Tom Price has resigned as health secretary after his scandalously corrupt travel expenses.
How many does this make? Is the Trump administration in the running for record corruption? Oh, gosh, here’s a list. Trump knows the best people. He’s a people person.
According to one Wonkette comment Price makes #29
The problem wasn’t that Price was a grifter, but rather his gifting was exposed….
Oh, forgot to add the obligatory “by the fake media”. Now I’ll go use some mental floss….
I’m not sure that we have an official standardised measure of government corruption yet. EU authorities were trying to calibrate the Berlisconi as the official SI unit of corruption, and there was some talk of the Mugabe being adopted as a pan-African standard, but nothing concrete came of either project.
The Trump might well be our new gold standard. One Trump being equivalent to the amount of government corruption that takes place per year per head of population under Donald Trump.
Someone get the International Bureau of Weights and Measures on the phone.
Secretary of the Interior Zinke just got caught for the same thing, too.
The problem with using the Trump as the standard is thatost countries would be measured inn microtrumps.
Trump does remind me a lot of Berlusconi.
He too expected to have total and absolute power and whined when democracy was in the way.
Whether or not they’re the best kind of people, they’re certainly his kind of people.
Anybody else sick of winning yet?
Have you no pity?
@#4, cartomancer
Well, see, your problem is that nobody has worked out a valid conversion between different forms of corruption yet. Are we talking about partisan misuse of authority? That would be measured in Scalias. Or there’s blatant use of governmental power for personal financial gain, which would be a different unit, possibly Prices or Trumps. Or using military action to distract from your own failings, which would be measured in Bushes (although you could also arguably name it Reagans, if not various other possibilities). Then there’s deliberate inaction to the detriment of your enemies, which is another unit, and deliberate inaction on an issue to avoid negative publicity from your opponents (definitely measured in Clintons)… probably a whole bunch of others as well. Lumping it all together under one unit would make things too difficult to describe.
Price went down really fast after the first exposure of this problem.
Maybe he found it a convenient excuse to get the hell out of Trumpistan.
Or possibly this will allow him to keep other peccadilli conveniently concealed.
The “president” has been quoted on twitter as saying: “But it’s been incredible. The results that we’ve had with respect to loss of life.”
Which seems rather to support the accusations of genocide leveled against him by the Mayor of San Juan. What next? “We have the best genocide. The world has never seen a genocide like this.”
When Obama was at this point of his presidency, he lost his fifth high profile person, the one in charge of overseeing green energy. Faux News was talking about that for months, saying how Obama’s inexperience in government was the reason he couldn’t hang on to his people, and was proof that he shouldn’t be in government. Now Trump is viewed as highly valuable in government because he’s not experienced in government, and his inability to hang on to his own people isn’t even worth mentioning.
Rachel Maddow has a nice take.
The new Price is Wright.
Speaking of health, hair furor and teh dalekocracy is all-but-deliberately setting out to sink the polio eradication effort, Trump policy set to hinder war on polio in Pakistan. The short version: There is a documented correlation between increasing airstrikes, drone attacks, and so on and decreasing rates of vaccination, due not only to increased difficulty in accessing under-vaccinated areas but also increased mistrust of the “Western” vaccination efforts. Hair furor in his derangement is threatening to increase the bombing and similar of Pakistan.
@blf, #17:
Where was your outrage when Obama was drone bombing? Where was your outrage when the CIA under Obama was giving people partial (ineffective) immunizations as cover for their search for Bin Laden, and then not coming back to finish the job, so that the people who were “immunized” caught diseases anyway and came to believe that immunization was a scam created by the west? These aren’t new issues, nor are they Republican- or Trump-created issues.
Yeah, I’m upset about this. But it is completely hypocritical to start shouting, now, just because suddenly it’s the other team who is causing all the havoc instead of your own guy.