Tim Minchin serenades the Pope

Tim Minchin has a new and utterly delightful little song about the Pope. Warning: it’s catchy. You might end up singing it around the house.

Oh, and also…it’s a teeny bit naughty. Maybe not safe for work, unless you work in a Catholic office — then you should turn it up loud.

Also, if you’re one of those people who fret over “tone”: insert your name where ever Tim says “Pope”.


  1. Gregory Greenwood says

    I would not have expressed it thusly, but Tim Minchin is right on the money. Anyone offended by the song has to stop and remember that we are talking about child rapists. That has to trump a little profanity in any sane code of morality. Anyone who would take the side of child rapists needs to take a hard look at themsleves and question how they wound up on that side of the argument. If they don’t, then they are morally culpable in their own right.

  2. https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawl1rYlMq3n72hr7d1WxhX-DSmO8zbKd4Bg says

    See, this is why Pope Palpatine hates the internet. It lets people express, to the entire world, how much of a piece of shit he is and he can’t even have them drawn and quartered for it. How unfair is that?

  3. https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawkGgG1CGAqI5XJiIrvwUcDUWt_WBpHtteo says

    Fucking brilliant!

  4. Mak says

    Yeah, this is pretty much exactly what I was waiting for. Does anyone have the lyrics? It was a little difficult for me to hear what he was singing through the “motherfucker” chorus. xD

  5. lorrible-frog says

    Thanks, PZ, now I can’t stop singing this, AND my uncontainable giggling has awoken my very grumpy and sleepy boyfriend. I think this might cheer him up, however.

  6. Carlie says

    I love him so much.
    Mak – he has the lyrics to all of his songs at his official website, so these will probably be up there soon.

  7. Doug says

    I once spontaneously wrote a very similar song in response to dropping a hammer on my toe. Take out the ‘Pope’ part, and it was essentially identical.

  8. sammywol says

    Glorious! alleluia!

    And yes Gregory Greenwood at #1,seconded,that is exactly the motherfucking point! One that Minchin proves does not pall with repetition. Very catchy repetition too. Will have to be careful at the schoolyard tomorrow. (Anyone else remember the closing chorus to Jerry Springer the Opera? Similarly NSFW and terrifically catchy.)

    Am watching on a netbook so perhaps it is the screen size that makes Palpatine’s little todger look quite so exactly like an ice-cream cone. Ew!

  9. Legion says

    Catchy? Hell yeah!

    For extra enjoyment, as we watched this, we imagined Bill Donohue giddily dancing along…

    We wonder how long this will last on I’m-So-offended-Tube.

  10. leepicton says

    If you watch it the first time, it’s hilarious, but if you play it a second time and listen without watching,you can hear the lyrics and they are brilliant. Fuck the fucking fucker, indeed!

  11. DeusExNihilum says

    Truly Genius, GENIUS. I’ve never experienced such liberal use of the word “Motherfucker” whilst it being so relevant and poignant.

  12. Hannah says

    I just ADORE Tim Minchin, I really do – this is my new favorite ditty by him XD

    *spreads it around to her friends and family*

  13. Ben Goren says

    It’s about fucking time somebody did something like this, and Tim’s the perfect one to have done it.

    The whole entirety of the godawful fucking scandal, summed up in a single, short, catchy tune. Sheer brilliance!



    EAC Memographer
    BAAWA Knight of Blasphemy
    “All but God can prove this sentence true.”

  14. says

    By the way, PZ, Tim himself addresses the “tone” argument in the song:

    And if you don’t like the swearing that this motherfucker forced from me
    And reckon it shows moral or intellectual paucity
    Then fuck you, motherfucker, this is language one employs
    When one is fucking cross about fuckers fucking boys

  15. DominEditrix says

    Hmmm – hadn’t thought about it before, but “papist” and “rapist” rhyme…

  16. Cuttlefish, OM says

    Well, fuck.

    Even when I *try* to offend the pope, I am too polite.

    Tim Minchin has more talent in his little finger than I do in 8 arms and 2 tentacles.

