
  1. Nightjar says

    The most stupid thing I’ve seen is this sort of comment: “I agree with everything involved with A+, but I hate A+ because the people involved are too…” whatever, fill in the blank with whatever stupid nonsense you can think of.

    Catching up with the Nice article on Atheism+ thread right now and… am I the only one having flashbacks to the Framing Wars? “Sure, you’re right, but please do shut up already, you’re hurting the cause with all that stridency and shrillness and uppityness! Everyone should do it my way and my way only!”

  2. Patricia, OM says

    Does anyone know how to remove linoleum adhesive that was put down over tile? I’ve tried two strippers (down Louis) and so far neither has worked.

  3. carlie says

    Jerry Nelson, who played many Muppet characters including Count von Count and the Amazing Mumford, has died.


  4. Tony •King of the Hellmouth• says

    I liked your visualization. In fact, I think I can see the benefits in these types of questionnaires (mostly benefits relating to children). Primarily from a social perspective. It allows for a a glimpse into the thoughts of another. It also lends itself to exploring creativity. It can also help develop visualization techniques for those who’s brains are adept at doing so.
    I do think the questions could be worded differently (even for the age group it was designed for). For instance, the question about the farm was rather vague. I interpreted it to mean “As you are walking through the woods, along the trail, past the animals, you take a left/right turn and come upon a farm”. The way the follow up question was worded indicated that you were *inside* the property of the farm, rather than seeing it from a certain distance.

  5. says


    am I the only one having flashbacks to the Framing Wars?

    No, you’re not. I keep thinking back to the Intersection, the Colgate twins and you’re not helping. Different day, same old shit. :D

  6. carlie says

    He was also Camilla the Chicken, Crazy Harry, Floyd, Dr. Julius Strangepork, Lew Zealand, Robin the frog, Biff, Herry Monster, Emmett Otter, Gobo Fraggle, and the all-knowing trash heap (nyah).

  7. Patricia, OM says

    Actually I was getting a little bummed out about going to the convention in October, but this new A+ thing has really got my interest back & put some spring in my step. Having a wider scope & not just both hands around the neck of religion suits me fine. :D

  8. Paul says

    Everyone should do it my way and my way only!

    You left out “and my way is to pretend that there’s no problem, except for you jerks trying to make one to stir up blog hits”.

    I’ve had the same thoughts nonstop since I popped back in here.

  9. Paul says

    Err…blockquote fail. I never used to have this problem…maybe I should cave in and get one of those tools what you use to insert the markup.

  10. hotshoe says

    if you were a pair of expensive sewing shears with no backup pair, where would you be right now?

    In the freezer. Based on past experience.

    Sounds familiar.

    Also check the bathroom windowsill.

  11. Orange Utan says


    Err…blockquote fail. I never used to have this problem

    Pharyngulitis *nods sagely*

    …maybe I should cave in and get one of those tools what you use to insert the markup.

    a keyboard? :)

  12. Nightjar says

    Different day, same old shit. :D

    True. It’s amazing how these people don’t see the parallels between what they’re doing now and what was done to “New Atheism” when it emerged. It really is the same old shit, going on and on about we’re Not Doing It Right and how we absolutely must accommodate the “moderates”, tone ourselves down and be more like the “old atheists” who didn’t make so much of a fuss about the whole god social justice thing.

    But this time they’re even wronger that the framers. I don’t mind working and allying myself with socially progressive religious moderates to fight for common goals. I’m all for it, in fact. But these atheist assholes? I want nothing to do with them. I don’t care how much they disbelieve god and support evolution, I want to keep them fucking away from me. Always.

  13. says

    Catching up with the Nice article on Atheism+ thread right now and… am I the only one having flashbacks to the Framing Wars? “Sure, you’re right, but please do shut up already, you’re hurting the cause with all that stridency and shrillness and uppityness! Everyone should do it my way and my way only!”

    Same shit, different toilet.

  14. Paul says

    But these atheist assholes? I want nothing to do with them. I don’t care how much they disbelieve god and support evolution, I want to keep them fucking away from me. Always.

    But the thing that everyone’s ignoring is that sexism, homophobia, transphobia, racism, etc etc are all perfectly compatible with atheism. Exhibit A – ZZZ: just look at all the responses to RW saying “guys, don’t do that”.

    (if I knew how to render that in Comic Sans, I would)

  15. says


    True. It’s amazing how these people don’t see the parallels between what they’re doing now and what was done to “New Atheism” when it emerged.

    I know. How many years have we been arguing this now? You’d think some of them would get a clue.

    But these atheist assholes? I want nothing to do with them. I don’t care how much they disbelieve god and support evolution, I want to keep them fucking away from me. Always.

    Sing it. I feel the same way. They wear their atheism/skepticism like a badge, absolutely sure they couldn’t do anything as silly as theists, like try to drag us back into a dark age, never realizing (or at least acknowledging) that yes, that’s exactly what they want to do. Dark age, just without gods.

    Paul, for Comic Sans, use <q>text</q>

  16. Beatrice says

    if you were a pair of expensive sewing shears with no backup pair, where would you be right now?

    In the freezer. Based on past experience.

    Sounds familiar.

    Also check the bathroom windowsill.

    If you got the toilet separate from the bathroom, then they are definitely on the toilet windowsill.

    Just because that makes even less sense.
    (you have no idea how many things I’ve found there)

  17. broboxley OT says

    I dont have issues visualizing. Problem is turning down the noise enough to get anything done.
    Og, I like your version, reminds me of going to Yosemite from Carson city, beauty stillness high pass then cars parked on both sides of the road for the next 100 miles. Stopped in the intersection for the falls and took a picture in their general direction then turned around and went back to the desert. Pyramid lake isnt too bad.

  18. Patricia, OM says

    Nightjar & Caine – Exactly. You can stand there and yell BAZINGA until you’re hoarse, and they don’t see it. It’s kinda sad, maybe when some of them see it’s working they’ll start straggling in.

    /Sunny Side of Life.

  19. ogremeister says

    Patricia, OM:

    Does anyone know how to remove linoleum adhesive that was put down over tile?

    Have you tried nail polish remover? It works on many other adhesives, but not sure about linoleum adhesive. And it shouldn’t hurt the tile, though you might want to spot test first.

  20. broboxley OT says

    Okay, reading all of the mentions of radfemms in this thread. My 13 watt bulb struggled mightily to get to 25 watts when I figured out that PIV means protuberances IN vents. Now that presents another question, in my poking and prodding in the nether regions of the internets I see movies involving nudity that references POV now how would protuberance ON vents be that interesting? I like vents myself but cant figure that one out

  21. Patricia, OM says

    ogremeister – Oh thanks! No I haven’t tried that. Damn, didn’t even think of it. I’ll get some. Thanks!


  22. ogremeister says

    @ Patricia, OM:

    You can also try heat, as from a blow dryer, to soften the glue for easier peeling/scraping. It works well for removing vinyl composite, and I imagine the adhesive for linoleum is similar.

    Good luck!

  23. says

    but I would think you could call a suicide prevention line for some help?

    Do they have them in mainland China? And my Mandarin is a bit rusty…

    Thanks for all the advice. The problem is, it’s not emotional blackmail at all, I know she’ll just do it. I’m ever so slightly distraught.

  24. says

    @lexie and others – I wish the “intent isn’t magic” could be reined in a little; I think it’s overused. There’s a huuuge difference between “I’m really sorry; I didn’t mean to hurt you” and “That’s not what I meant, so shut up you idiot, and grow a pair.” The former is totally legitimate; it does not use intent to deny injury. Intent is not a magic cure, but it is still the crucial difference between accident and assault.

    Re atheism+: the haters are really doing a terrific job of demonstrating the need for it. Nice one.

    And on a fluffier note: I like peas. Especially the baby ones. Babies! BWAHAHAHA!!!

    And here’s my exploration. I remember hearing this one ages ago; I think there was woo (fortune telling or nonsense “character analysis”?) at the end in ascribing meaning to all the choices. I wasn’t going to do it, but then I really enjoyed reading the others so here you go.

