The word is that he’s working on a book on evolution. Ken Ham helpfully informs him that it is unnecessary, because it has already been written. It’s called the Bible.
Good thing my wife is off running errands right now, or she’d be wondering why I’m giggling maniacally.
It’s probably lack of sleep.
Such good advice Kenny. Always good to read the opposing viewpoint BEFORE presenting one’s own. But, Kenny, how do you know Bill has NOT read the Bibble already? Maybe that’s why he went scienceward, cuz of all that bafflegab, in That book? I’m sure that when Nye writes about Creationism, and his opposition to it, he will include lots of references to the Creationists source material, i.e. the Bible itself. Chew on that, Kenny, taste good? I hope so.
No, no, no, you don’t understand. It’s not a question of whether Bill has read the bible, but whether he’s read it the right way. And that basically involves letting Kenny read it for you, and tell you the important bits.
Bill Nye and the like need to stop writing books. I’m falling woefully behind in reading all these great books. Could they take a few months off and allow me to catch up? I am excited to add this to my ever growing stack. I’ve always been a big Nye fan, hell I grew up watching him, so I’m sure the book will be great.
I didn’t know the bible talked about evolution though. I knew it talked positively about genocide, slaver, smashing babies heads against rocks, murdering children for teasing a bald man, rape, child sacrifice, incest, pedophilia, sea monsters, dragons, god killing people for masturbation, picking up sticks, touching an arc, and a host of other things; but I don’t recall it talking about evolution.
And of course, comments are closed. I wonder why Ham would do that…
“The entirety of Your word is truth, and every one of Your righteous judgments endures forever.”
i.e. the Bible is true, it says so in the Bible.
Oh just shut up and pray already.
(Apologies if I’ve got the vernacular wrong. Gotten.)
Bill wants to write a book about reality. Ken wants Bill to write fiction.
“Well, Bill Nye will be writing a book outlining his adherence to the religion of naturalism, and as I said in my debate with him, he has no answer to the question about where matter came from. At the debate I responded: ‘Bill, . . . there is a Book!'”
Apart from the shameless god of the gaps argument, it’s almost as if Ham believes that what he pointed out was NOT a horrendous, irrelevant, circular argument.
So Ken Ham tries to denigrate Evolution by calling it a “religion.” What a great example of Ken sticking his foot in his mouth.
Sigh… what’s the fucking point? What’s one more book trying to teach science to the dimwitted religionists that populate this pile-of-shit of a nation going to accomplish other than kill trees?
Jerry Coyne wrote one. Professor Muslima wrote several. Dr. Bicycle Shorts even took time out of his busy rape-and-harassment schedule to write one complete with a chapter on how conservatives should love evolution because it fits so well with cut-throat capitalism. Have any other them turned the tide against the American people’s belief that they are special snowflakes whose ancestors were “poofed” into existence by an invisible cosmic tyrant? What the hell is a kiddie-show host going to do that an actual scientists can’t?
All of this smacks of the Accommodationist wet-dream of “rock star scientists” able to dumb down science for the masses to understand….
Gah! I don’t know anymore. I’m just tired of the whole thing.
So, Mr. Hamm, you’re saying your Bible explains it? Well first let’s define what “matter” is, shall we?
Where in the bible is matter defined?
No Answer? Hmm, okay, where in the bible are atoms defined and described?
Nothing? Where in the bible are protons, neutrons and electrons defined and described?
No, instead you have this garbage:
So, according to you, everything is “water,” except this air pocket in the middle that we all live on. Oh, and the Earth is flat.
Doesn’t Ham have some excuse for the small size of the Arc about Noah only taking 2 of each “kind” of animal, and those “kinds” later diversified in to all the species we know today?
I’m pretty sure the Bible never discusses how that diversification happened, so even accepting Ham’s interpretation of the Bible there’s a need for an “evolution” book beyond the Bible
Except the bibble says they take 7 of the “unclean” animals (for sacrifice) and birds (for ??).
Wait, I mean TWO of everything:
Oh, FFS!
This is, of course, bullshit.
Ken Ham answers ‘matter came from God,’ but where did God come from? God is composed of something, yes? We’ll say ‘spirit,’ which has to be something. So Ken Ham has now postulated some form of spiritual matter that came before matter.
I.e., he’s kicked the can out, and has no answer for where THAT matter came from.