When deciding which candidates to support, one looks to see positive endorsements, i.e., support and contributions from people and organizations whom one respects. But negative endorsements (i.e, if they are supported by people and organizations one detests) can also be useful
And on the latter score, we see Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and Pete Buttigieg get big donations form Wall Street executives and Harris also gets from the pharmaceutical industry executives even after she claims she rejects them.
I am not surprised about Biden and Harris because they are the Democratic party establishment candidates and so cater to the big business interests but the news about Buttigieg is disappointing.
I sort politicians into two categories: those I’d swerve to avoid if they stepped in front of my truck and those I wouldn’t. So, my endorsement is whether I value them more or less than a deer or a woodchuck. Right now either party could run a woodchuck and I’d be more excited.
It is sometimes difficult to get much meaningful information about candidates for some local races. So when i look at endorsements, I see what other candidates or positions said endorser promotes. In a recent primary race for an open position at the Port of Seattle it was obvious that progressive endorsers supported 2 candidates, and then I saw an endorsement for one of the other candidates by some organization that was also opposed to a park levy. I mentally tagged that candidate as the likely conservative one in the race based on that association.