    And catchy, too, goddammit…

  17. UXO says

    Maybe it’s just me, but this whole kiddie fiddling stuff is getting WAY more traction than I thought it would. Maybe I’m just jaded, coming from Newfoundland, where one of the first major “outings” took place. I expected this to blow over like the whole Christian Brothers episode did, what, 20+ years ago? But this might actually hurt the motherfuckers. Nice.

  18. IslandBrewer says

    The tone of this song greatly concerns me, as does the language.

    I believe Mr. Minchin was far too mild in his criticism and language.

    Now, I know that offering a critique without a solution is sort of a copout, but when I try to put into words what I really want to say about the RCC, I become an apoplectic frothic homocidal maniac.

    And I’m still at work, so that might effect my next performance review.

  19. irenedelse says

    Tone? What tone? “Mother-fucker” is theologically accurate for God, since Jesus Christ is at the same time God and the son that God begot from Mary. And because the Pope is the deputy of Jesus Christ on Earth, he should enjoy the same distinctions than Him. So, “Mother-fucker”, as a Biblically derived title for the Lord Jesus, is perfectly appropriate for honouring the pope too.

    (Yes, I’m a lapsed Catholic. It shows.)

  20. Sili, The Unknown Virgin says

    Pretty sure they’re kiddyfuckers, not motherfuckers nor unclefuckers.


  21. SphinctOr says


    I know you are reading this…
    Please come on tour to Tampa, FL!
    You have quite a large following here.

    Don’t make me Mutherfuckin’ beg !

  22. Sastra says

    I think I am going to be singing this song — except I will probably skip that part that has some swearing.

  23. Atheist Chaplain says

    Thank you, snagged and saved for a ringtone (you know who it is for Ken)before youtube yank it :-)

  24. JohnnieCanuck says

    I’m looking forward to seeing ‘papist rapist’ become viral. I’m thinking a t-shirt with maybe, ‘Just say NO to Papist Rapists’

  25. https://me.yahoo.com/a/7IW3Q_E3tsKloSlnYxkYxNayMxiHG7hu.xyaWoTqcg--#e7f3e says

    Is it possible that this ear-worm might even displace The Norwhal Song?

    Let’s hope so.


  26. 'Tis Himself, OM says

    Is it possible that this ear-worm might even displace The Norwhal Song?

    No, because narwhals are so awesome.

  27. Elin says

    Right the fuck on!

    There’s a lesbian couple up in Boulder right now who are trying to get their kid into a Catholic preschool. I have to say, I just don’t get it. “Oh please please please let our kid into your woman-hating, gay-hating, kid-raping, generally-privacy-invading institution!” What the fuck?

  28. geoffmovies says

    The lyrics are a bit hard to comprehend at times but the point does get across and that’s important.

    Tim Minchin, you are my new man-crush.

  29. Rutee, Shrieking Harpy of Dooooom says


    The Pope’s hat is awesome. Insult the man under it, by all means, but leave the hat alone.

  30. 'Tis Himself, OM says

    Tim describes my feelings about Pope Palpatine rather well. It’s possibly a bit understated, but Tim had to tone it down for YouTube.

  31. WowbaggerOM says

    There’s a lesbian couple up in Boulder right now who are trying to get their kid into a Catholic preschool.

    Once again I urge scientists to begin researching the means to extract energy from cognitive dissonance as soon as possible.

  32. Kliwon says

    Reminds me of an old Goldie Hawn/Kurt Russell movie where Goldie says “I did not use profanity, Your Honour, I simply told the truth. I’m a mother, and he …” (cut in movie).

  33. elzoog says

    PZ Myers must be confused. How can the pope be a motherfucker? After all, Catholic priests prefer teen boys who are male and therefore can’t be mothers.

  34. Seraphiel says

    After all, Catholic priests prefer teen boys who are male and therefore can’t be mothers.

    The rapist priests target children, regardless of gender. They attack whoever is available.

  35. amk.myopenid.com says

    SphinctOr: wouldn’t it have been more sensible to Digg the Youtube page, not pharyngula?

