Jason Selvig and Davram Stiefler are two comedians who call themselves ‘The Good Liars‘ and pull political pranks such as attending a rally for serial sex abuser Donald Trump (SSAT) and then yelling “boring” and saying that they “came here to be entertained” before they were escorted out. In the clip below, they do something similar to what Jordan Klepper does, and that is attend an SSAT rally in Greensboro, North Carolina and talk to the people waiting in line to get in.
The convoluted ‘reasoning’ of SSAT supporters is a source of endless fascination. Listen (first at the 4:58 mark and then again later) to the guy who insists that he has no problem with gay people existing (how generous of him!) but objects to how the gay community is forcing their lifestyle on everyone. When pressed by Selvig as to specifics as to how the presence of gay people adversely affects him, he of course could not say, but then finally resorts to saying that nowadays gay people are everywhere in the media, even in cartoon shows, and hence he feels oppressed.
I wished that Selvig had asked him whether, by that same logic, the much greater prevalence of heterosexual people in the media meant that heterosexuals were forcing their lifestyles on everyone else and oppressing them.
In another case, the duo interviewed school book banners and got them to confront the fact that the Bible is full of the kinds of things that they claim to deplore in books.
There’s a lot of talk about banning books in schools, but we were surprised these republicans wanted to ban the Bible. pic.twitter.com/gq4b89x2PO
— The Good Liars (@TheGoodLiars) February 1, 2022
Right? When I was a lad in the olden times it was all Snow White or Cinderella falling in love with the handsome prince or handsome woodsman, or Goldilocks and the three bears (hey, Mamma Bear and Pappa Bear we know what you’ve been up to to get Baby Bear).
But weirdly no one was panicking about children being indoctrinated into the heterosexual lifestyle. X-D
Funny that.
Ooh, that reminds me of a quote from Lest Darkness Fall, the time travel novel by L. Sprague de Camp:
Clearly these people are good at day drinking and inventing strange grievances. I did enjoy the bit around 3:15ish where a kind woman comes to lead the guy in the ‘Traitor Joe’ t-shirt away from the microphone.
Even the people in line behind him were having a hard time controlling their laughter at his answers.
Blatently sexualized content corrupting our children
from 1937.
these people display textbook cognitive dissonance
Thats because you assume that when conservatives are shown their hypocrisy , they will feel a little bit embarrassed or a little bit of shame and perhaps reconsider their views. Most conservatives dont notice it , some like McConnell/Alito/Thomas revel in it -- the goal is all that matters.