    1. You are walking in the woods. What do the woods look like?
    An Australian temperate rainforest. Very green, ferns below and tall trees with some creepers.
    2. You find a path what does the path look like?
    I’m on the path already. It’s just a bit of cleared dirt with some rocks, a little walking track.
    3. Are there animals in the woods? What do they look like?
    Yes, lots of birds (mostly the small brown type, some treecreepers and wattle birds) and small lizards. And an echidna crosses the path.
    4. Are the animals friendly or not friendly?
    Wild. Be quiet and don’t move or you’ll scare them.
    5. What kind of animals are they?
    6. You find some sort of container in the woods. It could be a tiny cup, it could be a humongous cauldron. What is it?
    A huge stone with a hollow. I’m not sure if it’s natural, or if it was used by aborigines long past as a mortar for grinding seeds. There’s water in the hollow, and some fallen leaves turning into compost.
    7. You find a fork in the woods. Forward, Right or Left. Which way do you go?
    Whichever one has the trail marker. Or whichever is the clearer path; I don’t want to get lost and die here. (say “forward”)
    8. Further along the road you find a body of water. It could be a puddle, it could be an ocean, What is it?
    A creek, with a small pooled area just upstream of the path. Lots of rocks, ferns, a few tiny 10cm cascades.
    9. When you find the body of water do you get in it? Or not?
    Cross it with some natural-looking stepping stones. It’s far too small to get in.
    10. You find a key. Is it a tiny door key or is it a key in your mind? Or a key you don’t recognize or a skeleton key?
    An old fashioned long-barrelled key with a loop at one end. Silver coloured, and quite clean.
    11. You run into a farm. There’s a “home” building there. You can see it. What does it look like? Are there lights inside or is it dark? Are there people waiting for you inside? Do you go in?
    An old bark slab and sandstone hut; it’s long abandoned. The brick chimney seems the only uncollapsed part. I walk around it outside, there’s no real inside to go to under that collapsed roof.
    12. There’s a fence all around the farm, but it seems familiar. Can you jump over it? Or will you stay inside? Outside the fence there is nothing you can see but nothing terrible either.
    I return to the trail, which was outside to begin with. The fence is low tumbled rock with some wood posts, and rusty straight wire still up in parts. I could step over it where the wire has fallen, but I don’t have to; it’s open at the trail side.

  25. broboxley OT says

    #23 rorschach damn, you are right smack up against face. The only solution is to find her another acceptable husband fast. Do you think you could talk her into waiting and you actively hunt for one?

  26. carlie says

    Do they have them in mainland China? And my Mandarin is a bit rusty…

    Oh, I meant tips for you, not her. I was thinking of you calling one for yourself to get professional advice on how to proceed.

  27. JAL: Snark, Sarcasm & Bitterness says

    Do they have them in mainland China? And my Mandarin is a bit rusty…

    Thanks for all the advice. The problem is, it’s not emotional blackmail at all, I know she’ll just do it. I’m ever so slightly distraught

    Oh, damn. Sorry I was totally thinking of things in the USA. I have no idea what the resources are in China or anything. =(

    Um, but the fact that she’ll just do it doesn’t mean it isn’t emotional blackmail. She’s blackmailing you with her death and guilt to make you do something you don’t want to do.

  28. John Morales says

    Huh, I actually composed a reply to the questionnaire, but deleted it unposted.

    I’m too predictable: my response to (1) was “Depends; what type of woods is it and in what season?”.

    (You can guess the rest)

  29. JAL: Snark, Sarcasm & Bitterness says

    The only solution is to find her another acceptable husband fast. Do you think you could talk her into waiting and you actively hunt for one?

    Uh, maybe if her only problem is wanting a husband right now but I don’t think that’s going to be pleasant for rorschach or the prospective victimhusband being roped into it.

    Of course, I don’t know the woman or if there’s something else going on like societal pressure in China? I dunno.

    Could it really be just her needing to get married asap no matter what and would rather die than not be married? That seems so different than what I’m used to running into but I admit I more than likely over my head here.

    So take everything I said before with a big grain of salt since I don’t know exactly what’s going on.

    I still stick by the take care of yourself first part though.

  30. says

    Rorschach, does she really want to marry you or does she just want out of China? If it’s the latter, maybe there are ways you could help her out that don’t involve marriage?

  31. broboxley OT says

    JAL, I am guessing that her understanding was that she was to marry Rorschach and let others know. She now has to marry him or dis-incorporate to save her family/circle shame. In cases like that a substitution is sometimes acceptable. WAG on what is really going on of course

  32. lexie says

    Rorschach, where in China is she? Does she just want out of China or is she in love with you? If she wants out because of problems over there does she have anyone other than you she can talk openly to?

  33. broboxley OT says

    Rorschach in that case a sub might work. Needs to meet or exceed their vision of what you represent, couldn’t exactly pawn off an unemployed Juggalo for example. If this was an earlier time someone needing a fast “beard” would work, but no one really needs one nowadays.

  34. Patricia, OM says

    Ogremeister – The heat gun tried to kill the tile. Dang. The fingernail polish remove is working at a pace slower than a comatose slug, but still, that’s some progress.

    The house was built in 1952, completely tiled, and then some ASS put hideous linoleum over that. I’m remodeling the original 1952 “Pink bathroom”, if you’ve never seen one, don’t go looking. Only Barbie won’t barf.

  35. JAL: Snark, Sarcasm & Bitterness says

    I am guessing that her understanding was that she was to marry Rorschach and let others know. She now has to marry him or dis-incorporate to save her family/circle shame. In cases like that a substitution is sometimes acceptable. WAG on what is really going on of course


    I had no idea. That’s what I get for not keeping up. My bad.

  36. Tony •King of the Hellmouth• says

    Are there any trolls or creationists clogging up a thread somewhere? I’m in a pissy mood and need to work it off.

  37. carlie says

    rorshach, write away.

    Would they accept a long engagement? Long as in long enough that eventually everyone can give up on the idea?

  38. Pteryxx says

    Tony, there are still trolls working the A+ threads, especially Jen’s and Greta’s. (Though Greta’s latest smackdown was truly a joy to behold… *snif*)

    (massive hateful insults below)

    Greta Christina says:
    August 24, 2012 at 9:24 pm

    wondering: If you honestly think that someone can say “GRETA CHRISTINA YOU FUCKIN HOE… I HOPE YOU GET RAPED YOU FUCKIN FEMINAZI SLUT… GO CHOKE ON A DICK AND DIE” — and that this is in any way made acceptable by following that up with some version of “I was just trying to provoke a reaction” — then get the fuck out of my blog. Now.

    There are a handful of contexts in which this language is acceptable. A play or movie about misogyny. A negotiated and consensual SM scene. A private joke among friends who share a sick sense of humor. But when someone describes graphic, brutal rape and sexualized death, says they hope you are the recipient of it — and then follows with “Ha ha, just kidding” or “I was just trolling for a reaction” — it does not make the language acceptable, or anything less than vile. If you don’t understand that, then go get some Feminism 101 education. And until you do, get out of my blog, and stay out.

    …I’m in love.

  39. Lyn M: Necrodunker of death, nothing but net says

    Here is something I thought you folks in the US might be interested in.

    This is the link to a free app which can be installed on your smart phone, apple or android. When you let it record words from a political ad, the app goes to the Sunlight Foundation data base and matches up there to tell you who put money up to pay for the ad.

    Could be a lot of fun to know. Have not tested the ad as I am in China.

    (I went through the install function, but I believe this is blocked where I am.)

  40. says

    Would they accept a long engagement? Long as in long enough that eventually everyone can give up on the idea?

    I thought about something like that. But there’s no giving up for her, completely obsessed. Should have read that travel guide a bit more carefully.

  41. broboxley OT says

    Rorschach I remember a fella that married the girl, was in love with her. Brought her to the states had two kids then got disenchanted as Americans do. Wanted a divorce. She didnt argue. Two years later he wants to get married again and wants her to bring the kids. In the reception line she hands the new bride her original wedding ring, finger still attached, fresh, smiling and bowing.

  42. says


    When I was in the Philippines I met an American in a similar situation – but with her threatening legal stuff rather than suicide. He then had to return home “because his father was ill”, (his father was fine) leaving behind enough stuff to make it look like he was coming back… then he didn’t. Not sure if that works in your situation, but thought I’d put it out there.

