Back in the long-ago, when I did animal surgeries, I was familiar with Betadine. It was a routine part of our prep work. You anesthetize the cat, and then you put lots of Nair on the surgical field to remove the hair, then you wipe off the hair with the Nair and use a razor to shave off any remaining stubble, and finally, you swab the skin thoroughly with a Betadine solution to sterilize it. It was potent stuff. End result: a bald cat with clean bright reddish-orange skin.
I would never have dreamed of drinking or gargling that stuff. Why would anyone in their right mind do something that stupid?
I did not consider the lunacy of anti-vaxxers.
As if attempting to one-up last week’s stupidity with regards to ivermectin, anti-vaxxers on Facebook and Twitter are advocating for a new and unproven Covid-19 treatment: Betadine, an antiseptic used to treat cuts and scrapes.
Povidone iodine, often sold under the brand-name Betadine, is an iodine-based treatment largely for topical use that kills bacteria. It’s a “commonly used cleanser in the ER and OR,” says Kenneth Weinberg, an emergency room physician in New York City. “If you’re in the ER and someone has a wound to sew it up, you use it to clean with.” When told that anti-vaxxers had taken to gargling with Betadine, Weinberg said, “Fuck me! Of course they are.”
They’re also using 1% Betadine eye-drops. This is insane.
Needless to say, the side effects of ingesting Betadine can be nasty. Weinberg said that when he was doing his residency, he treated a patient who went into kidney failure after drinking iodine and had to be on dialysis (he eventually recovered, but only after he’d started urinating reddish-brown). “I’m sure it would cause all kinds of GI symptoms as well if you ate or drank enough of it,” he says. When asked if gargling Betadine could reduce the effects of Covid-19 or prevent transmission, Weinberg said, “Fuck no.”
I think I like that doctor.
If I may make a suggestion: these people are using it improperly. In my experience, you always had to treat with Nair first, then the Betadine. I’m sure it would improve the efficacy if they first drank a few tablespoons of that stuff, then gargled with Betadine. (SUGGESTION MADE IN JEST: do not consume calcium hydroxide. I don’t want to see that the next mad fad among these wackaloons is something I joked about.)
Hey, everyone. GET THE VACCINATION. Jesus.
I’ve used it to sterilize the medicine port of peritoneal dialysis bag and the tops of heparin vials before injecting heparin. (Never mind why, I’m just happy I don’t have to do it anymore.)
No. I wouldn’t drink it any more than I’d drink Clorox.
Teh main problem with this FAKE advice is it’s a proven safe effective “preventative”. It’s clearly far better to get sick, be admitted to hospital (if there is room) and then to ICU (if there is space), and then die. That proves the pandemic virus is a hoax ! The exhausted angry doctors and nurses are simply upset because the Big Pharma payments are not coming through !!1! What those ER and ICU professionals need to do, of course, obviously, is push the current fad de jour (e.g., ivermectin), all of which are helpfully available via numerous friendly sites free of educated advice.
And “Dr” Fauci is a reptilian commie athesit moolsin evil pseudo-wizard, intend on dissolving your babies in vats of DHMO to achieve total immorality and continuously extend his reign of terror. Proof, proof, is he is really a she, and can be found in such renown texts as Protocols of Elders of Zion and Urrgh splatt, the first ever written text known — chiseled in many unmeltable ice caves across the flat bowel of the Earth. The so-called “gobal warming” is a plot to erase his evualonist heresy, cover-up his denial of teh trvth, and suppress the third coming of Trump (the Romans killed him first, the Democrat party killed him second, but he arises again, never to to defeated!).
(Wipes spittal off the monitor and goes to have a lie-down…)
Is it more likely to kill ’em off than ivermectin? Let them be. Most people value keeping their hands clean.
At first I thought this had to be a hoax. Betadine? Really?
Then @4 hit the nail on the head. They are subconsciously merging with The One becoming Orange from the inside. And seeing through Orange colored corneas because the drops. And marking everything orange with their pee. Orange infested Trump fountains. Yipes!
Betadine also contains nonoxynol-9. They call this an inactive ingredient above but that is stretching the definition of inactive.
