Other than hordes of gullible Jesusoids, that is.
Rafael Cruz the Father of U.S. Senator @tedcruz is looking forward to visiting the @ArkEncounter soon. We look forward to hosting you!! pic.twitter.com/t1Es3zuPBu
— Ken Ham (@aigkenham) October 28, 2017
Yes! The mastermind behind the JFK assassination and father of the Zodiac Killer is going to be roaming about the Big Gay Wooden Boat. I notice they don’t mention when the murderous Christian Dominionist (uh-oh, I sound like Dan Brown) is going to be prowling, so everyone better play it safe and avoid the place for a while. Like forever.
They must be getting desperate when Rafael Cruz is their ‘celebrity’ attendee.
Just don’t let Rafael Cruz near the window in the bookstore. We all know what happened the last time Rafael Cruz was near a window in a book depository.
Though isn’t this one more like a book suppository?
Much as I hold Ham’s ridiculous edifice in contempt, I do wonder why you consider it acceptable to use “gay” as a pejorative in this context?
Thank Cthulhu, when I saw the headline I was afraid it might be me, kicking & screaming all the way.
Sweet relief.
@unperson (#3)
I believe the use of “gay” in this context is related to Ken Ham’s campaign to “take back the rainbow” and lighting up his ark in rainbow lighting. Not to use the word “gay” to mean ‘bad” – but, that by lighting his ark this way, it looks more like a show of support to the gay community than as the “f you” that Ken means it to be.
I take exception to calling it a “boat”, though. That thing won’t float. It’s a “boat-shaped building.” Calling it a boat just lends credence to the rubes who think it’s “all so realistic.”
unperson@3, Please see poopyhead’s previous post, Henceforth, I shall call it the Big Gay Wooden Box. (And note then, July-2017, he said “Box” not the hugely misleading “boat”.)
@00001000bit (#5), @blf (#6)
The Empire State Building, the White House, and this apartment block have also been illuminated with rainbow floodlights. Does that make those buildings “gay” as well? No; PZM appears to be referring to this particular building as “gay” is because he feels that its owner will take offense to the comparison. That’s pretty much the very definition of pejorative.
What do you want?
The “whooshing” sound not heard is the point flying so far over the person’s head it was inaudible.
@unperson #7:
You’d have to ask PZ for his thoughts to know that, but I’d say, generally, yes, that’s one way of mocking Ham’s dismal enterprise. However, since the owner of the Big Gay Wooden Box considers gay to be a pejorative term while PZ does not, it’s Ken Ham who creates the insult in his own mind. Context matters.
It isn’t. At night, the big box is lit up with rainbow lights, it’s quite spectacular. PZ is simply referring to the pride element of the rainbow big box. As it seems you’re determined to take offense, it seems you would be unaware of a whole bunch of the religious reich who are on a ‘take back the rainbow’ for ‘god’ thing.