  43. cicely says

    I sat around a bit on my lunch break trying to do it, but unless I simply impose a familiar image (say, memories of a camping trip in the forest) or sit there and manually sort of “draw” things into a mental image 1 by 1, I don’t see anything. Is that abnormal? Am I missing something?

    Paul, it means that you need to Accept D&D Into Your Life. Take up the dice. Grab a character sheet. Find a DM.

    I liked your visualization, Ogvorbis. It screamed “park ranger” from the very beginning.

    That it did.

    Paul – I can’t visualize anything either.

    *whispers…the dice…take them…roll for init….*

    Jerry Nelson, who played many Muppet characters including Count von Count and the Amazing Mumford, has died.

    :( :( :(

    That’s one, two, three…three frowny faces.

    I loved the Count.

    ‘Pregnancy Begins 2 Weeks Before Conception’ Now The Law In Arizona

    What the fucking fuck???

    Paul: Comic Sans is done with < q > Insert Stoopid Here </q>

    I dont have issues visualizing. Problem is turning down the noise enough to get anything done.


  44. Lyn M: Necrodunker of death, nothing but net says

    if you were a pair of expensive sewing shears with no backup pair, where would you be right now?

    I would be in the last place you used me, only under something like a pillow or a scarf, left there. And if I were under the chair/sofa I would be in the darkest, hardest to reach part pushed there by the broom/vacuum cleaner.

    Because things are evil and I never make a mistake.

  45. says

    “Unfortunately, due to circumstances beyond my control, I’m going to have to ask for you, Cass and your group, not to come back on Friday nights,” owner Chris Penner says in the voice mail, which Lynn and her friend Victoria Nolan played during an interview with Fox 12.

    “People think that (a) we’re a tranny bar, or (b) that we’re a gay bar. We are neither. People are not coming in because they just don’t want to be here on a Friday night now,” Penner adds.

    Oh, what a liar! “circumstances beyond his control”, eh? Uh huh. I guess the custom from the women having ladies night just wasn’t…good enough. *spits*

  46. Lyn M: Necrodunker of death, nothing but net says


    I’m sorry if I missed something, but do you believe this woman told her parents that you are marrying her and they approve? Even if you are ethnic Chinese, I would be surprised. If they are not in favour, then maybe they should be contacted. They would be far more able to organize assistance.

  47. chigau (違う) says

    I can’t link to the trans women bar ban article…
    Is the owner planning to do chromosome tests or have a dress code?
    Did these banned trans women not pay their tab?
    Is the owner fucked in the head?

  48. says

    I am on my way to bed but wanted to sideswipe the lounge first and drop off a small cardboard box for Percival. Or whatever he would like to hide behind that I might have on hand here. Hat? Pile of books?

    And hi to all you humans too. Zyprexa withdrawal days twelve and thirteen sucked. Today was not awful, but I still would appreciate it if whoever stole my stamina for such things as standing and walking would return it soon. Without wearing it out first, please.

    Night, all.

  49. Lyn M: Necrodunker of death, nothing but net says

    Silently hands Josh a large cyber grog and calorie free side of delicious snacks.

  50. Lyn M: Necrodunker of death, nothing but net says

    Pregnancy is two weeks before conception in Arizona? That makes no freaking sense.

    True, however it would move the “date” of conception so that time for the availability of abortion is shortened. Wouldn’t even have to touch the other laws relating to abortion.

  51. broboxley OT says

    If one wants to have fun reading try “Married with Zombies” by Jesse Petersen, I see the start of a nice series here

  52. Josh, Official SpokesGay says

    Thanks Lyn! The calorie-free helps since I pigged out at the buffet restaurant tonight.

    Thanks for teh apps, too!

  53. Lyn M: Necrodunker of death, nothing but net says

    Sorry about the pigging out. I know that feels bad, but what the hey, if that’s all it took to ruin a person, I for one, would be long buried.

    Hope the apps work and install for you.

  54. Josh, Official SpokesGay says

    Oh, the pigging out was fun. I don’t do it often, but when I do, I enjoy it!

  55. Lyn M: Necrodunker of death, nothing but net says

    Well then, good on you!

    I don’t pig out, of course. That would be …

    OK, I can’t even type that without laughing so hard I lose my train of thought.

  56. John Morales says

    Interesting OP by Kwame Anthony Appiah in Australia’s ABC network:
    Shame is the best weapon against honour killers

    Emancipating Pakistani women from the threat of honour killing will require more than the urgings of morality, religion and reason. In order to align what people know with what they do, we must try to reshape their codes of honour, using shame and even carefully calibrated ridicule. Pakistanis who now take honour killing for granted need to recognise that their country is disgraced by allowing these wrongs.

  57. ChasCPeterson says

    Pregnancy is two weeks before conception in Arizona? That makes no freaking sense.

    Actually, it’s from the conventional medical system of timing pregnancy. Since fertilization itself could not be observed, gestational timing was (and afaik still is) based on the last menstruation. Ovulation averages 2 weeks later and fertilization happens within a day or two of that.

    But of course, legislating that that’s when pregnancy really begins in any meaningful way makes no freakin sense.

  58. Patricia, OM says

    In PORTLAND, Oregon?! What the fuck?

    I can see it here in Jesusville where I live, but Portland? That’s some serious fuckup.

  59. says

    @SGBM: Okay. Thanks for including the info in the Pharyngula wiki then.

    @Giliell: I do have to keep in mind what exactly I have in my power to do, that I can’t save someone and I can’t hold myself responsible for others’ actions. In the past, I have been tempted to think that if only there was something I could do to fix things. My friends have had this talk with me too, but it’s always good to be remind.
    Also hope that you and your grandmother are doing as well as possible. I have nothing much to add except my sympathies.

    @ Ms. Daisy Cutter: I’m sorry, I didn’t mean that there was something inherently wrong with divorced families. (I’m the result of my dad’s second marriage, and I have some half siblings that have no problems that I’m aware of, so I wouldn’t think that divorce automatically negatively affects children.) I guess it would help to clarify that I was basing my assumption on a conversation I had with my SO, his sister, and brother wherein they mentioned they are dealing with some issues because of their parents divorce too. From this I assumed they were saying that the divorce affected his well being, so I considered it could have been a contributing factor to his depression.
    Thank you for your concern. I know I need to take care of myself, and do. I have good friends IRL too that I feel I can depend on. I don’t think we’re as close as close friends should be, but I know I can count on them. I would tell people not to worry so much about me: I make sure I have my fun and get my stuff done.

    @rorshach: I’m sorry you’re in the situation you happened into. As I can’t really give you any good advice, I just hope that you come out of this okay.

    @cicley: It’s nice to be here. Though I plan to only hang about occasionally (usually during down time at work), but probably even less because I’ll be busy soon.

    I hope to go to the dog park tomorrow with my SO. We went last week too. He tried to prolong sleep so we could hang out. (Glad he’s making effort to be with me, but still beats himself up when he doesn’t enough.) He ended up wading into the water to retrieve our Chuck-it ball (he underestimated the depth). Kind of an adventure, though not exactly pleasant. I would really like for us to do more activities together, but he also has flat feet which causes shin-splits so that limits his physical activity. He needs to go to a podiatrist for orthotics, but is postponing it because it’s estimated to cost $400, which it’s totally worth. So the dog park is going to be hell on his shins.

    I enjoyed the Lounge (though a lot of effort to keep up). I’m not usually on Pharyngula when I’m not at work, but I wanted to address all that was addressed to me. I want to start my weekend by not being on the computer since I only have little time before my classes and assignments start up again. I’ll mostly be lurking and reading your thoughtful comments elsewhere on Pharyngula. I appreciate all the responses. Goodnight lovely Pharyngulites. Have a good weekend too.

  60. thunk, sour grape says


    I’m not lounging around as often; laptop in for repairs, and I also got some sort of life.

    I’ve kinda been thinking I’m not entirely cis; I’m probably somewhat genderqueer (though sometimes I have my doubts). Whatever.

  61. Patricia, OM says

    kristinc – I’m going to a flooring store tomarrow and I’ll ask that question about acetone. The comatose slug pace of the nail polish shows just how spoiled rotten I am with expecting instant solutions.