Nonoxynol-9 is commonly used as a spermicide in contraception foams and is a surfactant, with detergent like properties.
Betadine isn’t something you should use internally.
Oh wait. Rolling Stone? Hmmm…
Earlier in the pandemic and probably they still are, people were drinking bleach (or MMS which is bleach). Some of them ended up in the hospital.
Some of them ended up dead since it sometimes kills people.
As people keep saying, the hospitals are full of Covid-19 virus patients.
They are not full of Covid-19 vaccine injury patients.
The betadine users are all wrong. I treated a case of oral thrush with gentian violet. It worked great, but turned my tongue bright purple! That HAS to be better than reddish brown, so let’s encourage the antivaxxers to use that next. They will be much easier to spot in public.
I’m honestly waiting for someone to start selling Japanese pufferfish livers as cure.
Until this story is more thoroughly vetted I will take the notion of betadine usage having any prevalence amongst antivaxxers with a grain of iodized salt.
The origin of this is possibly a Stanford study in December last year, in Redding California, Whatever happened to the nasal spray tested in Redding as a possible COVID-19 treatment? (undated, but obviously sometime in 2021):
However, Dr Domb / quack Dumb seems to have gone over to the dark side, Redding doctor says there is an extra layer of protection against COVID-19 available:
Admittedly, Domb / Dumb isn’t (based on the above excerpts) saying to drink or gargle with it, so perhaps they haven’t gone completely quacky. (Nor do I see how they might profit off it, proiting being another quack attribute, leaving aside things like book deals and
celebrityincredulous-promotion shows.)There is an old saying that says you cant fix stupid. Seems to me the anti vaxxers are giving it the old college try.
Japanese pufferfish livers as cure
That only works if the livers (which must be from fish caught in the wild in the winter†) not prepared by a so-called “licensed” chef, the licensing being part of the obvious deep state plot to depopulate the planet and replace the few remaining humans will reptilian 5G duplicators.
† According to Ye Pffft! of All Knowledge, fugu can only(?) be captured in the spring, and is then commonly farmed until winter, when it is considered the most tasty.
The only other approved use I know of is you’ve been kissed by a dog.
Do you think we could get these people to start vaccinating if we disguised the vaccine as a detergent injection or something?
Well, they already tried bleach, at the suggestion of their god-king Ubu…
While growing up on a dairy farm, I got accustomed to the occasional use of “purple medicine” on people, although it was labeled as a topical veterinary antiseptic intended for cows and horses (and other large animals). It was a solution containing Gentian Violet (and, yes, it was violet) and there was always a large bottle of it in the dairy barn. If a cow scratched herself against an errant nail or a barbed-wire fence, one of us would slap some purple medicine across the wound to disinfect it. Worked great. So what did we do with our own scratches? Slapped purple medicine on it. Worked great. One time in high school, the school nurse saw that I had smeared some purple medicine on an abrasion on my ankle. She was shocked. (I guess she didn’t have too many farm kids coming in to see her.) But this is the sort of thing that makes country people susceptible to the conversion of animal meds to human use. What’s new is the impact of social media, which provides the misinformation that makes extreme off-brand use seem like a good idea (that “they” don’t want you to know!), so the nonsense spreads far and wide.
At least we never gargled with purple medicine, so I guess we understood the nature of “topical.” Now we live in a depraved new world.
If I was a consummate clinic, I’d say: Why? I’d let evolution work its usual magic…
Luckily, I’m not.
Is Forbes more reputable?
That was supposed to say: “consummate cinic” Damn autocorrect!
Cynic, I think.
Maybe they will try mercurochrome next.
Bruce Fuentes@23 I think you’re on the right track. It will all come full circle when they start advocating high-concentration thimerosal injections–i.e. the vaccine additive that Wakefield blamed for autism in his discredited research.
@anthonybarcellos #18:
I can remember my mum using gentian violet on the scratches and grazes me and my brother picked up as kids. I didn’t think it at all unusual, because she was a nurse. You could buy it from any chemist’s shop, in little purple six-sided bottles with a pipette fitted into the bottle mouth, under the screwcap. That said, I think it got overtaken by antiseptic creams by about 1980.
