Fall has fallen

I don’t think it’ll be getting back up for a while.


  1. hemidactylus says

    I’m hoping for some cold fronts ASAP to cool down the tropical waters. Last year was the first time I took a daily look at tropical Caribbean area water temps and applauded the encroaching cooldown. Plus what passes for autumn here is at least a relief from summer heat.

    I’ve been lucky so far this year but there’s always the Central American Gyre (CAG) which can send stuff upwards in October. I think Michael was associated with this area which sometimes seems to rival the Cape Verde (CV) seeds that come off Africa. Not sure if Africa is closed for business yet, but wonder what the CAG zone may spawn.

    Cool that water down cold fronts!

  2. hemidactylus says

    @3- John
    Thanks for dashing my hopes. So an artifact? Ugghh.

    “It’s an artifact, during the historical era, of competing anthropogenic (greenhouse warming and sulphate aerosol cooling) drivers and, during the earlier period, an artifact of the fact that volcanic forcing happens to have displayed a roughly multidecadal pacing in past centuries.”

    So yay for volcanic activity and sulphate aerosols? Probably oversimplifying but did sulphur dioxide pollution both put brakes on tropical activity AND contribute to acid rain? I guess burning a bunch of matches would be a bad way to protect from hurricanes:

    “[Sulphur dioxide] is a toxic gas responsible for the smell of burnt matches.

  3. hemidactylus says

    Sounds like a bad idea born of necessity?:


    “Spraying sulphur dioxide and other particles into the planet’s upper atmosphere would create a cloud of sulphuric acid that reflects some of the sun’s rays, cooling the planet, researchers say.

    The largely untested technology mimics the effects of volcanic eruptions, and could be deployed with modified airplanes, balloons or other delivery devices, they say.”

  4. John Morales says

    I do worry a bit about geoengineering proposals; the principles are known, but the side-effects may be… well, worse than the cure. Yet, come desperate times, desperate measures may be attempted.

    Ah well, I’ll be either dead or in my utmost dotage when that comes about.

  5. davidc1 says

    I hate autumn ,silly death worship ,dark days ,cold nights .
    Talking of Volcanoes ,I have just finished” Krakatoa ” by some bloke named Simon Winchester .
    Did you know ,the first thing they found on the remains of the Volcano was a Spider ,one of them Ballooning
    ones .

  6. birgerjohansson says

    Question: why are electric cars getting so much attention when biofuels (biodiesel, ethanol, or even better, butanol) are slot-in petroleum replacements? I understand it will take at least a decade of bioengineering to be able to produce biofuels at a cost compareable to petroleum fuels, but changing the electric grid and building carbon-neutral electricity sources will also take time.

  7. John Morales says

    birgerjohansson, they’re better all around, that’s why.

    Simpler. More efficient. More reliable. Less maintenance.

  8. birgerjohansson says

    John Morales @ 9
    Yes, a century ago the only batteries were inefficient as hell so it was a choice between internal combustion (as per Herr Otto or Herr Diesel) or make do with even more cumbersome steam engine cars. But as the support infrastructure is locked in to internal combustion the transition will be an expensive pain in the ass.

  9. John Morales says

    birgerjohansson, well yes, the infrastructure isn’t in yet. That is, the equivalent of petrol (gas to USAnians) stations everywhere.

    (OTOH, no need for vehicles to literally and physically deliver bulk fuels to those stations on an ongoing basis. Just wires)

    Anyway, that’s a version of the sunk cost fallacy.