    You did catch the part where I said this is an original 1952 Pink Bathroom ? Pink stucco walls, plastic pink tile, pink on pink, over pink trim, pink toilet, pink tub, and pink sink.


  62. Patricia, OM says

    Oh, I forgot to mention, the linoleum the ASS put over the beautiful tile on the floor – white & pink.

  63. Patricia, OM says

    Thunk – when you walk in there you’re never sure if you’re in a Pepto commercial or if this is where Elvis hung out on an estrogen binge!

    What’s worse, *dabs a tear*, I’ve lived here since 1976 and can only now start redoing it.

  64. Tony •King of the Hellmouth• says

    A commenter over at Greta’s mentioned something that got me thinking:

    Like I didn’t really notice how sexist the Expendables movie is. It is, and it isn’t like the creators thought “hey, let’s not have any women to make sure they know they aren’t as good as us dudes.”

    Who would be in an all female version of the Expendables? Milla Jovovich (of the ‘near SAW level of tiredness’ Resident Evil movies), Sigourney Weaver (natch),…?
    It’s pathetic (not me; Hollywood) that I can’t think of 5 or 6 female action movie stars.

  65. Patricia, OM says

    Fuck. For the second time tonight, I’m ashamed of my state.

    vatican innocent again

    Who are they kidding? If the pope isn’t responsible for the priests then who is? Does god sign their checks? I thought the pope was the mouth piece and vicar of christ on Earth. No? Then call god to court.

    I’m SO sick of this shit.

  66. Tony •King of the Hellmouth• says

    You’ve got to post a pic of the bathroom. It sounds like a pink Care Bear threw up in there.



    I’ve kinda been thinking I’m not entirely cis; I’m probably somewhat genderqueer (though sometimes I have my doubts). Whatever.

    This probably doesn’t need to be said, but I’ll say it anyways.
    If you are, great.
    If you aren’t, great.
    There’s nothing wrong with you either way (I don’t say that because I think you feel that way. There are a lot of people who lurk and some of them may need to hear that).
    You say you’ve been thinking lately…is there something that’s caused you to think about this subject?
    (apologies if I’m being too personal; if I am, just let me know)
    Lyn M:

    I don’t pig out, of course. That would be …

    OK, I can’t even type that without laughing so hard I lose my train of thought.

    Boy did I pig out tonight.
    I was hungry!
    It was post gym.
    My belly needed filling.
    I started with a nice salad with spring greens, pepitas, shredded cheese, sliced red onions, granola mix, and FRENCH dressing.
    Dinner was *supposed* to be oven roasted garlic chicken over cheesy pasta shells.
    Dinner wound up being oven roasted garlic chicken over mac n cheese. I put a *lot* of cheese in with the noodles (along with garlic and olive oil).
    In any case, it was still lovely!
    For dessert, I baked 6 ready to bake chocolate chip cookies…which I successfully managed to overcook. Thankfully I didn’t burn them to a crisp, but they were a wee bit past the ideal doneness. They still had flavor and were devoured in about one minute (followed up with a glass and a half of 1% milk. Gotta have milk n cookies).

  67. thunk, sour grape says


    You say you’ve been thinking lately…is there something that’s caused you to think about this subject?

    I guess… probably reading more of Reed in the last few months, and also my (ossum) friends.

  68. Patricia, OM says

    Tony – Me either, except the Bionic Woman, Daisy Duke and Wonder Woman.

    Barbra Stanwick, Katherine Hepburn, and for serious action Mae West… gawd I’m old… *wonders off*

  69. Richard Austin says


    I’ve kinda been thinking I’m not entirely cis; I’m probably somewhat genderqueer (though sometimes I have my doubts). Whatever.

    Kinda what Tony said.

    Labels are for filing cabinets, not people.

    Be you, whatever and whoever that is, to the best of your ability, and never let anyone convince you that you have to justify yourself to anyone.

    /steps off soapbox

  70. Tony •King of the Hellmouth• says


    Cis-gendered 20-year-old straight white dood:
    Do NOT tell me how to “deal with trolls”. Do NOT tell me “it’s just for lulz.” Do NOT tell me I’m “troll bait” because I don’t “just ignore them.”

    When I first read this, it was-unintentionally-as poetry. It even works until your last sentence. Need to find a word to rhyme with bait. I’ve been reading too much Cuttlefish.

  71. Josh, Official SpokesGay says

    Need to find a word to rhyme with bait. I’ve been reading too much Cuttlefish.

    You’re welcome to it; I relinquish my copyright. It was enough to kick that fucker to the curb.

  72. says

    Like I didn’t really notice how sexist the Expendables movie is.

    It’s worse than that. It’s completely boring.
    Personally, I don’t mind whether a good book/story/movie was written or directed by a man or woman, it doesn’t influence my anticipation or perception of it. I think. But I was brought up a boy, with boy toys and enlisted in (mainly)boy sports, so even today I can not appreciate for example a book with a female hero as much as one with a male one, male soccer is more interesting to me than female soccer, I don’t care about women’s Tennis, but watch the odd men’s game. Sigourney Weaver works for me in Ghostbusters, but not so much in Aliens. Although I have to say that I enjoyed the Resident Evil franchise, or Kate Beckinsale in the Underworld movies. There’s cultural indoctrination for you I guess.

  73. Azkyroth, Former Growing Toaster Oven says

    I haven’t caught up on the thread yet. Kinda need to verbalize this. I’ve been busy today; went through a great deal of the godawful dusty mess in my bedroom, the last major part of the apartment I hadn’t gotten to yet with the cleaning, including an entire half of the main room and all of the closet floor,AND the overstuffed filing cabinet which contained all of my and my ex-wife’s mostly useless old papers…

    …and, it appears, every card anyone either wrote to either of us during our marriage. Including cards to each other.

    *curls up in a corner*

  74. says

    I’m searching the Wayback Machine looking for the scarlet letter of atheism on the old-old pharyngula, and look what comes up: The original PhaWRONGula. :D

    Convergent evolution or steal I wonder…:-) Good find!

  75. says

    You did catch the part where I said this is an original 1952 Pink Bathroom ? Pink stucco walls, plastic pink tile, pink on pink, over pink trim, pink toilet, pink tub, and pink sink.

    Yeahhhhhh … sounds like that could use a little crisp white, and maybe gray or black. Still, I love old pink bathrooms.

    Tony, sometimes it’s called Mamie pink, and it was super popular before the idea of pink being gendered caught on so strongly. Mamie Eisenhower’s favorite color was a particular shade of soft pink and when Dwight was in the service, the first thing she would have done at every house they moved to was paint the bedroom and bathroom in it. She had some of the White House done in it too, IIRC, which was why it got so popular. But I find that it’s a shade to cast an appealing and flattering light on almost anyone, so while it can be taken a bit too far for modern tastes, it’s still a nice color.

  76. Josh, Official SpokesGay says

    Tony, as a Suburban White Lady, I feel it is my sacred duty to provide a welcoming and hilarious domestic space.

    /excuse while I re-iron my skirt

  77. Patricia, OM says

    Fuck. I’m still rip snorting mad about this priests not being employees of the catholic church crap. Then who the hell are they employees of?

    I’m working myself up into a lather about this. Perhaps it’s time to sink into the pink tub with some pink bubble bath.

  78. Tony •King of the Hellmouth• says

    This doesn’t sound like a pleasant trip down memory lane.
    Grog and kittens?

  79. Josh, Official SpokesGay says

    And note that I only became a Suburban White Lady, officially (meaning: I got my laminated card) three years ago when I bought a house. I aim to live up to my burden.

  80. Patricia, OM says

    kristinc – Mamie Pink holy shit, I have never heard that. Do you think I should alert the Smithsonian that I have a relic fit to join Julia’s kitchen?

  81. Patricia, OM says

    Josh – Your card is lovely, but you don’t get tea until we see your glove wardrobe.

  82. Tony •King of the Hellmouth• says


    Me either, except the Bionic Woman, Daisy Duke and Wonder Woman.

    Even there, that’s small screen.
    To be a female equivalent to the Expendables, we’d have to have 5 or 6 kick ass female movie stars.

