The aliens took over Tucker Carlson’s brain!

Tucker Carlson started a new show on Twitter, of all places. It was ten minutes of Tucker in a barn spouting off conspiracy theories. He has already received a cease-and-desist letter from Fox News, saying he’s under a non-compete agreement.

It’s not going great, in other words.

Here’s his mission. He’s treading on Alex Jones’ toes!

What exactly happened on 9/11? Well, it’s still classified. How did Jeffrey Epstein make all that money. How did he die? How about JFK and so endlessly on.

Also, he’s more like an Art Bell wanna-be. His big story was this one:

Yesterday, for example, a former Air Force officer who worked for years in military intelligence came forward as a whistleblower to reveal that the U.S. government has physical evidence of crashed, non-human-made aircraft, as well as the bodies of the pilots who flew those aircraft.

It was clear he was telling the truth. In other words, UFOs are actually real and apparently so is extraterrestrial life. Now we know. In a normal country, this news would qualify as a bombshell, the story of the millennium. But in our country, it doesn’t.

He never did have a good handle on the truth.

Goodbye, Tucker. Even if you become popular again, it will be as a crackpot, a joke, a goofball on the fringe that everyone laughs at.


  1. raven says

    …the U.S. government has physical evidence of crashed, non-human-made aircraft, as well as the bodies of the pilots who flew those aircraft.

    This is nonsense.

    We have never crashed an aircraft since we don’t even fly aircraft. They are flying saucers and they are…space ships.
    Anyone who can’t tell the difference between aircraft and space ships doesn’t have any credibility.

  2. Akira MacKenzie says

    He’s trying to be a more respectable and less-insane-sounding Alex Jones.

  3. flex says

    @1, Now I’m wondering about non-human-made aircraft…

    Would that be a squirrel on a big leaf? I could believe they might have both the leaf and the squirrel.

  4. StevoR says

    Given how paranoid Tucker Carlsoon is about humans that are slightly different than him how will ‘ole Tucker bigot cope with actual aliens actual charge of what passes for his hate- swollen “brain” ..

    Oh well, actually I really don’t care, probe away ETs! ;-)

    @1.raven : Er, the X15?

    For that matter the Space Shuttle, its Soviet Union equivalent the Buran and the current X33 spaceplane?

    Also the Phoenix from Battle of the Planets :

    Oh & if their Space Saucers are that big then how big are their Space Teacups and how good and what type of Chai are they drinking from them?

  5. Matt G says

    The real question: is human Jesus their Lord and Savior, or do they have a different guy?

  6. says

    Apart from anything to do with Tucker Carlson… Non-compete agreements are evil anti-worker bullshit and ought to be illegal.

  7. raven says

    Tucker Carlson is a hack but he doesn’t even do that very well.

    A common fundie xian belief is that UFOs are real but piloted by demons.

    “The group believes that our purported alien visitors are, in reality, deceptive demons and fallen angels. “
    When you’ve given up on understanding reality, anything and everything might be true.
    The US government knows this as this book on proves

    FINAL EVENTS and the Secret Government Group on Demonic UFOs and the Afterlife Kindle Edition
    by Nick Redfern (Author) Format: Kindle Edition

    For four years, UFO authority Nick Redfern has been investigating the strange and terrifying world of a secret group within the U.S. Government known as the Collins Elite. The group believes that our purported alien visitors are, in reality, deceptive demons and fallen angels. They are the minions of Satan, who are reaping and enslaving our very souls, and paving the way for Armageddon and Judgment Day.

  8. Bruce says

    #1.Raven made a good point: if aliens came from space, then they didn’t come by an aircraft, because there’s no air in space.
    But technically, any crashed vessel is a not-made-by-humans vessel, because it was made from a human vessel interacting with a crash. So the wreckage was not human designed, by definition. And never can be.
    Whatever Tucker says is wrong. We may not know yet if he is being stupid or lying, or is choosing to believe someone else who is stupid or lying. But whenever we do what the big kids do, and take into account the prior probability that some total bs happened, Tucker never has the credibility to have anyone believe anything he says.
    Tucker’s credibility is like the town fireworks display, when the first ten minutes sees an ember destroy his whole show. Nobody should ever trust him even to blow up stuff any more.

