Check it out, lunar eclipse on Sunday night over a big chunk of the Earth.
The lunar event will last about four hours, beginning at 9:36 p.m ET Sunday, Jan. 20 and ending about 1:50 a.m. ET Monday, Jan. 21. The beginning of the total eclipse phase will occur at 11:41 p.m. ET, according to NASA. The duration of totality will be 62 minutes.
Unfortunately for me, we’re predicted to have a couple of days of snow around that time. Question: if the sky is socked in with gray clouds everywhere, do I still get to turn into an extra-large, extra-vicious werewolf that night?
Is it just my imagination or are the names for these fairly common astronomical events become longer and more stupid?
Even more awesome will be the three blood wolf moon.
No, but you will have an increased chance of Critical Success if you cook during that time.
Heavily overcast here at the moment but the weather report says we should get some clearing this evening so it should be visible.
Werewolves! Ha! Stuff and nonsense!
Now pardon me, I’ve got to prepare for the blood sacrifice to summon The Black Goat of the Woods with a Thousand Young. Super Blood Wolf Moons don’t happen every day.
@#1 Sarah00
I hate this shit. As an amateur astronomer, I’m all for bringing people’s attention to the night sky, but Jebus Crabst, call it what it is: Lunar Eclipse. Explain WHY the eclipse happens (how do the flat earthers get around this?) Explain WHY the moon turns the color it does. Explain WHY the moon appears different sizes from month to month. Teach, but goddamn, stop senstionalizing.
Personally, I find lunar eclipses moderately interesting, but pretty boring. If the skies are clear, I might wander outside once an hour to check on the progress, look up and say “neat”. But, I’ve seen enough of them that they’re old hat.
An eclipse prevents you from becoming a werewolf according to comic books.
But if you are Bruce Gordon an eclipse will turn you into the evil Ecilpso. It was such a common problem each month the comic would begin with a “well, he we are getting off the airplane in the jungles of the Amazon Rain Forest; it’s remote but at least its the one place that scheduled to miss the solar eclipse. It’s a lot of effort to avoid all the eclipses that occur in the world but it’s worth it to avoid that awful Ecilpso and …. Oh, no! That mural on the wall! It depicts an eclipse!”
sarah00 and drksky,
just be thankful it’s not also a “blue” moon. i feel the trend of naming full moons has been really detrimental to astronomy. a roughly 4% variation in brightness is not, in anyone’s book, enough to make something “super.” and this moon-naming fad seems to have come out of nowhere the past few years. a lot of click-baity sites credit native american tribes for the idea, although none provide any historical source (and the handful of tribes i’ve seen comment on the subject, appear more as an attempt to jump on the bandwagon than a genuine citation to purported traditions).
but unlike drksky, i get still get excited with every eclipse, no matter how many i’ve seen.
Hmm, just checked the weather for Sunday night…perfectly clear skies, and not too cold either (-25 C, a veritable heat wave compared to the overnight low TONIGHT, at -31 C). I think I can take a few minutes to appreciate a marvel of celestial alignment and maybe snap a few photos (with tripod, of course) before my fingers start to fall off. As for tonight, I’m thinking about trying that boiling-water-to-instant-snow trick…my hasty research says it might work if the air is dry enough, but that it typically has to be a bit colder to guarantee success.
Sorry for the belated response, but at least a lunar impact was briefly observed – widely and questioned, resulting in some data that was largely ignored to be reviewed and confirmed.
Poor rock residue, it’s stuck near this planet. ;)