    I can’t believe I forgot Kate Beckinsale (I just watched part of one of the Underworld movies last night too).
    I wanted to add that I think it’s awesome that you’re open to the possibility of not being wholly cis. The very fact that you’re not acting freaked out by it shows the positive effects of social justice.


    If you’re reading this, can the next thread involve some pink animal?
    It seems its Night of The Pink in The Lounge.

  83. Tony •King of the Hellmouth• says



    Wait…wait…stop falling. Pause.

    All right, who moved the Mamie Pink beanbag? It was in the corner by the Lounge patio door (bet ya’ll didn’t know we had a patio here! That’s where Oggie BBQ’s). I need it to catch Patricia.

  84. Tony •King of the Hellmouth• says

    Your card is lovely, but you don’t get tea until we see your glove wardrobe.

    Yes Josh, what color condoms DO you have?

  85. Patricia, OM says

    Tony – I haven’t seen the Expendables. Since I work with veterans two days a week I’m hyper sensitive to military and para military shows.

  86. says

    Who would be in an all female version of the Expendables?

    Mila Jovovich, Sigourney Weaver, Linda Hamilton, Lucy Liu, Michelle Yeoh

    problem is of course that a lot of these acresses aren’t defined as “action hero” the way the dudes are, for lack of a “female actionhero” genre. but when they did play female action heros, they kicked ass at it

  87. Tony •King of the Hellmouth• says


    Forgot Lucy Liu.
    For that matter I forgot Uma Thurman!

    Your point about there not being a female action movie genre is [sadly] spot on.



    What type of work do you do with veterans?

  88. Patricia, OM says

    Tony – Oh you horribly naughty boy!

    Yes Josh, what color condoms DO you have?

    Shame on you. We fine white suburban ladies have no idea what condoms are. Sweet baby jezus! To think you might imagine such a thing.

    Josh needs to get his glove wardrobe together. Wrist length, two button, white cotton, dove grey, over the elbow, six button opera, white kid, black mourning, crochet, knit, silk… the guy has a huge task. Then there’s hankies…

  89. Patricia, OM says

    Tony – I volunteer two days a week at my local County veterans services office. Mostly I am there to help widows. But of course I have special feelings for veterans of Korea and Viet Nam, because of my dad and husband of 35 years.

    Most veterans offices are manned..well by men, and the widows of WWII veterans are so shy that facing a man the age of their sons is just too much. The Afghanistan & Iraq female veterans really don’t want to face talking to a 60 year old man regarding their issues.

    It’s tough doing this, and many nights I come home and cry, but dammit if I’m not there to hold someones hand, who will be?

  90. Tony •King of the Hellmouth• says


    Then there’s hankies…

    If you thought the condoms were bad >snicker<…just wait til you learn about Hankies.

    I have to warn you, it’s adult talk.

  91. Tony •King of the Hellmouth• says

    The volunteer work you’re doing is commendable. You’re rather amazing.

  92. Tony •King of the Hellmouth• says

    Shitty movies like that give me ample opportunity to see one of my favorite action stars, he of the Transporter trilogy fame (as well as Crank)- Jason Statham



    I’m really feeling lazy and trying to see if my memory will kick in. I’m struggling to remember who played ‘Elle’.
    I *just* remembered Vivica A Fox as the mother in part 1. She was baaaaaaaaaadass!

  93. Tony •King of the Hellmouth• says

    Yes! Her name wasn’t *quite* on the tip of my tongue like I thought it was.
    I guess Kill Bill *is* the female version of the Expendables. Except *infinitely* better.

  94. says

    I have been attacked by the internet spending frenzy bug and have bought an official replica Jack Harkness coat from thinkgeek. Even though it will probably look crap on me because I’m the wrong shape. I’m calling it an early birthday present. And my old trenchcoat is dead so it’s not totally gratuitous. Also I bought 3 books from Amazon and a pair of Tardis beach towels, but 2 of the books are birthday presents for the Bloke. SHOPPING FRENZY!!!

  95. Lyn M: Necrodunker of death, nothing but net says

    Sounds pretty awesome, Alethea. I have a friend coming in day after tomorrow. She says she wants to buy a 1 TB drive. We are so shopping at the giant electronics place.

  96. Pteryxx says

    seconding Patricia’s awesomeness. ‘Somebody’ needs to be there, and they’re fortunate to have you.

  97. Beatrice says

    I have been attacked by the internet spending frenzy bug and have bought an official replica Jack Harkness coat from thinkgeek.

    Alethea, that is awesome.

  98. KG says

    Fuck. I’m still rip snorting mad about this priests not being employees of the catholic church crap. Then who the hell are they employees of? – Patricia, OM

    They’re franchisees: it’s a pyramid-selling scam.

  99. says

    Maggie Q, Nikita.

    To say I’m a fan would be an understatement. Although she is into PETA stuff I suspect, from reading her twitter feed. But I’m too distracted by the constant and for now 6 weeks unwavering constant stream of minutely yahoo messages accusing me to be the worst person on earth and threatening me with demise to actually care.

  100. Beatrice says

    But I’m too distracted by the constant and for now 6 weeks unwavering constant stream of minutely yahoo messages accusing me to be the worst person on earth and threatening me with demise to actually care.


  101. says

    Good morning

    Hugs if you want them. You know, it’s something I need to remind myself of often enough. I think there’s a Florence Nightingale gene running in the family ;)

    re: Young women in the media
    I would definetly make a difference between actual pedophilia and the sexualisation of young women (actually, the term for post-pubescent teens is hebephilia. Stephanie Zwan has some good posts on this, including research).
    Is it a problem that young women around 18 yo are portrayed as the gold standard you cannot achieve anymore once you’re past 25?
    Is it a problem that those women are a portrayed as a special treat for men of all ages?
    Is harm done to young people whose first sexual encounter is with significantly older adults?
    Again, see Stephanie’s post.
    But to call it pedophilia actually diminishes what pedophilia actually is and also denies the agency of those women who can have sexual relationships and are able to make decision about their sex-life and can consent unlike children. Again, it perpetuates the women = eternal children trope

  102. says

    Josh: Yeah, Ace of Sevens is failing pretty hard in that thread. You ought to make a #CultureOfOne-Upmanship hashtag.

    I ended up writing a long comment in that post, addressing Ace but also the Twisty fan arguing with him.

    Ezekiel can cry moar. It will go well with his WAAAH YOU CAN’T MAKE ME EAT MY VEGETABLES!!! attitude. Also, if he’s going to tell people, “Go read my blog and tell me how much of a sexist, racist, mysogyinstic asshole I am. Please,” he might want to link to it.


    Like I didn’t really notice how sexist the Expendables movie is.

    Jesus. People actually give a damn about such utter shit? Huh.

    If a movie has regressive messages in it, the quality thereof doesn’t matter as much as how popular it is.

  103. lexie says

    Sorry forgot to reply earlier to Cicely and Tony

    Cicely – I am a true heretic I like peas and horses and think cats are preferable to cephalopods. Do I now get burnt at the stake? What is the ritual for heretics here? Please do not chase me away with burning pitchforks because I like it here.

    Tony – (in stern serious no nonsense voice) IF YOU MAGIC AWAY MY PEAS I WILL BE VERY GRUMPY!

  104. carlie says

    Azkyroth, I’ll curl up in the corner with you if it would help. I brought lemon bars.

  105. Nutmeg says


    What is the ritual for heretics here?

    Generally we welcome them and offer them grog and cookies, I think.

  106. carlie says

    rorschach – a sugar delivery system flavored lightly of lemon. Think of a long flat pan, with a base layer of graham cracker crust, followed by lemon-flavored, um… goo? followed by a powdered sugar topping.

  107. thunk, sour grape says


    Yayz! Moar waffles!


    Labels are for filing cabinets, not people.

    Be you, whatever and whoever that is, to the best of your ability, and never let anyone convince you that you have to justify yourself to anyone.

    Agree. Wholeheartedly.

  108. Ogvorbis: faucibus desultor singulari says

    Be you, whatever and whoever that is, to the best of your ability, and never let anyone convince you that you have to justify yourself to anyone.

    Part of me agrees with this. Part of me thinks, I wonder if Mitt Romney and Ron Paul and all the other regressive radicals are being who they are to the best of their abilities? As a commedian once said, “Alcohol enhances your personality. But what if you are an asshole?”