  9. Reginald Selkirk says

    It was clear he was telling the truth. In other words, UFOs are actually real and apparently so is extraterrestrial life.

    Yeah sure. Remember when they to9ldus those videos were incontrovertible proof that extraterrestrials are real? And then they turned out to be easily explainable with simple knowledge of photographic artifacts and basic physics. Bokeh! Bokeh! Bokeh!

    So now how are we supposed to take seriously the evidence they present of extraterrestrial craft?
    Oh wait, they haven’t actually presented any evidence.

  10. R. L. Foster says

    To be honest, Tucker’s views on aliens and UAPs are the least illogical of all his stated beliefs. There’s really nothing about the subject that is beyond the realm of possibility. I don’t know what those unknown objects/craft are or where they come from, but once you accept that a technological hurdle may have been overcome by another species then it’s not out of the question that they would come here and observe. Just look at us. We’re trying desperately to leave earth and expand into the solar system. Of course rockets are a primitive and dangerous way to do it. But if we ever do discover a propulsion system that isn’t the equivalent of a giant firecracker you just know we’ll be scooting to the nearest star systems before you can say Elon Musk. I’ve had three sightings of inexplicable objects in the sky over the years. I have no idea what they were except to say that they weren’t conventional aircraft. I’ll keep an open mind on this subject.

  11. Reginald Selkirk says

    What if this is a double fake-out? If extraterrestrials exist, Tucker Carlson is probably one of them. He is trying to throw us off, because we have come to expect that everything he says is a lie.

  12. Pierce R. Butler says

    Tucker Carlson started a new show on Twitter…

    Hey, it went better than the Musk/DeSantis premiere!

    Even if you become popular again, it will be as a crackpot, a joke…

    Or as the 2024 Republican presidential nominee (yes, the categories do not conflict).

  13. wzrd1 says

    Well, apparently, the space aliens gave up on flying around in flying saucers or floating tea cups, now they’re flying around in flying tennis balls.
    And every defense department of every nation on earth has their sample of space aliens and flying tennis balls, but all are keeping it souper seekrit and only one man has the bravery to tell the truth about the space aliens and their balls.
    With proof being some shitty videos of a falling tennis ball and mylar balloons, plus tons of hand waving.
    But then, it’s seekrit and we know how well we keep those. It’s not as if classified documents get copied and given to the press or even internet chat rooms.

    So, the truth is, space aliens are flitting about, competently flying between the stars and crashing in every nation on earth and only the hand waves know about these highly energetic craft crashing and killing their occupants and entirely refraining from exploding and blasting a hole halfway to the planet’s core, again, because of hand wave.
    Seriously, their hands should be as numb as their empty skulls by now.
    Or, we have to believe that Launchpad McQuack is flying about crashing into the planet all over the place, aboard his Federated Starshit Boobyprize.
    Thankfully, we have the TV dinner guy to tell us all the truth or something.
    Nanu-nanu, folks!

  14. says

    I’m not sure which is more ridiculous and pathetic: Tankie Tucks trying to stay relevant by spouting stupid bigoted irrelevant bullshit from his own little Twitter niche, or Fox going to court to stop him from “competing” against them in the stupid bigoted irrelevant bullshit department. Either way, this little shit-fight is funnier than Al-Qaeda-Pat’s and James Watt’s deaths put together.

  15. birgerjohansson says

    StevoR @ 6 That anime is too good to be shown in a thread about Tucker Carlson!
    A proper Tucker-esque anime with aliens would be Chargeman Ken.

