Straight up Nazi shit

Trump is letting it all hang out. His recent comments are all about eugenics and race and heritable criminality.

When you look at the things that she proposes, Trump, speaking of Vice President Harris, told far-right pundit Hugh Hewitt Monday morning, they’re so far off she has no clue. How about allowing people to come to an open border? 13,000 of which were murderers, many of them, murdered far more than one person, and they are now happily living in the United States you know now, a murderer.

I believe this. It’s in their genes, and we got a lot of bad genes in our country right now, Trump alleged.

None of that is true. The 13,000 convicted criminals are the sum total of all immigrants over the last 40 years; immigrants convicted of a serious crime aren’t happily living in the US, they are in jail or living as felons; immigrants have a lower rate of criminality than life-long US residents; and it has absolutely nothing to do with “genes.” Trump has no idea what genes are, he just wants to blame the ancestry or race of all immigrants somehow, as if they’re carrying some heritable taint.

Don’t berate me with technical details about what constitutes a literal Nazi, he’s a fucking Nazi in spirit and deed.


  1. stuffin says

    ” Trump,” “told far-right pundit Hugh Hewitt”

    Now there is a beautiful combination. Hewitt is the biggest POS at WaPo.

  2. christoph says

    I remember Trump giving a speech a few years ago to a mostly white crowd in the Midwest. He told them they all had “good genes,” and that “they knew what he was talking about.”

  3. robro says

    Well, if anyone knows something about “heritable criminality” it would be Trump. His father was a racist, con man, much like Trump. However, I don’t think that’s “heritable” in the sense of genes, but lessons taught to him by his dad. His grandfather may have had some unsavory aspects to his occupations as well…something about a restaurant on Washington Street in Seattle when it was known as “The Line” replete with saloons, casinos, and brothels.

    Incidentally I just read that grandfather Trump died suddenly of what was first identified as pneumonia but later recognized as an early case of the 1918-1920 Flu Epidemic.

  4. lanir says

    And the republican in the video treats it like it’s just politics. Eugenics is not a political stance. It’s a lie shared by sociopaths. This isn’t a difficult concept to figure out and that’s why the GOP has been so focused on gerrymandering and stuffing the court system. It’s hard to win a democratic election with bad ideas that have been losing for a century.

  5. nomdeplume says

    It used to be the case that Trump and his senior followers would say things that imitated parts of Hitler rhetoric. We are well past this now, and if Hitler was reborn he would now be trying to catch up woth Trump’s rhe

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