Skatje & Kyle had a baby girl in the middle of last night.
I’d been crossing my fingers hoping for a Halloween baby, but October 13th is close enough. We should get her some all black baby clothes so she and her mother will match.
For all the size nerds, Iliana was 3.4kg, 48cm (7lb 7oz, 19in for those who like weird units).
Congratulations all around to the new arrival, mother and father, and the grandparents on both sides.
Congrandadulations :3
Something very Renaissance about that picture.
Mazel tov.
When is she scheduled to cross Siberia and break her collarbone?
If only Mona Lisa had a baby in her arms, her smile wouldn’t have been so enigmatic.
Sili, as everyone knows, it’s elbows you break in Siberia.
I mean, congratulations, sure. And Iliana’s arrival is fantastic news. I’m wishing nothing but the best for the whole fam and babies are always exciting (at least to me), but…
Since the moment you could first be called a grandpa months ago, you were a very square grandpa. I’m guessing you were squared even before you hit high school, Grand-Daddy-O.
Congratulations all round!
And for missing Halloween: 2023 and 2028 October 13th will fall on a friday.
Congratulations first to the mum (I personally think that birthdays should celebrate the people who birth), then the babe, then the assorted family.
Congratulations. Now you have two grandchildren to spoil and dote on.
She does look like the Mona Lisa .
Congratulations and all best wishes!
We had some great black baby clothes from a second-hand shop – a black T-shirt with white spiders’-webs all over it (particularly apropos at the moment) and another with a white skull-and-crossbones. Good luck finding some cool stuff :-)
Health and happiness to all involved!
That swaddling blanket is full of spiders, isn’t it?
Congratulations! I’m glad mom and babe are both well.
Ah she’s a sweetie, congrats PZ.
Good wishes!
I’m pretty sure Skatje wouldn’t have been hoping for the extra 2 weeks of being pregnant that a Halloween baby would require. Nope nope nope.
Congratulations to everyone involved.
How exciting! Congratulations!
Skatje manages to look radiant and exhausted at the same time.
Congratulations to all concerned!
Fantastic news, congrats Grandpa x2 and parents!
Congratulations! You are a fortunate man.
Congratulations from McConnelsville.
(Counts grand-tentacles) EIGHT!!!!
Congratulations! Is your son-in-law any relation to Barry Hughart? Asking as a big fan of the Master Li/Number 10 Ox novels….
Totally OT, but I didn’t know anybody except me had read and loved them.
Congratulations, Grandsquidaddy!
I’ve read and loved them too. :D
Congratulations all around, to the parents and grandparents both. Celebrate!
I do want to boop that precious little nose, tho.
Congratulations to all! I dunno if you ever mentioned the pregnancy, not that you should have of course.
Welcome to the world you shiny new human. It’s a strange place, and a mite messed up, but it has such joy and beauty too. I reckon you’ll see that for yourself as soon as those eyes of yours can focus enough to make out the faces of those who hold you close.
Giliell, I’ve read, and loved them too. Loved them so much that I’ve read the first book aloud to two girlfriends. The second even consented to marry me, though I’m not giving Barry too much creditor that. :)
Congratulations, PZ!
Iliana is a lovely name for a lovely little one.
We’ve just returned home from meeting our newest grandchild. This makes seven for us.
Now you are going to have so much fun when you get those two cousins together.
Enjoy them!