So bad

This is how I start my morning? Make sure you’ve got a clear path to the toilet before you click on play.

The good news: it’s not an earworm. As soon as it stopped, I figured out that there’s nothing memorable or interesting about the “song”.


  1. StevoR says

    Whelp, Musk is doing something with just one hand but I don’t think its lauching rockets..

    Musk ..gave us

    Er., no. No he didn’t.

    That’d be Karl Friedrich Benz :

    He gave us rockets? Nah, that’d be be the ancient Chinese among others.

    Saved free speech? Nope. Tell that to those he’s censored :

    Bad song, historically inaccurate song. Deluded deluded, willfully ignorant singer.

  2. says

    Just looking at the title and that grinning vacant stare; I will never play that video.

    @3 Akira MacKenzie wrote: Dumb white trash.
    I reply: you are so correct. But, then that kind of fact-ignoring imbecile is becoming the prominent mindset that is helping push us down the death spiral.

  3. says

    After thinking for a minute, Instead of viewing that video, I intentionally placed Martha and the Vandellas in my mind as an ‘earworm’. It is not pleasant, but it is surely of higher quality and more true than that bimbo drooling on a mic.
    ‘Nowhere to run to baby, nowhere to hide’

  4. Allison says

    I didn’t run the video, but it wasn’t obvious from the title whether it was serious or satire.

    Can anyone who has listened answer that?

  5. stuffin says

    What is wrong with you? Do you really expect us to watch a video with a title that says, “Thank You Elon Musk?”

  6. Bad Bart says

    @7 Allison:
    I watched the first ~15 seconds. When they celebrated that he “eliminated woke pain” I realized they were serious and I was out.

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