Holy crap — I almost feel sorry for Milo Yiannopoulos

Almost. He had his 15 minutes, and then he was supposed to just fade away, but apparently his disappearance from public life is going to be preceded by setting himself on fire and taking a swan dive into a giant pool of explosive sewage. His self-indulgent lifestyle is about to implode.

The scale of Milo Yiannopoulos’s financial problems have been laid bare in an extensive tranche of documents seen today by HOPE not hate. The financial documents reveal that the once-darling of the Alt-Lite has racked up personal debts to the tune of $496,000, a figure that has included $47,499.63 owed on his credit card and $20,000 to the jewellers Cartier.

However, Yiannopoulos’ financial problems could be far worse, with one document suggesting he owes $1,600,000 to Milo Inc. alone. On top of this is $400,000 owed to his former partners the Mercer Family and $153,215 to the law firm Meister Seelig & Fein for charges related to his now dropped legal case against the publisher Simon and Schuster.

I’m kind of impressed, actually. He believed his own hype and just went nuts, and now it’s time to pay the piper, which he can’t, because he has no talent or skills.

One can only hope that all the narcissistic alt-righters and Intellectual Dark Web preeners meet a similar fate, although I doubt any of the others were quite so extravagantly profligate.


  1. auraboy says

    Reading further, the funniest element to this downfall is how rapidly he turned on his former alt-right compatriots (particularly those he owes substantial amounts of cash to). There really is no enemy of the far right but whoever threatens their income stream right now.

  2. The Other Lance says

    See Milo. See Milo dig himself into a giant hole of debt. See Milo file bankruptcy. See Milo start doing it all over again….

  3. says

    He’ll file for bankruptcy and then continue to grift, perhaps with less success.

    What’s appalling is that major media outlets will see this as his “just desserts” and will – mark my words – pay him for commentary soon after.

    Sure, he’s a complete asshole emitting nothing of value, but didn’t he formerly hobnob with other hobnobbers? My goodness, for someone like that to actually run out of money! The shame! The horror! Surely that is punishment enough! Let’s give the poor man a six-figure salary for spitting out 2k words per week. We can’t let this man suffer indefinitely. I mean, it’s one thing to oppose a minimum wage for the always-poor. The always-poor are just horrible people, and they wouldn’t know what to do with a thousand dollars if they ever got hold of it. But someone like Milo? He simply must be given a minimal living wage – say, $3k per week.

    None of the people with money actually want to face a life without money. Once they accept you as one of their own, they don’t want to see you fail, because, hey! They might wanna defend sexual assault against children themselves someday, and true freedom of speech requires (for them) that the consequences for freely speaking never include a threat to one’s money.

    They’ll prop up Milo once he goes through the bankruptcy ritual because while a 5 year old child going hungry does not stimulate any empathy in them, watching one of their cocktail-party friends lose money does. If Milo had actual skills, they’d maybe give him a job as a bank manager or a stock trader. But since he doesn’t have any skills other than yelling at people who disagree with him, they’ll ultimately have to pay him for more of that.

  4. Owlmirror says

    Uh-oh. Watch out, Australia!

    As well as his forthcoming book titled Australia, You’re My Only Hope! he also says in one leaked message that: “I am seriously considering a move to Australia in the next year or two. The political environment in the US is insane.”

  5. says

    I am seriously considering a move to Australia in the next year or two. The political environment in the US is insane.

    “This body is too sick for my taste,” said the cancerous tumour, “it’s time for me to move on.”

  6. erichoug says


    For some reason, the far right in the US loves these sort of people who are willing to say horrible things about their own. They would gladly run Uncle Ruckus for president if he wasn’t a fictional character. So Milo thought he would bank off that forever. Or at least as long as he was willing to say horrible things about gay people.

    I suspect that he thought his book would be a huge success and, when it got pulled, that put him in the spot where he is. Never spend money that isn’t in the bank yet kids. If you have to, make it as small an amount as possible unless you want to belong to Chase Bank.

  7. Saad says

    “I am seriously considering a move to Australia in the next year or two. The political environment in the US is insane.”

    Somebody needs a safe space.