  36. Null says

    Tim Minchin is awesome. He somehow manages to be incredibly profane, yet at the same time not come off as an idiot. And this whole song is an earworm; I’m going to have it stuck in my head for days.

  37. Ring Tailed Lemurian says

    Catholic priests prefer teen boys who are male and therefore can’t be mothers

    Can’t find the reference now, but I definitely read a senior Catholic official admitting that the “It’s the gays wot dun it” was rubbish and that 1/3rd of the abused were female.

  38. AvalonStorme says

    As a survivor of child rape/sexual abuse, I must say…this gets straight to the point and I absolutely love it. It’s nice that people AREN’T letting this go, because it’s gone on for far too long.

    Although, not sure I can go around singing this at my Christian university ;)

  39. paulmurray says

    And I think the various SciBlogs women (not to mention women eveywhere) are just a tiny, tiny bit ticked off that it’s the boy-raping that’s finally got people’s attention. Normally I roll my eyes when they start going on about how sexual violence (violence in general) against women is normlalised in our society, but I’m starting to think they have a point.

  40. Fortknox says

    It was pretty stupid of Tim Minchin to say that ratzi covering up pedophiles was a possibility when in fact it is a well established and well documented fact.

    I can’t believe he fell into that mendacious counter-scandal trap.

  41. amk.myopenid.com says

    it’s the boy-raping that’s finally got people’s attention

    That could be homophobia rather than misogyny. I came across a poster somewhere who genuinely believed any heterosexual male would think the male sexual abuse of a girl was not as shocking as the male sexual abuse of a boy, and used this to justify regarding homosexuals as inferior.

    Of course homophobia and misogyny often go together particularly in the Church of Rome.

    (how did I know realise “papist” rhymes with “rapist”?”)

  42. Charlie Foxtrot says

    Excellent! Want it on my iPod – now!

    Also – loving the animation, watched it 3 times already :)
    How long until it goes viral? Can we get on that?

  43. pnrjulius says

    Honestly my objection is that it’s not nearly harsh enough.

    “Fuck the fucking mother-fucker” is the sort of thing one would say about a schoolyard bully, a corrupt corporate executive, or a purveyor of pseudoscientific woo. Fuck Glenn Beck; fuck Henry Paulson; fuck Dinesh D’souza.

    But the Pope? No, not fuck the Pope. That’s much too soft for the Pope. The man leads a cadre of corrupt and evil billionaires who manipulate hundreds of millions of people into following their orders and giving them money, while at the same time they harbor child-rapists and carry on the traditions of an institution that supported the Nazis.

    Do not fuck the Pope; haul him away in chains for his crimes against humanity.

  44. says

    I’ve transcribed most of the lyrics, but I can’t get a couple of the lines, mostly due to the accent.

    I need the lines that come immediately after “I don’t give a fuck if calling the pope a motherfucker” (something like “Makes you unthinkingly branded an unthinking apostate”, but that doesn’t quite sound right), and the first few words after “There are other fucking songs and there are other fucking ways”.

    Once I get those done, I’ll put the lyrics here (unless PZ objects, of course).

  45. Foxbox says

    “Means you unthinkingly brand me an unthinking apostate” I think is how it goes.

    Fucking brilliant as it is, I’m slightly worried that the black cardinal is portrayed a bit iffily. If I’m being a twat, tell me so. I just don’t want the message to be able to be undermined in any way.

  46. ashleyfmiller says


    I don’t give a fuck if calling the pope a motherfucker means you unthinkingly brand me an unthinking apostate

    I’ll be a religious apologist on other fucking days

  47. alec.muffett says


    1) …means you unthinkingly brand me an unthinking apostate; this has nowt to do with other…

    2) I’ll be a religious apologist on other fucking days…

  48. says

    Foxbox: Thanks, that fits a lot better (and makes sense, too). Any idea about the other one? “There are other fucking songs and there are other fucking ways (???) religious apologists on other fucking days”

  49. Foxbox says

    I transcribed them earlier if it’ll save you the time:

