Martyn Iles, the heir to the pile of dishonest shit that is Answers in Genesis, has posted a tirade about the sin of lying.

One of the biggest changes | have seen over the course of my not-that- long life is the normalisation of lying.
Yes, at the level of worldview and culture . .. “woke” is effectively an “objective truth is evil” belief system. Politics is a festival of lies to the point of being a depressing joke. The media lied so much they’re dying. But also at the level of relationships. People actively deceive each other, deny their behaviour, say whatever is expedient to the moment, or hide their true agenda, simply as a way of life.
And when you catch them out, they kick you out of their life.
It’s become shockingly normal.
Effortless, brazen, easy liars, and deceivers are multiplying. People who have become so calloused in their own self-interest and self-serving that they say whatever it takes.
I have sat in rooms where apparently reputable people tell outright lies to get what they want or avoid scrutiny. It’s so shocking that your first assumption is to imagine that you must be mistaken.
Are you a Christian? Then you tell the truth. Ruthlessly. Consistently. Without fail. Without fear. Every time. Because truth is good, no matter what. .. even when we feel like it will cost us. The cost will ultimately be for good.
The closest you will ever come to a lie is remaining silent in those exceptional situations where wisdom demands it.
And if your goals cannot be achieved with honesty, then your goals are simply wrong, and you are on a wrong path, no matter how self- righteous you may feel about it.
Remember, the Holy Spirit is called “the Spirit of truth™—and Satan is called “the father of lies.” Your denials, misrepresentations, masked agendas, and self-serving deceptions only serve one of those two. Really, this issue is a barometer for measuring how active Satanism is in a given place or situation. If there is a pattern or system of deception, you know what’s up.
Stay true.
The most brazen, easy liars
I’ve ever met have all been creationists. I am reeling at the level of projection and the lack of self-awareness in his post.
If this is an admission that Satanism is active at Answers in Genesis, I might agree with some of it.
Imagine if Miep Gies followed that philosophy. “Why yes, officer, I am hiding Jews in the attic. It was my Christian duty to admit to it.”
never again is what you swore the time before
‘…“Woke” is effectively an “objective truth is evil” belief system.’ is certainly a telling remark.
James David Vance is an anagram for “Caveman Adds Jive.”
James Bowman (Vance’s original name) is an anagram for “Me Swam Banjo.”
James Hamel (Vance’s next assumed name) is an anagram for “Eel Jam Sham.”
I would like to hear his definition of “woke.”
From the way right-wingers use it, I think it means “insufficiently bigoted.”
Reminds me of the “Evil is Good” sermon from Vampire in Brooklyn.
Reginald @ #4 — I was just think about JD. As I understand it, he admitted that he made up the lie about immigrants eating pets in Springfield because it was “necessary” to stir up their base. He’s also fessed up to some other lie, but there have been so many I don’t remember.
Needless to say the Christian fascists standard bearer is an inveterate liar. He lies even when he doesn’t need to lie.
Wonder how Martyn Iles reacts to that.
it was “necessary” to stir up voters by claiming JD has sex with couches.
This loony seems to be screaming at herself in a mirror, so I’m not sure we can say she lacks self-awareness…
My encounter with creationism (over 30 years ago, now) was the last straw that disillusioned me about Christian honesty.
And the same people who support AIG vote as a bloc for a known serial bullshitter.
I wonder if it means anything that, in the conversion to the text version of the “tweet,” “the Spirit of truth” got trademarked. Just another brand.
Switch the first two letters of his last name around and you’ll get “Lies.” Notice Dan Lietha, Dumb Idiot Ham’s personal cartoonist, Note the large word “Lie” in Ham’s manifesto The Lie That word ironically and perfectly defines what Dumb Idiot Ham and his demented circus preaches in their anti-science hellhole.
@1:Walter Solomon re:lying to Nazis
I’ve lost count of the number of times Christians like Iles will argue that in those cases, you can avoid telling the entire truth (that you are hiding Jews) without lying — i.e. by lying by omission.
It’s such an idiotic argument since (a) any Nazi with two-brain cells to rub together is going to immediately realize what you’re doing and (b) only the most gifted and expert speaker could successfully navigate an interrogation while avoiding all lies under so much pressure without giving the game away.
And why would any sane person even want to risk giving up the lives they’re protecting for the sake of avoiding a lie?
A certain slasher-novelist is gonna get our esteemed host.
(Actually, PZ could easily outrun him, even on a bad-foot day.)
Wow. Iles really must hate Trump then, yeah? The man who has never knowingly told the truth in his life?
‘All wood burns,’ states Sir Bedevere. ‘Therefore,’ he concludes, ‘all that burns is wood.’ This is, of course, pure bullshit.
Robro @ #7
“Never let the truth get in the way of a good story.”
― Mark Twain
For such a passionate screed, I note a distinct lack of concrete examples. What, precisely, did the media lie about, Martyn? What behaviours do people deny? What agendas are hidden? What truths are going unspoken?
But no, he wants to act morally superior without committing to any actual positions, so he remains vague. Typical empty rhetoric.
The lack of self-awareness, it burns …
I suspect I am as ‘woke’ as anybody on this platform, but actually I do believe in objective truth — when it comes to objective matters, like the age of the universe or the evolution of life. I’m not so sure about the objectivity of ethics however. I wonder how one can objectively establish that “truth is good, no matter what”? What observation justifies such a statement?
Phillipbrown @16
Actially all wood doesn’t burn, so not only is the logic wrong, so are the premises.,with%20an%20attractive%20wavy%20pattern.,with%20an%20attractive%20wavy%20pattern.
tl/dr, allowing screeds that long is another of the many ways Musk destroyed Twitter.