    Anyway, in the “documentary” @ 8 they rule out aliens because of the enormous energy needed for spsce travel.
    Instead, it must be demons from another dimension as trans-dimensional-travel as we all know is fairly energy neutral

  16. Oggie: Mathom says

    There must be aliens and their technology here on earth. After all, where do you think Velcro came from? (No, really, this is an argument made to me by a fellow student when I was in high school)

  17. Nemo says

    @Oggie #22: Well, according to the documentary “Star Trek: Enterprise”, episode “Carbon Creek”, velcro was indeed introduced to Earth by the Vulcans.

    On the other hand, tabloid rags like Wikipedia claim it was invented by puny Earthling George de Mestral. Incroyable!

  18. birgerjohansson says

    The place Tucker came from:
    Conservative media are literally siding with the smoke from the fires!

    “Conservative media think smoke-filled New York air is ‘beautiful’ and ‘healthy’ ”
    The fuckers are either literally idiots or they think their viewers are idiots.

  19. birgerjohansson says

    Strewth @ 26
    Yes, this is obviously the work of Terrence and Phil!

  20. tacitus says

    @14: I don’t know what those unknown objects/craft are or where they come from, but once you accept that a technological hurdle may have been overcome by another species then it’s not out of the question that they would come here and observe.

    There are two issues here.

    First, any civilization capable of interstellar travel doesn’t need to be constantly flitting around Earth in detectable spacecraft risking discovery in order to monitor what’s going on here on Earth — especially not in this day and age when you can simply monitor the endless torrent of information being transmitted around the globe from afar. You wouldn’t even need to do that to monitor Earth’s biosphere — remote sensing from (say) a tiny hidden outpost on the Moon would be more than enough. It’s simply ridiculous to believe such aliens would allow themselves to be discovered, or even discoverable, in any shape or form unless they wanted to be.

    Second, how come the evidence is no better today than it was 70 years ago, despite the orders of magnitude improvement in video and imaging technology, regardless of the wavelengths involved, not forgetting the stupendous proliferation of high definition sensors around the world, with virtually everyone carrying a camera far more capable than the best amateur snapshot cameras from the 1970s in their back pockets.

    Yet, even today, all we get are fuzzy blobs and burry streaks of lights that remain on the wrong side of identifiability regardless of how many more opportunities we have for capturing high definition images these days. So either these aliens are the biggest teases going, or it’s all just wishful thinking of conspiracy theorists and fantasists. And as much as I would love for the aliens to be real, it’s patently obvious to me that it’s the latter of the two options.

    If and when aliens visit Earth and choose to reveal themselves, there will be no room for doubt. But until them, the old adage of astronomers applies here too: “It’s never aliens.”

  21. Matt G says

    birgerjohansson@25- The formula is very simple: if the liberals are for it, they are against it; if the liberals are against it, they are for it. It’s just childish contrarianism. Witness their leader.

  22. devnll says

    “Even if you become popular again, it will be as a crackpot, a joke, a goofball on the fringe that everyone laughs at.”

    No change there then…

  23. david says

    Obviously, the space aliens have come here to steal our testicle tanning equipment. They saw T.C.’s infomercial and got jealous of our advanced technology.

  24. Matt G says

    david@32- Do you really think space aliens keep their testicles on the outside of their bodies??

  25. drew says

    It’s not going great, in other words.

    Only if those other words explain how 100M views, far more than Fox or MSNBC talking heads garner is “not going great.”

    Carlson started challenging the narrative so Fox tried to Donahue him. But Carlson’s already rich and doesn’t need to Fox money so he’s just talking (no advertising yet) on his own right now.

    I’d think that you would savor the rift he’s creating on the right.

  26. wzrd1 says

    100 million, how many were views by bots, either to inflate numbers of analyze and create gibberish?

    Carlson is a drone to the party, to be trivially discarded. He’s lost his amplifiers, now he’ll be abandoned as a broken tool by his betters, to go zanier to try to capture attention until he’s utterly ignored.
    Then, he’s back to TV dinner income.