    Fuck the motherfucker
    Fuck the motherfucker
    Fuck the motherfucker he’s a fucking motherfucker!
    Fuck the motherfucker
    Fuck the fucking fucker
    Fuck the motherfucker he’s a total fucking fucker!
    Fuck the motherfucker
    Fuck the motherfucker
    Fuck the motherfucker, fucking fuck the motherfucker!
    Fuck the motherfucker
    Fuck the motherfucking Pope!
    Fuck the motherfucker, and fuck you, motherfucker
    If you think that motherfucker is sacred.
    If you cover for another motherfucker who’s a kiddy fucker
    Fuck you, you’re no better than the motherfucking rapist.
    And if you don’t like the swearing that this motherfucker forced from me
    And reckon it shows moral or intellectual paucity
    Then fuck you, motherfucker, this is language one employs
    When one is fucking cross about fuckers fucking boys.
    I don’t give a fuck if calling the Pope a motherfucker
    Means you unthinkingly brand me an unthinking apostate.
    This has nowt to do with other fucking godly motherfuckers
    I’m not interested right now in fucking scriptural debate.
    There are other fucking songs and there are other fucking ways
    I’ll be a religious apologist on other fucking days.
    But the fact remains that if you protect a single kiddy fucker
    Then Pope or prince or plumber, you’re a fucking motherfucker!
    You see I don’t give a fuck what any other motherfucker
    Believes about Jesus and his motherfucking mother.
    I’ve no problem with the spiritual beliefs of all these fuckers
    While those beliefs don’t impact on the happiness of others.
    But if you build your church on claims of fucking moral authority
    And with threats of hell impose it on others in society
    Then you, you motherfuckers, can expect some motherfucking wrath
    When it turns out you’ve been fucking us in our motherfucking asses!
    So fuck the motherfucker, and fuck you, motherfucker
    If you’re still a motherfucking papist.
    If he covered for a single motherfucker who’s a kiddy fucker
    Fuck the motherfucker, he’s as evil as the rapist.
    And if you look into your motherfucking heart and tell me true
    If this motherfucking stupid fucking song offended you
    With its filthy fucking language and its fucking disrespect
    If it made you feel angry, go ahead and write a letter.
    But if you find me more offensive than the fucking possibility
    The Pope protected priests when they were getting fucking fiddly
    Then listen to me motherfucker, this here is a fact:
    You are just as morally misguided as that motherfucking power-hungry, self-aggrandised
    Bigot in his stupid fucking hat.

    I think they’re all right.

  50. says

    The Pope Song
    by Tim Minchin
    (transcribed by me, there may be errors)

    Fuck the motherfucker, fuck the motherfucker
    Fuck the motherfucker, he’s a fucking motherfucker
    Fuck the motherfucker, fuck the fucking fucker
    Fuck the motherfucker, he’s a total fucking fucker
    Fuck the motherfucker, fuck the motherfucker
    Fuck the motherfucker, fucking fuck the motherfucker
    Fuck the motherfucker, fuck the motherfucking Pope

    Fuck the motherfucker, and fuck you, motherfucker
    If you think that motherfucker is sacred
    If you cover for another motherfucker who’s a kiddie fucker
    Fuck you, you’re no better than the motherfucking rapist
    And if you don’t like the swearing that this motherfucker forced from me
    And reckon it shows moral or intellectual paucity
    Then fuck you, motherfucker, this is language one employs
    When one is fucking cross about fuckers fucking boys

    I don’t give a fuck if calling the pope a motherfucker
    Means you unthinkingly brand me an unthinking apostate
    And this has nowt to do with other fucking godly motherfuckers
    I’m not interested right now in fucking scriptural debate
    There are other fucking songs and there are other fucking ways
    I’ll be a religious apologist on other fucking days
    And the fact remains, if you protect a single kiddie fucker
    Then Pope or prince or plumber, you’re a fucking motherfucker

    You see, I don’t give a fuck what any other motherfucker
    Believes about Jesus and his motherfucking mother
    I’ve no problem with the spiritual beliefs of all these fuckers
    While those beliefs don’t hit back on the happiness of others
    But if you build your church on claims of fucking moral authority
    And with threats of Hell impose it on others in society
    Then you, you motherfuckers, can expect some fucking wrath
    When it turns out you’ve been fucking us in our motherfucking asses

