Money talks but it can also shut people up

It has been three days since the jury awarded E. Jean Carroll $83.3 million in the defamation suit brought by her against serial sex abuser Donald Trump (SSAT) and you may have noticed something strange. It is silence from SSAT. He has not mentioned her by name since the verdict. SSAT’s typical reaction to anything adverse is to fire off a series of angry posts on his social media site at everyone and everything he perceives is against him, and use those attacks to raise money. But not this time. Even many of his most his vociferous allies have gone quiet.

Some of Trump’s critics said they weren’t surprised that many of his defenders chose to keep an arm’s length from the fallout. This wasn’t a case about classified documents, or an effort to keep him off the ballot. The jury’s award came for remarks Trump made about Carroll in response to her rape accusation.

“It’s his one legal case that no Republican gives a damn about because it doesn’t fit with their narrative that the Democrats are using the justice system to prevent him from running for office,” said former Illinois Rep. Joe Walsh — who unsuccessfully challenged Trump for the Republican presidential nomination in 2020. “Which is bullshit. But this one is just about Trump’s personal behavior. It’s separate.”

Could it be that it has finally sunk in that if he keeps attacking Carroll, then he will be back in court repeatedly to pay more? Carroll’s lawyer Roberta Kaplan issued a not-so-subtle threat to that effect.

Kaplan added that she is confident they will be able to collect the $83.3 million, explaining that Trump could either pay a bond or deposit the money in full until he appeals.

“I’m pretty confident one way or the other. We might not get it right away. But one way or the other, he owns a lot of real estate. It can be sold. We will collect the judgment,” Kaplan said.

While Trump has not mentioned Carroll by name in the days since the verdict, Carroll said that she is not confident the former president will refrain from defaming her, and her lawyer said “all options are on the table” if Trump decides to defame her client again.

“If we have to bring another case, we’ll bring another case. It’s just going to be more money,” Kaplan said.

Meanwhile Carroll is rubbing SSAT’s nose in it.

“If it’ll cause him pain for me to give money to certain things, that’s my intent,” Carroll told George Stephanopoulos on “Good Morning America,” suggesting she would create a “fund for the women who have been sexually assaulted by Donald Trump.”

Up to now, SSAT has avoided paying his legal fees using his own money, using instead what has been raised by his superPACs. In other words, the suckers in the MAGA cult have been footing the bill so far. But the new penalties exceed what those resources can meet and he will have pay out of his own pocket, which would be painful for someone who has a long history of avoiding paying for things.

The former president and business mogul can pay the millions of dollars to the court, which would hold the money while the appeal is pending, notes the Times.

The decision Friday adds to the previous sum of $5 million Trump was ordered to pay Carroll after a verdict found him liable for sexually abusing the columnist and defaming her over a separate comment. Trump appealed the decision last year and avoided paying Carroll the money right away at the time.

Trump also could attempt to secure a bond, which saves him from having to pay her the full amount up front, the Times report noted. He may have to pay a deposit and offer collateral that would come with interest and fees — but it also means he would have to find someone willing to lend him the significant sum of money.

The Times report said the former president has avoided spending his own money on his various legal battles, tapping into his political action committee’s funds to pay for the trials’ various fees. The newest sum, though, is much larger than the amount in his political accounts and will require him to “reach into his own pocket,” the outlet reported.

SSAT is finding out that while he can use money to get his way, others can use it against him too.


  1. sonofrojblake says

    I think this is the single most surprising development I’ve seen in nine years of paying some attention to Trump -- something has made him (at least temporarily) shut the fuck up. If you’d asked me last week, I’ve had forcefully asserted that I didn’t believe ANYTHING could make him do that. It’s interesting and gratifying to be proven wrong in that belief.

    Mmmm, pass the popcorn.

  2. Alan G. Humphrey says

    Yesterday SSAT posted a Breitbart piece that regurgitated 15 “facts” about E. Jean Carrol. It seems there is testing of boundaries going on.

  3. Deepak Shetty says

    suggesting she would create a “fund for the women who have been sexually assaulted by Donald Trump.”

    I would love to live in a world where if number of women in this fund were > 0 , that would be enough to sink this assaulters Presidency nomination. i still hope this has some impact to some “independent” voters

  4. John Morales says

    brightmoon, to what “Breitbart piece” do you refer?

    (Are you going by the unsubstantiated claim Alan made, above? )

  5. Holms says

    I hope hope hope people continue to poke and prod and rub this in Trump’s face at every opportunity. Imagine if, at every press event for the rest of his life, members of the press repeatedly ask if he still considers Carroll’s rape accusation a lie. The frustration will eat at him until either a blood vessel or his temper explodes. And I will enjoy either outcome.

    Up to now, SSAT has avoided paying his legal fees using his own money, using instead what has been raised by his superPACs. In other words, the suckers in the MAGA cult have been footing the bill so far. But the new penalties exceed what those resources can meet and he will have pay out of his own pocket, which would be painful for someone who has a long history of avoiding paying for things.

    With dollars being fungible, and with superPAC money being used freely to defray his own costs or even ending up in his own bank account, is there a difference?

  6. sonofrojblake says

    The implication seems to be that although superPAC dollars are fungible, there simply aren’t enough of them to cover this particular entirely avoidable expense.

  7. sonofrojblake says

    @brightmoon,7 :
    I’m unclear how carroll can sue trump for a list of facts published by Breitbart. Does he edit it? Own it?
    Also, it’s a list of facts. Facts cannot be defamatory. Have you read the list? Its pretty damning. For instance, Carroll admitted to enjoying watching “The Apprentice”. Strong stuff. /sarcasm

  8. KG says

    Carroll told George Stephanopoulos on “Good Morning America,” suggesting she would create a “fund for the women who have been sexually assaulted by Donald Trump.”

    Even if she devotes the entire $83.3 million to this fund, if all those eligible apply, the beneficiaries may not get all that much each!

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