@2 Sorry ,I can’t take anyone seriously who doesn’t combine Nazi with commie when they are in full rant .
So, I predict that next week emergency rooms will be overrun by antivax idiots who shoved UV lamps up their posteriors–giving emergency room nurses yet another story to tell in a long and venerable genre, usually featuring words like, “Uh, I slipped and fell…”
bruce fuentes @23…or merthiolate. Mmmmmm! Them’s eats! Stings like hell going down. Perfect for anti-vaxxers.
Next up: Dettol?
@#13, StonedRanger:
There is a proverb, I believe Japanese, that “only death cures fools”.
You do not want to shove this where the sun doesn’t shine and turn it on.
Heck, I wouldn’t even want to be in the same room when it’s lit!
I don’t even care any longer. It’s not PC, it’s “anti-humanist” (because apparently letting a bunch of people die due to idiots clogging up hospitals is fine but not wishing people get the poetically-just consequences of their actions, oh nooooo~!), but I don’t give a fuck any longer.
I have sympathy for the ones that are just misinformed and frightened, and even a little for the ones who are willfully stupid, but for the people spreading this shit like the right-wing radio hosts who are dropping dead in droves? None. And even if I have sympathy for the first two groups, we have finite, limited resources and there are already cases of people dying due to overloaded ICUs full of Covidiots.
Cynic. Right. It’s one of the bad things about typing on a spanish programmed phone with autocorrect. Damn!
Betadine does make a mouthwash for dental patients at 0.5% strength. You aren’t supposed to drink it though.
If Betadine and salt water are “just as effective” (i.e., hardly effective at all) at killing bacteria in your nose, why not use SALT WATER?
And, if they’re any good at all in klling bacteria, why are you using them for a virus? Yeah, don’t answer that, I already know.
Too much iodine and iodide will destroy your thyroid as weill as overburden your kidneys. And, I want to point out that Betadine contains hydrogen iodide, which is one of the strongest acids, stronger than hydrochloric, and putting a lot of it on a sensitive mucus membrane like your nose is going to add up.
blf @14: No, I mean I’m expecting them to start eating whole fugu livers.
Betadine? That stuff tastes terrible!!!
Reminds me of the classic safety rhyme I learned in 10th grade:
@9, @18, @25 The mention of gentian violet takes me back to reading Catch 22. It was the medic’s go to remedy for whatever ails you, from blurred vision to shell shock.
I too thought Betadine was strictly for external use, but according to
Cold sores – Betadine has a specialised antiseptic cold sore range to assist in the management of cold sore outbreaks.
Sore throats ‐ Betadine sore throat gargles are proven to kill bacteria that can cause sore throats in as little as 30 seconds.
Not the same as drinking the stuff, but still…
An asthmatic friend turned me on to the squirting sterile saline up my nose trick for getting rid of annoying detritus. More convenient than a neti pot, which I gather has dangers if the water is nonsterile tap as you could be introducing nasty protozoa into your mucus membranes near your…brain. The most recent stuff I bought by accident has eucalyptus in it. The effects of that are…interesting.
But I doubt it has much preventative effect against viruses. Hopefully antivaxxers don’t resort to pointing garden hoses up their noses. The saline bottle squirt just feels good once in a while. I do worry about contamination.
I don’t want to see that the next mad fad among these wackaloons is something I joked about.) ,
Too late too late you let the cat out of the bag, better come up with a strong(er) disclaimer.
microrapter@36, Yes, if the fugu liver is not prepared by a licensed chef (as clearly said in the joke @14), then eating one whole is one of the possibilities. So why the “no”…?
mandrake@39 The only thing I can’t figure out is how Donovan avoided working “gentian violet” into the lyrics of Wear Your Love Like Heaven. I think he made up a few new colors for that song.
I had to do that for my twin brother after he had surgery to remove polyps that were blocking both nostrils .
He has a learning disability ,and could not do it for himself .
Can’t say we enjoyed the process ,after however long it was I did it for him .I boiled the gear and
had a go myself ,not going to do that ,even though the consultant said it was good for the nose .