    So fuck you motherfucker, and fuck you, motherfucker
    If you’re still a motherfucking papist
    If he covered for a single motherfucker who’s a kiddie fucker
    Fuck the motherfucker, he’s as evil as the rapist
    And if you look into your motherfucking heart and tell me true
    If this motherfucking stupid fucking song offended you
    With its filthy fucking language and its fucking disrespect
    If it made you feel angry, go ahead and write a letter
    But if you find me more offensive than the fucking possibility
    The Pope protected priests while they getting fucking fiddly
    Then listen to me, motherfucker, this here is a fact
    You are just as morally misguided as that motherfucking
    Power-hungry self-aggrandized bigot in the stupid fucking hat

    (Fuck the motherfucker, fuck the motherfucker…)

  51. alec.muffett says

    Foxbox’s one was right, except for two issues:

    1) not sure about this, but I agree “impact” makes most sense, but it sounds sung more like “hit back” – check the audio and tell me what you think

    2) Elide a “mother” just before “wrath”. :-)

  52. says

    (PS: The song contains 86 instances of the word “fuck”, “fucking”, “fucker”, or “(mother)fucker”. That assumes the song ends at the word “hat”.)

  53. Weed Monkey says


    There’s a thread at Tim Minchin’s angry(feet)forum, where someone’s already pieced together most of it. His songs are listed on the music page with lyrics, but I could not find the Pope Song there yet.

  54. Foxbox says

    Yep, yours is better, and I’ve shoved an extra “that” in there somewhere. I think “impact” is right though. Dashed it down quickly.

  55. says

    Weed Monkey:

    Yeah, I was looking for that page, and couldn’t find it.


    That was my first thought, but apparently “nowt” is dialect (and pronounced differently).


    “Impact” makes more sense in context, but it sure doesn’t sound like that’s what he says. I’m thinking maybe there’s a third option we’ve both missed.

  56. Andrew T says

    Nice song, but it would be more accurate if they sang “child fucker” instead of “mother fucker.”

  57. Sgt. Obvious says

    It’s definitely “impact”. You cam clearly hear the M in the middle of the word. It seems to me that the H sound at the beginning of the word was just a hard breath. That’s not that rare when people say words beginning with an I, especially if there’s some kind of emphasis on the word.

  58. Mathew Wilder says

    Fucking brilliant.

    I also like PZ’s advice to those offended by this song. Also fucking brilliant.

    Instant classic. I believe this shall go down in the annals of doubt!

  59. Pierce R. Butler says

    Foxbox @ # 62: … I’m slightly worried that the black cardinal is portrayed a bit iffily.

    He’s actually a bit less stereotypical than the Irish cardinal alongside him – both of whom are tellingly more Grosstiftung than the Kraut with the frog.

  60. 10cities10years says

    Talk about a fucking cathartic release. It’s almost painful to keep reading more and more about these fucking rapists.

    Any chance those kids on Glee will lip-synch this song some week? I think they could make a good show out of that.

  61. mims h. carter says

    So many comments about the song not being harsh enough. I am in the right place.

  62. mims h. carter says

    So many comments about the song not being harsh enough. I am definitely in the right place. Another little masterpiece from Tim Minchin.

  63. Clint says

    So I did a word count on the first transcribe #67 and the word “fuck” in all forms only comes up 84 times.

  64. cafeeine says

    Am I spoiled for suddenly wishing I could hear an acapella version sung by George Carlin?

  65. souper genyus says

    Mother fucking brilliant!

    I might lose some friends for posting that on my facebook, but who cares? Good riddance.

  66. Noir The Sable says

    Brilliant, indeed.

    My only complaint now is that I can’t bring such a catchy tune in my mp3 player as all my headphones bleed worse than a hemophiliac with Parkinson’s trying to shave, and to be honest: having a song that has some variation of the word “fuck” being played at a rate of thrice per second audible within a two foot radius of oneself tends to bring stares.

