Gizmodo reports on the arrest of programmer superstar Ola Bini by the Ecuadorean government:
Police in Ecuador have arrested Swedish programmer and digital privacy activist Ola Bini for allegedly trying to destabilize the Ecuadorian government by “collaborating” with WikiLeaks. Bini was arrested at Quito Airport in Ecuador on his way to Japan.
Ola Bini is a Swedish programmer with a truly impressive resume, and a frequent speaker at conferences. According to his own website, he has choose to focus on “privacy enhanching technologies”.
So far, it doesn’t seem like Ola Bini has been charged with anything, but the claims made by the Ecuadorian government are very serious.
The EFF has come out in defense of Ola Bini: The Ecuadorean Authorities Have No Reason to Detain Free Software Developer Ola Bini
I am entirely on the side of the EFF on this. I have met Ola Bini, and find it very doubtful that he would do anything like the things claimed by the Ecuadorian government. And even if he had, he should still be allowed proper due process, unlike how he has been treated so far, according to his lawyers.
There is a petition to get Ola Bini released, which you can sign here
Ecuador? “Collaboration with Wikileaks”?
What the hell did Assange DO to get himself not just thrown out of the embassy but actively pissed off the entire Ecuadorian establishment enough to reverse their behavior?
I was wondering this myself – he clearly made himself seriously unpopular