  109. broboxley OT says

    female expendables? Honor Blackman, Diana Rigg, Linda Thorson, Victoria Racimo and Rosanne Barr

  110. says

    Good morning my lovelies! I made waffles, who’s in?

    Me, me, me!
    Guess what I’m making for dessert tonight :)

    We put up a new shoe cabinet.
    Why does that take half a day?

    Sister’s prognosis for gran is 50/50. After we left last night she thanked sister for everything, said she hoped it wouldn’t take long even if it made things harder for us. Sister says she was clear in mind at that time, so, we’ll see.

  111. Crudely Wrott says

    Way up at the top Patricia asked:

    Does anyone know how to remove linoleum adhesive that was put down over tile?

    You have basically two choices; mechanical and chemical.

    The first involves a sharp putty knife and a hammer and lots of squatting down. Patience is a virtue. Do a small area at a time.

    Alternatively, you can rent a machine that imitates a sharp putty knife and a hammer and doesn’t require squatting down. It’s heavy and noisy. Alternative to that is a floor scraper which is like a sharp putty knife on the end of a long handle. Like a hoe except the blade is rotated about ninety degrees away from you so that when you push it digs in. You will have to sharpen it before it will work right. Sharpen on one side and keep the bevel up.

    The second involves a volatile solvent. I’d recommend acetone to soften the adhesive followed by a sharp putty knife and lots of squatting down. Do a small area at a time and have lots of ventilation. Acetone will evaporate within a minute and you don’t want to breath much of it. You should have lots of rags or heavy duty shop paper towels on hand; it’s a messy job.

    Your best bet is to find the most efficient (and comfortable, who wants to squat for hours?) way to remove the underlying tile all the way down to the sub flooring. Doing so gives you the opportunity to have a flat and clean surface that will allow you to apply any new flooring you wish. Flat and smooth are required for satisfying results.

    For good advice, go to and check out their suggestions. I’ve found them to be reliable.

    My personal advice is to choose a method that reduces the squatting down to a minimum. ‘Course, that’s hard to do when working on a floor.

    Good luck.

  112. says

    The list of organizations supporting “legitimate rape” politician Todd Akin is getting longer. And some of them may be breaking the law.
    From Americans United for Separation of Church and State:

    IRS should Investigate Missouri Baptist Group for Election Intervention

    A state Baptist group’s endorsement of two political candidates may have violated federal tax law and should be investigated by the Internal Revenue Service…

    In a May 2012 edition of The Pathway, the official publication of the Missouri Baptist Convention, MBC Director of Public Policy Don Hinkle endorsed U.S. Senate candidate Todd Akin and state attorney general candidate Ed Martin.

    In a column headlined “Allegiance to God, not a political party,” Hinkle wrote, “We want government leaders who are righteous and who will pass righteous laws that serve the common good and bring glory to Jehovah God who established government and is Sovereign….

    Americans United said federal law clearly prohibits tax-exempt institutions from using their staff, their publications and other resources to support candidates for public office….

    Hinkle, who serves as editor of The Pathway, characterized his endorsement of Akin and Martin as “personal,” but IRS revenue rulings do not permit the employees of tax-exempt organizations to use official publications to intervene in elections on behalf of candidates….

    More quotes about “God given rights” and voting “consistent with God’s word” available at the link.

  113. says

    There was some discussion up-thread about Arizona’s illogical views on conception. We know Todd Akin’s anti-scientific views on rape and conception, and now we have clarification on conception, and how it relates to pro-life views, from Paul Ryan.

    [Ryan answers a question about his extreme anti-choice views]

    …Ryan said, “I’m very proud of my pro-life record, and I’ve always adopted the idea that — the position that — the method of conception doesn’t change the definition of life. But let’s remember; I’m joining the Romney-Ryan ticket. And the President makes policy. And the President—in this case — the future President Mitt Romney, has exceptions for rape, incest, and life of the mother, which is a vast improvement of where we are right now.”

    Allow me to parse that for you. Paul Ryan has never been wrong when it comes to women’s rights and reproduction. By “method of conception” he is alluding to rape. Even if a woman is raped, (which, contrary to Akin, he thinks can result in pregnancy), that rape does not change his pro-life and anti-abortion view. No matter what, that woman must bear the child to term.

    Ryan explains that Romney is still not as advanced as he is in terms of pro-life views. Romney will allow abortions for rape, incest, and when the life of the mother is threatened. Ryan calls this a step in the right direction. Obviously, he is waiting for Romney to come around and forbid abortion even for rape and incest victims. In the meantime, Ryan is happy to blame any wishy washyness on the subject of abortion on Romney.

  114. Crudely Wrott says

    Patricia, I just realized that the tile on your floor is ceramic and you want to try to keep it. I posted earlier before I followed the thread.

    Like you, I really like the pastel colors of the forties and fifties. Makes me feel like I’ve always been there and it’s always been there.

    Trouble is, mechanical means of removing adhesive will damage the tile. As well, you will want to clean the grout lines. Inall, lots of hand work and squatting.

    There are water based solvents available, so the problem of fumes is reduced considerably. The thing is, they need time to penetrate and soften the offending goo. Check the paint aisles at Lowes.

    Prepare to spend a lot of time on this job. In order to preserve the original floor you will have to go easy and work in modest areas at a time. If your back is anything like mine, an hour or so will be plenty of time to do two or three square feet before you can’t stand any more squatting.You’ll need an abrasive grout tool to clean up the joints. Allow lots of time and don’t get in a hurry.

    When you have got it all clean, please re-grout the joints and by all means apply grout sealer. That will make it look so much better and prevent the grout from staining so your floor will be easy to clean.

    If you can, how about posting some before, during and after pictures? I’d really like to see how the job goes for you.

  115. Nutmeg says

    a sugar delivery system flavored lightly as strongly as possible of lemon

    Fixed that for you. I have not yet met a dessert that was too lemony for me. I’ve almost given up on lemon desserts that I didn’t make myself, because they’re never as strong as I like.

  116. says

    An, it’s typos in the morning for me, I see. “Took big” should have been “Too big.”

    Back to the coffee.

    Excerpts from True the Vote story:

    … when a handful of attendees started snickering at California’s gays and civil unions, and loudly applauded an Oliver North-like local Republican County chairman who cited the most deadly Nazi fighter pilot’s wartime survival credo in his powerpoint—as advice on beating Obama—I thought, wow, let’s hope this crew is all bark and no bite….

    …speakers … described a full-throated U.S. Justice Department conspiracy to ignore discrimination against white voters, or Fund [right wing author, John Fund] telling people that they should enjoy bullying liberals because they were doing God’s work. “Your opposition are cartoon characters. They are. They are fun to beat up. They are fun to humiliate,” he intoned. “You are on the side of the angels. And these people are just frauds, charlatans and liars.”

  117. Pteryxx says

    ugh… the True the Vote report is sickening. (bolds mine)

    Another group affiliated with True the Vote, Minnesota Majority, used a similar method, also based on sloppy database analyses, and presented the Hennepin County Attorney (where Minneapolis is) with what it claimed were more than 1,500 instances of illegal felon voting during the November 2008 election. They claim Al Franken only won because felons illegally voted. That charge, which is repeated in Fund’s new book, was vigorously rejected this month by Hennepin County Prosecutor Mike Freeman. He said they brought 1,500 allegations — but there was only sufficient proof to charge 38 people.

    What is dangerous here is that the voter fraud movement’s leaders know these facts, but that’s not what they are telling the grassroots at meetings like Colorado’s summit. Instead, they’re deliberately misinforming local activists who care about elections, and encouraging them to take the law into their own hands when the courts fail them.

    “You know the job of a recounter. You count, you count, you count until your candidate is ahead, and then you stop counting,” Fund glibly explained to the Denver conference room. Never mind that he described precisely what the Minnesota Majority did in the Wisconsin gubernatorial recall election—they stopped “disqualifying” petitions when they had the number they wanted.

  118. Sarahface says

    I am so threadrupt it’s not funny.

    Caine: I’m sorry to hear about Zoe and Carrot, and glad to hear that they’re now doing better. Please give Perdita X some extra-special virtual-owner-scritches from me, and if it comes to it, I’m willing to share Perdita X with someone.