  67. rufustfirefly66 says

    I sent the link via feedback to Bill Donohue’s Catholic League, though I’m sure he’s already heard about it. Told him to enjoy it. I hope he strokes out.

  68. Mathew Wilder says

    @cafeeine I never knew this existed until now. HOW DID I NOT KNOW? So much win, especially with this song. Thank you!

  69. Egaeus says

    How much more offensive can you possibly fucking be, PZ? I mean seriously, polka?

  70. Silent One says

    At last – the perfect anthem to play as Dirty Uncle Ratzzi steps of his plane at Heathrow

  71. somewhereingreece says

    This is brilliant! I’ll go see if Dan Savage has gotten wind of this.

  72. rsm_hokkaido#e7c56 says

    Meh. Totally didn’t work for me.

    Melody awesomely catchy, lyrics ok, just lost me in the cacophony.

  73. SaintStephen says

    Sorry in advance, but I simply must express my utter glee after viewing this:


    Probably the funniest thing I’ve seen all year, PZ, and that includes Badgers and Narwhals.

  74. Phasic says

    Hehe, catchy and bouncy, and I love the animation.

    And true, too.

    Just the thing for a Friday afternoon.

  75. Ruzhyo2000 says

    This ignorant old fucktard in the hat doesn’t realize that, in his pathetic and misguided effort to protect the image of the church at the cost of justice for victims of rape, that he has actually done the exact opposite, and turned his church into a laughing stock. The saddest thing is, considering his anti-condom work in Africa, this is not even the worst of his crimes.

  76. Xtine says

    Aww, look at its cute little red Pra….er, handmade Adriano Stefanelli shoes! They’re simply presh!

    But seriously, folks, fuck the fucking fucker indeed.

  77. MoonShark says

    Haha! Watched it a half dozen time already.

    This makes me want to dig up George Carlin and say…

    “Look at that, you fucking corpse! You were fucking funny in your day motherfucker but your fucking memory might be a motherfucking footnote next to fucking Tim Minchin! Hey, don’t fucking look at me like that; like I’m some crazy motherfucker having a fucking one way conversation with a fucking rotting sack of sinew and flesh. I fucking dug you up so you could fucking see this motherfucking video, motherfucker!”

    “And besides, motherfucker, I’m pretty fucking sure digging up your predecessors in order to harass and defile their motherfucking remains is an important papal tradition. Though maybe not as important as fucking covering up child-fucking rapist motherfuckers.”


  78. David Marjanović says

    I hereby jump on the “genius” bandwagon.

    Tone? What tone? “Mother-fucker” is theologically accurate for God, since Jesus Christ is at the same time God and the son that God begot from Mary.


    I’m slightly worried that the black cardinal is portrayed a bit iffily.

    It might be specifically Francis Arinze, who was considered papabile last time the question presented itself.

  79. sjefskjekkasen says

    Damn the pope being such an inspiration of catchy tunes! I’ve been whisteling on this song for four hours now.. my lips are getting stiff and trembly. And I can’t stop!

    (Fuck the motherfucker, fuck the motherfucker… GAH!)

  80. Charlie Foxtrot says

    …and then you find yourself at YouTube, digging up Pope songs…
    heh…Hale and Pace…still good :)

  81. https://me.yahoo.com/hairychris444#96384 says

    More genius from Tim Minchin.

    And nowt = “nothing/none” and owt = “anything/any” in certain dialects.

  82. https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawmyOBMBBxSi6C5fNj-0lsBZnEr43t9c34w says

    truly truthfully amusing and satisfyingly catchy :)

  83. JamesPGH says

    very nice I like it.

    A shirt would be nice: Fuck the Motherfucker, hen animated picture of pope from video below text.

  84. John Morales says

    I guess I’m in a minority, for I find it tedious and silly. Watched a minute or so before giving up on it.

  85. hankfox1 says

    I’d like to see it catch on that the first two bars of this get played anytime the Pope makes a public appearance. It would be cool to see YouTube videos of that start popping up.

  86. applescrapple says

    Should be the opening “benediction”at all religious schools, Texas Universities – – ha ha ha ha sorry for the oxymoron – – and political convocations.

