, but didn’t ANYONE around her realize that this would set a new low — even by Sarah’s already abysmally low standards of communication skills.
And don’t even try to convince me that she figured out how to upload something to YouTube all by herself.
Oh she knows what poverty is alright! She sold her face to the highest bidder to become the spokes model for oppressive conservative-reactionary politics because there were no others interested in her obviously ignorant self-serving insincere style.
(its all about the money)
uncle frogy
I weep for the millions of strawpeople cruelly cut to ribbons in that video. Oh, the strawmanity!
Palin is, as usual, incomprehensible. Ms. Palin, how is supporting higher minimum wages equivalent to thinking M.W. jobs are worthy of purgatory? That higher Minimum Wage will make them vegan? So MW jobs are “stepping stones”; doesn’t that imply they can be stood on? The Minimum Wage we got now is like standing on a needle point. Good Luck with that.
Does the PalinChannel show adverts? I demand a boycott list; right now.
Thanks, PZ. That was forty six seconds of my life I’m never going to get back…
A long time ago I had a fair amount of respect for John McCain — war hero, POW, torture victim, etc.
But he really owes the entire world a sincere apology for inflicting this creature upon us. And then, he should just shut the fuck up because No One should ever trust his judgement again, under any circumstances whatsoever.
zibble #3
When you are one of God’s True
ProfitsProphets you don’t need to do multiple takes. The true children of God will see the shining truth it contains. Only the haters could look at this and see it as word salad from a person who moves her lips when she reads a fortune cookie.Ms. Palin’s is not the problem. It’s the thousands of bigoted, right-wing rubes who hang upon her every slurred, incoherent word. They are the real problem.
You know, I wonder if his run in ’08 was less about trying to win the presidency than to inflict Palin on the rest of us for his loss to Bush in ’00.
Holy crap. Palin really doesn’t ever read anything. That old Katie Couric interview was right on.
Otherwise, Ms. Palin would know that her “stepping stones” argument does not hold water. Just ask the 30-something single mother working at McDonalds.
Certainly was awesome to see Elizabeth Warren make a coherent point! Great antidote to Palin.
And, no, I don’t think fast food joints are “of the devil,” nor do I disparage low wage workers.
#15… winner.
that’s EXACTLY why he chose Palin.
In 2000, he tried to warn the GoP of the disastrous direction they were taking in promoting the far right nutbar wing of their party as a voting block. He was rewarded with jeers at the convention, and summarily chucked as the nominee.
Palin indeed was a poke at that. He was saying, “THIS is what you want to promote? Take it!”
or he just lost what little was left of his mind.
still trying to decide on that myself.
These two fine citizens think Palin was brilliant in that video.
I’ve got a pretty good idea what kind of ads they would have: bottles of pills ‘guaranteed’ to help you lose 80 lbs, weird kitchen gadgets that you will use once and then toss into a drawer, lawyers trolling for ‘victims’ that they can then represent in civil suits (and pocket 75% of any money collected), reverse mortgages, and funeral benefit insurance.
moarscienceplz @19
And gold: “Buy an ounce of genuine 8 karat gold for a mere $29.95 per month for the next ten years. Guaranteed recession-proof.”
She doesn’t get it. First while an argument can be made that “fast food joints” are wrong in several ways, that’s different from the people inside them It’s how the employees are treated is one of the ways they are wrong. I don’t recall any liberal calling the employees evil (lazy and incompetent perhaps after a bad experience with them, but not evil). The hate for them is mostly from the conservative side. And yes, min wage jobs were not intended to become lifetime gigs, but for some they have become lifetime gigs. Things change and sometimes what’s intended is different from how things turn out *gasp*. Flipping burgers may have been a stepping stone but now the stones are too far apart and they’re still moving.
Lynna’s transcript:
I get it! She’s asking liberals, “Don’t you guys AGREE, that fast food joints are like the devil or somethin?” So she ain’t accusing libs of thinking they’re devil’s work, but admitting her attitude and telling libs to agree with her (or go to Hell, you mudderfackers). Arrogance pretending to be “humble”.
