Applause for death penalty

Look at what happened during the Republican debate yesterday.

Although I disagree with them, I can understand those who support the death penalty as an unpleasant necessity. What I find sick is enthusiasm for it.


  1. Steve LaBonne says

    It’s especially sickening in that a clearly innocent man (there have surely been others but this one is beyond doubt), Cameron Todd Willingham, was executed with the enthusiastic assent of Perry, who didn’t stop there but went on to suppress an official investigation into this horrible miscarriage of justice. So among other things, that audience was applauding the judicial murder of an innocent man. And, no doubt, these are people who pride themselves on their “morality”.

  2. P Smith says

    Steve, for the last 21 years, the US has participated in the mass murder of millions, as many as 20 million (both now and in the future due to starvation, AIDS and poisoning from depleted uranium). The two US political parties have show such callous disregard for human lives that they don’t even pretend anymore to be concerned about it:

    -- The first Iraq war, tens of thousands murdered.

    -- 500,000 Iraqi children who died between 1992-2001 because of sanctions. Madeleine Albright said in an interview, “[W]e think the price is worth it.” Tell that to their families.

    -- Roughly a million civilians and Iraqi soldiers were murdered in Iraq by the US military, including the war crime of using white phosphorus on a civilian population at Fallujjah.

    -- Countless tens of thousands of people killed in Afghanistan.

    -- Thousands more killed in Libya by weapons supplied by the US or killed directly by the US in screwups of bombing missions. Libya is about to begin a civil war which will lead to thousands more deaths.

    Et cetera, ad nauseum. That is only a partial list of the past twenty years, and doesn’t even begin to count the US’s hypocrisy in Haiti (food dumping and destruction of Haiti’s farming infrastructure leading to starvation) or Somalia (objecting to Somali pirates but not European pirates fishing in Somali waters) or the coming numbers of deaths in Africa due to the spread of HIV/AIDS and anti-condom campaigns.

    Oh, and don’t forget the abuse, rape and murder of gay people in Uganda, Kenya, Zimbabwe, South Africa and elsewhere, all supported by fundamentalist christians in the US.

    The idiots running for the republican nomination are all Dominionists, morons who openly claim the world exists for the benefit of the US and they openly advocate invasion of other countries to steal resources under the false pretense of “just wars”.


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