  87. GuyC says

    I nearly gave up after the first 30 seconds, I was beginning to think it was just repetition like his “Middle East Peace Anthem” and “Canvas Bags” songs…then it got good.

  88. Jessie says

    blf #110

    Getting this to No 1 in the UK charts in September is a great idea but how, where and when do you buy it so that it will be counted please? I don’t imagine iTunes or Amazon in the UK will have it!
    I’m not on Facebook so I can’t see more details.

  89. tsg says

    I guess I’m in a minority, for I find it tedious and silly. Watched a minute or so before giving up on it.

    I almost did, too, but it is well worth sitting all the way through.

  90. blf says

    Jessie@123, I have absolutely no idea. This is why I said (deleting all the fucks, and adding emboldening):

    There’s a facebork page to somehow try and get this brilliant song to be the UK’s no. 1 during the Rat’s visit:

    A youtube video does not seem to meet the criteria for inclusion on the chart—assuming the facebork page is even talking about the UK Singles Chart. (It never says which chart/list/whatever it has in mind, albeit that seems like the likely one.) I just found the idea amusing.

  91. shonny says

    Posted by: elzoog Author Profile Page | April 29, 2010 8:12 PM

    PZ Myers must be confused. How can the pope be a motherfucker? After all, Catholic priests prefer teen boys who are male and therefore can’t be mothers.

    Posted by: Andrew T Author Profile Page | April 29, 2010 10:07 PM

    Nice song, but it would be more accurate if they sang “child fucker” instead of “mother fucker.”

    Go here http://encyclopedia.jrank.org/articles/pages/749/Motherfucker.html to see why motherfucker is the accurate description of the chief motherfucker and his fellow motherfuckers.

  92. toth says

    Great. Now that’s stuck in my head, PZ. And if I absentmindedly sing it out loud, I’ll get some very strange looks in my office.

    Fuck you, motherfucker!

  93. Nicolas Keller says

    ohhhh this will be so much fun…

    right now im at home and in my garden -a short hop (~150m) from ratzis old church “Heilig Blut” in munich, germany and dancing to tims ingenious and catchy song at full volume,

    BUT the day after tomorrow ill have dinner (family related) with some wealthy financial backers of the catholic church… mobile internet ftw!

    i love how etiquette forces them to stay and actually discuss this whole kiddiefucker-church problem with me after i play the pope song (hopefully deadpan)-well at least until they horked down their dessert.

    so tim- your song will be known to some bishops in no time- be prepared! :P

  94. Weed Monkey says

    I see the lyrics are now released on Tim’s official fansite. As far as I can see, what you guys pieced together is spot on.

  95. Alex says

    hahahh omg!
    i was expecting something subtle or witty!
    this is amazing! ill have to post to my facebook ASAP
    and offend all my catholic friends. i love tim minchin!

  96. bellicose.agnostic says

    I should never have listened to this song, now it’s stuck in my head

  97. mattheath says

    I don’t imagine iTunes or Amazon in the UK will have it!

    Any particular reason why not? I don’t think Amazon censor content (unless the law forces them). They have some pretty damn nasty stuff to buy, at least. And Minchin already has songs to download there.

  98. YorkshireSturdyGirl says

    Awww. And here was me thinking Nowt meant Nothing here in Yorkshire still. Great song thats going to be buzzing round my head for days. I do love an honest opinion me.

  99. Andyo says

    Some fucking motherfuckers already flagged the fucking video for adult content or offensive content or some-motherfuckin-such. I hate having to fucking log in.

  100. KOPD says

    I only wish I could rant half that well. When I get my new guitar I’ll work on a cover of this. :-)

  101. blf says

    Some fucking motherfuckers already flagged the fucking video for adult content or offensive content or some-motherfuckin-such. I hate having to fucking log in.

    There are a number of “mirrors” (copies) also posted on youtube which aren’t so marked (yet?).

  102. echidna says

    I think an Australian like Minchin would use the spelling “naught” rather than “nowt”, which is more northern England. But very nicely done. Thanks.