Her followers love her because they can relate to her: “She is as stupid as I am!”
She may not run any ads, as her Internet channel is advertized as a paid-subscription one; I think I read that it would be $9.95 a month for her eager followers who just can’t get enough of her. She promoted it as her way to escape any MSM filtering and “tell it like it is.” Telling it coherently or intelligently was apparently optional.
I think she’s loaded.
Forgive me for posting the whole word salad bar… please
Note that she thinks fetus breathe…
kosk11348 @#1
I think you’re onto something here. My first reaction: Is that the real Palin? Are we sure that’s not Tina Fey? Of course, Tina Fey was usually better at Palin than Palin but that’s pretty bad Palin even for Palin.
Loaded the buzzwords into the empty chamber that is her brain and fired them from her shotgun mouth. She really needs some lessons in using conjunctions to form a simple sentence.
Here is the antidote. The Colbert’ Report’s
The first (oldest) of the two videos currently there is pure genius.
But you don’t — this we is we, OK, and — mumbles — so that different gives purgatory because funny word — then no problem.
*Available for speaking tours on request.
One thing’s true. She doesn’t know.
*blinks* What a straight line. I’ll pass and let somebody else take it. */blinks*
Six years ago she was the Republican candidate for Vice President.
Four years ago she was a corporate speaker being paid $75,000 a gig.
Earlier this summer she was publicly dropping hints that she wanted to cohost The View because Barbara Walters obviously wasn’t returning her phone calls.
Now she is trying to do her own Internet channel–obviously without professional help.
When has someone who hasn’t been convicted of a crime or cheated on his or her spouse fallen so fast?
Notice that as much as Republicans hate on minimum wages, they have no alternatives except ‘fuck the poor.’ Because we could have something like a negative income tax, which might work better, but that would be ‘OMFG WELFARE STATE.’
That’s her problem if you are a Republican and you commit a crime or cheat on your spouse you have a meteoric rise to the top of the Republican dung heap.
They are lifetime gigs. Leave it to Sarah Palin to be living in the 1970s when it was mostly teenagers and college… and with the minimum wage was a living wage… Did I just try to reason through a sarah palin’s famous word salad?
You see, liberals think fast-food joints are evil. We hate America, so we hate all good and decent American food — fast food, frozen TV dinners, 256-ounce soft drinks, and bear meat — and want it banned. We think anyone who works in a fast-food joint should be condemned to purgatory, and everyone in America should live entirely on a diet of salads and tofu. Or something.
That was a brilliant, devastating, exposé of, er, something…
As soon as I figure out what, they’ll let me out of this straightjacket.
Good FSM!!!
I read PZ and the comments before I watched the clip.
I owe you all an apology, ’cause I thought you were all exaggerating when you were actually being too nice to her.
What the hell drug was she on? I wanna know just so’s I can avoid it…
God damn, I didn’t think it was possible for me to hate her more than I already did.
The difference between the two is remarkable. Warren is directly addressing a real world problem and a specific group of people. Palin fails to see a problem, and then addresses her views toward a fictional Democrat based upon stereotypes manufactured on the right. It is a meta-argument against a straw man wrapped in denial that there is a problem.
It reminds me of a kid delivering a book report on a book they haven’t read.
This also fills me with a deep sense of gratitude, and a shudder contemplating what might have been. Given the physical and emotional state of grandpa Walnuts Palin might have been a failed heartbeat away from the presidency. Wrap your mind around the words: president Palin. Feel the waves of fear, loathing, and dread wash over your mind while contemplating this alternate reality. As bad as it is, and has been, it could have been a lot worse. Gratitude and an appreciation of what we have is healthy.
@36 – But.. trickle down!!
My parents were in a similar boat. His choice of Palin was an eye-opening event for them. I don’t think they’ve voted for any Republicans since.
Hey, it’s working for Glenn Beck.
or is it?
Palin wasn’t always this incoherent. I wonder if she has a pill problem.