    Audley, waffles sound very nice. Any going spare through the USB?

    We’ve been working on a raised bed thingy in our front garden this today, which will hopefully, once it’s done, contain all the herbs we could possibly want. I can’t wait till it’s done, though digging trenches is no fun, and sawing sleepers up is harder work than it looks.
    I’ve also started getting stuff for university – I need a fair amount of new clothes, partly because my VI Form had a *really* strict dress code (basically, nothing other than a suit, which isn’t really suitable for uni) and partly because for the last 4 years or so (pretty much since the time I stopped growing) I haven’t had an awful lot of new clothes, so I’ve just worn the ones I have to destruction and then beyond. I’m extremely glad that this is something that my parents can afford to do, and also that I’ll get support from a couple of places through uni, otherwise I don’t think I could do it.

    I’ve started knitting myself a university-worthy scarf, since it’ll be cold in winter. I learnt how to knit when I was about 7, promptly forgot, and I’m now re-learning it. It’s 3 days in so far, and it’s currently not too bad; the scarf (which will *hopefully* be the same dimensions, if not patterns, as Tom Baker’s Doctor) is currently 10cm long (4 inches).

    Going out tonight with the family for the first time in a while. Should be fun, as long as I keep my more abrasive tendencies in check.

    Anyway, fuzzy things to those as want them, *hugs*/grog/chocolate covered bacon as appropriate, and my best wishes for each and every one of you.

  119. Happiestsadist, opener of the Crack of Doom says

    Rorschach @ #83: Your reply is the most depressing thing I’ve read in a while. The fact that feeling that way isn’t considered something to be fixed makes me ill.

    Nutmeg @ #149: Here, here! Thankfully, The Mr. is as pro-citrus as I am, so my desserts are actually sufficiently citrus, not the usual “was sat next to a lemon on the counter” bland.

  120. broboxley OT says

    Lynna, OM #148 from the article you cited

    These Election Day plans and litigation strategy mimic the liberal groups they revile, such as Project Vote, ACORN, the Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law and labor unions.

    still, an odious group

  121. Tony •King of the Hellmouth• says

    Where are the Darkwaffles…? There’s a hunger inside me and I need more than a snickers.

  122. broboxley OT says

    found some leftover uncooked breakfast sausages in the fridge. Soaked them overnight in white vinegar and 2 tablespoons paprika.
    Just finished them, awesome!

  123. carlie says

    Guess who has a “Changlorious Basterds” tee shirt? XD

    Awesome! Do you follow Joel McHale on Twitter? Apparently a newspaper reported the news about Prince Harry playing strip pool with a photo ‘shopping Harry’s head on Joel’s in that famous pool scene.

    Sigh, self-pity, etc. I’ve been totally planning on going to Rhinebeck since forever, but recent accounting of All the Things That Need Done Soon has shown a large requirement in the spending column. Now I’m at the (extremely privileged still, I know) point of I could do it, but would feel horribly guilty at shorting some of the other things, and selfish at taking so much for just me when the Things will benefit the whole family (and structural integrity of the house and whatnot). I can’t tell if deciding not to go is the correct adult decision or swanning into the martyr role I do so well. :( (firstworldproblems)

  124. Tethys says


    I have remodeled several of those pink bathrooms, and I own one that dates to the 1920’s. I recommend refinishing the plastic wall tile in white as discussed here. The adhesive used to install that stuff is still horrible stinky even though it’s nearly 70 years old, and so hard to remove that I’ve ended up skim coating out entire walls rather than spend any more time scraping.

    The high wainscoting of pink plastic tile on my walls in my bathroom were done about ten years ago, and the coating has been very durable. The woodwork is also white, and I have painted the upper section of wall a color I call kraft mac & cheese. I have raspberry red towels and a striped rug. It sounds loud, but it is a happy pink/orange/red/white bathroom. I wish I had tile under the boring white linoleum, but alas, there is only sub-flooring.

    Removing linoleum adhesive is tedious. This is another method that should remove the major part of the adhesive.

    *Wear gloves when working with dry ice!*

    Place a ½ to ¼ pound of dry ice on a metal tray and place it directly on the adhesive for about 30 seconds. This will cause the adhesive to become brittle; it can now be chipped away with a scraper. Move the tray onto the next patch of adhesive while scraping. This will make the job go faster. When all the adhesive is lifted, sweep the area clear of any residue.

    Then use a scraper, hard toothbrush, and solvents to remove the last vestiges.
    I like to use a wide scraper that holds a utility razor blade.
    I have a foam garden pad that I sit on, and I put a piece of tubular foam over the handle of the scraper to minimize repetitive stress trauma to my hand.

    Keep the scraper nearly parallel to the floor, and scrape wet to avoid scratching the tile.

    Goo-gone ™ is a very effective solvent based on citrus oils,
    and has the advantage of not requiring massive ventilation.
    Rubbing alcohol can work and doesn’t evaporate as quickly as acetone.

    Good luck!


    Poor Carrot and Zoe! I did some reading on the genetics of megacolon. It’s so sad some markings really are lethally cute.
    They are lucky to have you as their human. Their lives will be short, but entirely happy and well loved. I hope when the time to euthanize comes, it will be clear, fast, and easy for all.


    I’m just going to leave this bale of hugs over here in the pillow pile for anyone who needs some. They are dark chocolate with pieces of crystallized ginger, do try one or three.

  125. thunk, sour grape says


    Please give some extra-special scratches for Basil as well. He’s adorable.

  126. says

    Lynna, OM #148 from the article you cited

    These Election Day plans and litigation strategy mimic the liberal groups they revile, such as Project Vote, ACORN, the Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law and labor unions.

    Yeah. The Republican voter-suppression forces always bring up ACORN. When you pay amateurs to register voters, and you pay them by the signature, you are just begging for a slap-dash job. Of course some of your minimum-wage workers are going to “register” the entire Dallas Cowboys team, or Mickey Mouse. One thing to remember is that this kind of fraud is fairly easy to stop, and it is stopped before the names appear on voter registration roles.

    Republicans are tying to use restrictive I.D. laws to stop legitimate voters from casting their votes.

    NPR’s Fresh Air produced a great podcast on this issue. The program starts with an interview with one of the right wing conspiracy nuts. Fresh Air’s Dave Davies let’s Representative Daryl Metcalfe hang himself. Once Metcalfe is off the stage, the presentation becomes more reality-based.

    Daryl Metcalfe: “The majority of Democrats that are trying to stop voter photo ID don’t want to see the fraud stopped. …

    “All of the opposition from the NAACP, the ACLU, all the Democrats that voted against this and the House and Senate in Pennsylvania, they are trying to protect status quo. I believe they are trying to protect the fraud that they know they have happen at the polls that allows some of them to win.”…

  127. says

    I have problems with flat feet as well. I had orthopedics for a while, and the helped but didn’t completely fix it, and my knees are pretty messed up. I recommend your SO try bicycling if it’s a feasible activity where you live. I find that the flat feet are less of a problem than in running/walking types of activities. I also suffer from depression, not quite as badly as it sounds like he does. I agree with the prior recommendations about finding something to do that feels like you’re accomplishing something (that ‘purpose to life’ thing) and try to do it regularly. I’ve found that setting up a regular schedule for volunteering helps overcome the lack of will to call in. You only have to call and set it up once, and after that it’s part of a schedule. It can still be hard to keep to it, but it helps me. Also if you can, it might help to remind him periodically that he was meaning to call someone. When L does that for me it really does help keep me on track.

  128. broboxley OT says

    #161 Lynna, OM meanwhile (at least in Florida when I lived there) all of the fraud and shenanigans involved absentee ballots. Make a mild mention that those should be tightened up and the republicans go apeshit since they are the main manipulators of those.

    There have been many scandals and prosecutions of absentee ballot fraud in the Miami-Dade area over the last two decades, including one prosecution in 1997 that overturned an election result. The Florida GOP could hardly be unaware of these frauds since various GOP campaign operatives carried them out.
    Smith opined that perhaps the reason that the Florida GOP is ignoring absentee ballot fraud is that in 2008 there were 11 percent more absentee ballots cast by the GOP than Democrats.