  8. Alt-X says

    Ha! He’s going to be VERY disappointed when he comes to Australia. The right wing party is getting its arse kicked over here. People are sick of the constant women bashing, the gay hatred, race fear mongering, and anti-environmentalisim of the rupert murdoch backed LNP. It’s the only 4 issues the party cares about, they can’t seem to get it in their thick skulls, we want a party that runs the country, not a party that’s only interested in just pushing its own identity politics agenda. The Alt-Right are dying because they only exist to hate, you can’t run a country on hate.

  9. chrislawson says

    As Alt-X says, Milo’s idea that Australia is a bastion of alt-right ideology is about as well-founded as his other beliefs. Our right-wing party has just gone down in flames in the state of Victoria, losing “safe” seats that have never been held by Labor. Meanwhile on the federal level, the same party has just lost its parliamentary majority in the most tawdry manner and all the polling suggests they are going to be devastated at the next election, which can be no later than May. Also, our right-wing Home Affairs minister just denied a visa to Gavin McInnes of the Proud Boys. Deplatforming extremists is considered basic good government here even by conservatives.

    This is not to deny the powerful and corrosive influence of the far right here, but Milo is delusional if he thinks he will get on better in this country. Did I say delusional? Well, I guess we already knew that.

  10. Larry says

    but Milo is delusional if he thinks he will get on better in this country.

    Yeah, but there is a good chance that he’ll be eaten by a crocodile, stung by a box jellyfish, or bitten by a redback spider. Maybe even kicked by a kangaroo. And then there are also the deadly snakes.

  11. KG says

    Yeah, but there is a good chance that he’ll be eaten by a crocodile, stung by a box jellyfish, or bitten by a redback spider. Maybe even kicked by a kangaroo. And then there are also the deadly snakes.

    Another good reason for keeping him out. Why should an innocent crocodile, snake or spider be poisoned?

  12. freemage says

    EricHoug@9: It’s true that the alt-right loves them some Uncle Toms, anti-suffragettes and self-hating gays. But they don’t get quite the same level of Reality Immunity that, say, the Dawsons and Pattersons get. What the turncoats never seem to comprehend is that the moment they become less than useful, they’re jettisoned as dead weight. While Milo was running around making bucks off of alt-right pandering, that was fine, but if he can’t make it on his own, they’ll let him drown and just use it as evidence that ‘those people’ can’t really hack it.

    There’s usually something of a cushion for them, but it’s nowhere near what’s afforded to Pious Pallid Phallus Brigade.

  13. archangelospumoni says

    Maybe he should consult with Drumpfh and the extended Drumpfh Crime Family on how to bleep the other party out of their $.
    Is this too obvious?

  14. robro says

    Inquiring minds want to know how the Mercer clique got one of their minions to owe them $400k. I’m dumbstruck at that.

  15. leerudolph says

    (I hear he has expensive tastes)

    Do you think he owes much to his filet mignon pusher?

  16. zenlike says


    The last know Patreon income of Peterson (on top of his university income, speakers fees, book sales,…) before he set it to hidden was $61,417. Each month (!). In the meantime, his number of contributors has risen from 5708 to 8591. If we take the assumption the average donation has remained stable ($10.76), this means a monthly income, only from Patreon, of $92,439. He will of course incur some costs, but some drastic things will need to happen before he gets into monetary trouble.

  17. Dunc says

    What the turncoats never seem to comprehend is that the moment they become less than useful, they’re jettisoned as dead weight.

    Yeah, Milo was never going to be “one of us” to them – he was always just a useful idiot, to be discarded as soon as he outlived his usefulness. Personally, I always figured he’d end up getting beaten to death in a parking lot by the very Nazis he was trying to suck up to. Hopefully it won’t come to that.

  18. madtom1999 says

    #10 Someone needs a safe space. That presumably being someone else’s safe with the space to open it and retrieve the contents.

  19. snuffcurry says

    What’s appalling is that major media outlets will see this as his “just desserts” and will – mark my words – pay him for commentary soon after.

