A doctor has lost his license to practice medicine after he was found guilty of fondling the breasts of patients during examinations. He was not, however, found guilty of pressing his penis against their legs because, as he himself argued, he was too fat to get that close to them. You might be wondering how that was determined. No. You’re not wondering that, because that’s kind of the last thing you want to know about this case. I didn’t want to know, either, but the article goes ahead and tells us.
Urological experts were hired by both the college and the doctor’s defence team to chemically induce erections in Kunynetz and then simulate patient examinations to determine if indeed his penis could be felt against a patient’s leg.
After conflicting results from the two experts and after consulting photographic evidence from one of the procedures, the discipline panel could only conclude “that the impossibility of contact between the doctor’s penis and a patient’s skin (through clothing) was not established.”
TMI! TMI! I don’t even understand why they needed to get to this level of detail, since he’d already been found guilty of sexual abuse and professional misconduct. Why should precisely determining which patch of skin touched which other patch of skin even matter, since the general violation of ethical conduct had already been determined?
Oh, well. The important thing is that he won’t be practicing medicine anymore, he has lost his appointment with the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, he’s facing some massive fines, and he has still another court date at which he may be convicted of assault.
His lawyer said “throw yourself on the mercy of the court” and it turned into “leg-hump the court.”
I suppose it might matter if they were trying to charge him for each occurrence individually. Like, if you punch someone, wait five minutes, and then punch them again, you technically committed assault twice. Same if I rob your house and then rob it again a week later.
If he did both grab their breasts and rub against them (and I see no reason to doubt that he did), you’d probably be looking at even bigger fines and more instances of assault.
Did they use the little blue pills to get him feeling anxious ,(as bettlejuice would put it).
I see there is another Ontario doctor in the news for sexual assault and voyeurism. In this case the family doctor was working at University of Ottawa Health Services Clinic. Originally there was a single complaint by a patient over being filmed without her consent, but another 10 charges were added today.
Story about the original charge:
Today’s update, regarding the increase in charges:
This is not making my headache better.
Not a great article, has very little useful information in it other then the bizarre test they were doing. From the limited information here it sounds like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=beqdxDlNnVs
I’ve had the penis rub from the one chiropractic visit I ever did. In the X-ray room, where it was conveniently dark. You would not believe how difficult it is to report such an incident, there are five million excuses for it, “involuntary reaction” blah blah. I’d be willing to bet most women who have that experience never report it.
And I’m sure he made a real effort to accurately recreate crimes he was being charged with committing!
Dr Kunynetz is a deeply flawed tragic figure who happened to have been a very good dermatologist who was given more consideration by the College, that in hindsight, he deserved. In short summary, following initial complaints he was given the opportunity to continue practice in the presence of a nurse for female patients. After agreeing, he ignored that, and carried on. It is too bad there is now no way for remediation as the community is short at least 3 dermatologists. I also note that some of his female patients were somewhat amused by his actions as being relatively benign, while others were deeply traumatized. Why like some other more famous figures does he just not get it?