  129. says

    Make a mild mention that those should be tightened up and the republicans go apeshit since they are the main manipulators of those.

    Yes. Republicans only like fraud that benefits them.

    If Republicans see a voting issue where no fraud that benefits Democrats can be proven (Pennsylvania, for example), they will invent fraud. Or, they will assume that massive fraud by Dems is taking place, but it just can’t be measured or proven.

    Inventing and publicizing fake fraud plays a part in the True the Vote campaign.

  130. says


    Now I’m at the (extremely privileged still, I know) point of I could do it, but would feel horribly guilty at shorting some of the other things, and selfish at taking so much for just me when the Things will benefit the whole family (and structural integrity of the house and whatnot)

    Maybe you could frame it as something you well deserve after having worked so hard for your family?

  131. says


    Poor Carrot and Zoe! I did some reading on the genetics of megacolon. It’s so sad some markings really are lethally cute.

    Yes, they are both so damn cute. We’re fortunate that Chas is okay, given he’s also a blaze. Thank you very much. ♥

    Thunk, consider them delivered. Basil has had a good time this morning in the digging box, and is now sleeping off a belly full of extra-buttery mashed potatoes with peas.

  132. opposablethumbs says

    Sarahface, don’t know if it suits you or not but my whole family periodically check out the local cancer research/PDSA/Age Concern shops for loads of stuff in decent nick, and occasionally snag even designer labels for a few quid. DaughterSpawn regularly gets asked where she got the awesome [whatever outfit] – she and her dad have a good eye (unlike me). Even SonSpawn’s reticent teenage-boy classmates have been known to admire one or two of his best finds :)

    Hope you’re enjoying your preparations!

    DaughterSpawn has been filming for her uni – a series of videos for the uni website, specifically to offer handy info to the imminent incoming freshers as seen from the pov of current undergraduates (sort of “everything I wish I’d known when I was a fresher but didn’t know where to ask”). So I suppose yours might have something like that. She also told me that a lot of her own intake got chatting to each other on the book of face before they arrived, so it was like already knowing people when you got there.

    Eh, ignore if not relevant – if my grandmother were still alive I’d
    always be trying to teach her to suck eggs too!

  133. Ogvorbis: faucibus desultor singulari says

    Bill Cosby, although he was speaking of other drugs as well and the quote isn’t verbatim. /pedant

    I thought that might have been Cosby, but wasn’t sure. And I was also pretty sure that I was paraphrasing. Not sure why I put the quotes in (other than (of course) that I’m an idiot).

  134. says

    Tyler Clementi’s parents have been doing some soul-searching (so to speak) since he jumped off the George Washington Bridge. In part, it’s been due to their middle son also coming out of the closet.

    At the time Tyler sat down to tell his parents he was gay, [his mother] believed that homosexuality was a sin, as her evangelical church taught. She said she was not ready to tell friends, protecting her son — and herself — from what would surely be the harsh judgments of others.

    “It did not change the fact that I loved my son,” she said. “I did need to think about how that would fit into my thoughts on homosexuality.”

    … In the months after Tyler’s death, some of Ms. Clementi’s friends confided that they, too, had gay children. She blames religion for the shame surrounding it — in the conversation about coming out, Tyler told his mother he did not think he could be Christian and gay.

    “I think some people think that sexual orientation can be changed or prayed over,” she said now, in her kitchen. “But I know sexual orientation is not up for negotiation. I don’t think my children need to be changed. I think that what needed changing is attitudes, or myself, or maybe some other people I know.”

    Unfortunately, she’s cherry-picking the bible to support her new beliefs, rather than questioning religion in general.

  135. says

    Did I mention that I hate German conservatives?
    Now, the minister of justice* is trying to achieve a bit more equality for civil unions (we just can’t let the gays get married, can we?). Not even the big stuff like taxes and adoption, just small stuff like allowing a civil union partner to keep renting the flat after the partner who had rented the flat dies. Just adding “civil union partner” to about 40 laws and such.
    She was met with fierce opposition from the conservatives:
    There are more important things to do and also the future is in families, not in civil unions.
    Yeah, they ain’t families. Also gay people will decide to become straight if civil unions keep being a third class ticket.

    *A member of the liberal party. I have a lot of respect for her because she’s actually one of the few liberals remaining in that party, on the other hand I’m asking myself, what is she doing in this rich boys’ club?

    Forgot to say: The whole family benefits if mum gets a breather, too.

  136. Pteryxx says

    putting the word out: via Ophelia, the SymbiARTic blog at Scientific American just featured an interview with Surly Amy.

    Also via Ophelia, a pitter or two are trashing the *registered* comments there – Surly Amy said that a good word in there would be appreciated.

  137. Tethys says

    Today’s pink anti-caturday critter led me to another article in Natgeo on-line, that discusses the newly found mechanism by which the brain cleans itself. (in mice)

    The photo accompanying the article is absolutely fantastical. I would love to play with a two-photon microscope.

    Nedergaard and her team used a special two-photon microscope, whose infrared light allows a deep, clear look into living brain tissue without harming it.
    “These microscopes are revolutionizing neuroscience, and they’ve only become commercially available in the past five or six years,” Nedergaard said.

  138. carlie says

    Thanks, Giliell. :) Truth is I haven’t been pulling my weight enough lately, which is the source of some of my angst. But I shouldn’t have blurted it all out, we’ll come to some conclusion. I might be able to drive down for just the day and dinner as a cheaper compromise.

  139. says

    From the comments below the Salt Lake Tribune article mentioned @177:

    Mormons believe in free-agency, unless it’s something they happen to be against. In that case, they have no problem making the decision that no one should be able to decide for themselves whether they want to watch a program or not.

  140. says

    From the obviously-mormon category of comments below the Salt Lake Tribune article:

    If you don’t get your fill of gay mafia indoctrination, go have a drink at a gay bar. Whiners.

  141. Tony •King of the Hellmouth• says

    What action movie did Geena Davis star in where she was the lead heroine? I’m not familiar with her movies, other than A League Of Their Own, Beetlejuice and The Fly (love the first, need to re-watch the second, indifferent about the third).
    Oh boy, I needed another cool place to shop (right now, it’s more like window shopping) like I needed a hole in the head.
    I love how they have bacon products:
    Reading some of the comments following Amy’s interview-FFS!
    A puff piece? It’s a blog. The blogger chose to interview someone xe felt had something unique to say and it does relate to science. If someone doesn’t like the blog post, they can move on to something they do like.
    Not creative? Here’s an artist using her talents to create works that combine art and science, and somehow that’s not creative?

  142. Sarahface says

    Opposablethumbs: Oooh, that’s a good idea. I’d half thought about doing it, but every time I remembered, I had places to be and people to see, so I never got round to it. Next time, I really will do it. (Promise to self.)

    Sad to hear that Neil Armstrong has died, but I don’t really know what else to say.

  143. Josh, Official SpokesGay says



    Facebook informs me my usually-once-a-year, same-time-next-year gentleman friend is engaged to a woman.

    (Scratches head, wracks brain trying to remember any conversation indicating even-a-little-other-than-gay. Nope.)

    Mind, this is not a criticism, a snark, or jealousy (there’s a reason it was once a year or so). Just honest surprise.

  144. Moggie says

    When someone dies, people will often say “he will always be remembered”. Neil Armstrong is one of the few people of whom that is probably true. For as long as humans remain human, for as long as we maintain a recorded history, his name, and what he stood for, will be remembered. Imagine: ten thousand years from now, an intelligent machine looks up at whatever dominates the night sky of its home, and feels grateful for Armstrong’s achievement.

  145. Sarahface says

    Facebook informs me my usually-once-a-year, same-time-next-year gentleman friend is engaged to a woman.

    [semi-related kinda-vent] I don’t know if you ever had the stage where everyone is facebook-married to their best friends? It’s kind of obnoxious, really – straight engagement/marriage statuses are generally true (or frapes [god, I hate that word, but I don’t know about any alternatives]) and all the same-sex ones are usually best friends. It’s quite… alienating, because most of these people will grow up and get married and not need to ever consider whether their relationship is or is not officially a ‘marriage’.
    That, and all the people that have 50 facebook-siblings, primarily composed of their friends.