    Yep. His shenanigans are entertaining to the cruel and showcasing them fluffs up the egos and boosts the credibility of self-styled “moderates” who dog-whistle the same ideas at the more correct, urbane register while signaling a return to Big Tent Conservatism (choices range from genocidal prepper all the way up to ultra-wealthy, dog-loving libertarian who pulls mock incredulous faces on Tucker Carlson at least once a fortnight), plus a man’s rehabilitation always equals bums in seats. It’s grift all the way down.

  20. nikolai says

    I’m reminded of the old saying: “If you owe the bank $5,000, you have a problem. If you owe the bank $500,000, the bank has a problem.”

    I suspect he’ll declare bankruptcy and find some other rubes willing to have their egos stroked.

  21. leerudolph says

    “This body is too sick for my taste,” said the cancerous tumour, “it’s time for me to move on.”

    Perhaps he can become an immortal cell-line (named MiYa, say) in the lab of some right-wing billionaire’s Anti-Science institute: instead of being used for research into the causes and potential cures for cancer, he’ll just be repeatedly injected into the world’s various body-politicses in hopes of turning them sick, too.

  22. says

    I’m sure that “personal responsibility” the right wing is so obsessed with everyone else demonstrating is gonna kick in any minute now. Any minute…

  23. DLC says

    Milo was an internet Troll who thought the act would sell in the real world, where people actually can punch you in the face for being an idiot, and where saying stupid shit actually has consequences. Now he can sit back and watch the money roll away, and smoke a turd.

  24. numerobis says

    “Loaned” 1.6 million from his company… that’s perilously close to illegal. Hopefully for him he can find accountants and lawyers to keep himself out of jail (alternately: hopefully for humanity he can’t).

  25. Owlmirror says

    Good news, everyone! Australia may be Milo-free going forward!

    Some of the debts discussed in various pages pertain to a recent planned Australian tour by Milo and Ann Coulter, which was supposed to take place in November of this year, but was abruptly canceled.

    I have not yet seen a reason for the cancellation, but the following may be pertinent.

    Milo Yiannopoulos’ 2017 Australian tour was met with riots and left with a $50,000 police security bill, which promoters refused to pay.

    (Milo Yiannopoulos’ Australian tour cancelled with no refunds)

    It occurred to me that the police, understandably concerned about the debt incurred from last time Milo did shenanigans in Oz, might have tacked it on to the cost of venue security to the promoters (Line item: Additional costs from the previous time you pulled this shit), and might well also have thoughtfully added it on again to the cost of venue security (Line item: Expected additional costs from you pulling this shit again).

    So his promoters might have been at least an additional $100,000 in the hole for security for the tour.

    Of course, the promoters’ brilliant move of changing the tour to Gavin McInnes and Tommy Robinson might well have led to the police adding the $50K on yet again (Line item: Expected additional costs from you pulling worse shit this time). I note that that tour was also canceled. McInnes was denied an Australian Visa.

  26. Marissa van Eck says

    The guy’s one of the worst kinds of traitors. So he’s gay, and apparently dating a black guy last I heard, and Jewish, is that right? WHY would someone like that ever support the GOP? The guy’s like 4 different flavors of Uncle Ruckus.

    I hope he suffers everything the people he was carrying water for do to people like him who AREN’T rich. Yes, I am wishing that he dies poor and alone on the street, preferably of AIDS, living in constant fear of gay-bashers. I wouldn’t ordinarily wish that on anyone, but he’s facilitated all of this, and deserves to suffer what it is he’s helped inflict on others.

  27. Porivil Sorrens says

    Yeah no, hoping that a gay person dies of AIDS is homophobic and serophobic as fuck, even if the person is shitty.

  28. Marissa van Eck says

    …did you not see the part where he spent years cozying up to the people who hope ALL of us LGBTQ types do? (Never mind we gay women are cleaner than anyone, that never factors into their thinking). He would deserve it, because he has carried water for the people who think this way, thinking that his wealth would protect him. He threw his fellow travelers under the bus, with the full expectation that he would always be on the bus. Now he doesn’t have bus fare.

    But you know, maybe you’re right. Maybe a slow demise through cancer would fit him better. As long as he has to suffer everything he helped inflict on others, at the hands of the very people he helped do it. I especially hope he has to go without insurance and work a shit low-paying job the whole time.