So I was browsing around the Internet (again), and I found this story:
Faiths United to Prevent Gun Violence, a coalition of over 45 religious leaders and clergy have signed a letter addressed to the members of Congress, urging them to take immediate action to prevent more gun violence.
The group is calling for three things: criminal background checks for gun buyers, a ban on high-capacity weapons and ammo magazines, and a federal law against gun trafficking. Sounds like a good idea, right? I thought so too. Then I read the headline on the article: Religious Leaders’ Godless Letter to Congress on Gun Violence. Here’s the author’s analysis.
When I read through their website and the letter they sent to Congress, I saw nothing that addressed the real reason for the increase in gun violence, which is the removal of God and the Bible from all aspects of life, public and private. Once they were gone, so were the standards used for all morals and values…
The response of the religious leaders that signed the letter to Congress have all fallen victim to the secularization that has corrupted the rest of American society. They aren’t turning to God and Bible for their answers, but to manmade devices that are totally devoid of anything to do with God.
Which sounds all pious and shit, but here’s my question: If you’re a Christian, and you believe that society has become all evil and immoral and wicked and stuff, why are you trying to make sure that you’re outnumbered, not just by evildoers, but by evildoers with high-powered, high-capacity weaponry?
Of course, what’s an anti-gun-control argument without a good swipe at evolution too?
Additionally, the teaching of godless evolution in our schools also helps to undermine any sense of authority, worth or value. Our kids are being taught from kindergarten through college that they are nothing more than just another animal. They aren’t special and life is all about themselves and what they can get out of it.
You mean as opposed to teaching them that they are special, and that God’s whole purpose for Creation is all about them, and about making sure that they all get saved and go to Heaven, after God destroys the entire physical universe in a giant flaming fire? Speaking of “all about themselves and what they can get out of it…”
Survival of the fittest and strongest is played out all the time by bullies and kids who want to prove who is stronger and therefore entitled to what others have.
Which of course is why we want those bullies to be able to buy high-powered, high-capacity automatic weapons when they grow up. Makes perfect sense, right? And then there’s the matter of factual support.
It’s already a proven fact that more laws will only increase the gun violence. The United Kingdom and Australia did what President Obama and these religious leaders are wanting to do and it resulted in a significant increase in violent crimes, especially those committed with a gun.
That’s the United Kingdom of Betelgeuse IV, and “Australia” is probably a typo for “Astralia,” a hitherto undiscovered planet where it is customary for everyone to do the exact opposite of what the laws require. On Earth, the firearm homicide rate per 100,000 population is 0.1 for Australia, 0.1 for England and Wales, 0.3 for Ireland, and 3.2 for the United States. But what’s an order of magnitude among friends, eh?
America didn’t have these problems when we were still a Christian nation under God. But now that we are a heathen nation under many gods, we have lost the blessings God bestowed on our forefather fathers and we have been turned over to our immoral and debauched lifestyle and the violence is a sign of our nation’s hedonistic nature.
And that’s why we want to make sure that this increasing violence is heavily-armed violence.
I love this quote: If you’re a Christian, and you believe that society has become all evil and immoral and wicked and stuff, why are you trying to make sure that you’re outnumbered, not just by evildoers, but by evildoers with high-powered, high-capacity weaponry?
Your point was well made.
Another point, sometimes overlooked by gun control advocates as well: gun violence, homicide and crime in general, have been falling in the USA for approaching two decades, after a period of increase. I’m increasingly inclined to put this down primarily to the ban on the addition of lead to gasoline and paint, see here and here for example. The statistical association between lead pollution and violent crime is not confined to the USA.
Easy there! Don’t you know that fact-based arguments are religious persecution? Numbers and statistics are tools of the devil!
“America didn’t have these problems when we were still a Christian nation under God.”
No, apparently it’s the America they’re talking about that’s on some other planet. The America I live in doesn’t have such a Golden Age in its history.
It’s amusing to watch TrueChristian(tm) be all certain that they need their guns. Having been a Christian, I distinctly remember that one is not supposed to be violent and to depend on the Christian god for all protection and judgement *no matter what*. Ah, as always, religion is just the fancy dress that personal opinion hides behind.
Well this author’s religious viewpoint is horseshit, pure and simple, but what’s most irritating are his ridiculous lies about gun laws raising crime rates. Time and time again I see fundies squealing liquid nonsense about European countries having terrible crime rates because of gun control…so much for not “bearing false witness”, hey?
Actually Gun Control has been repeatedly shown to be no more effective at decreasing violence than prayer.
Amendment II
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
Militia was expected to be armed with a single shot smooth bore musket, exactly the same weapon the professional soldier was armed with
Feinstein: ‘The Purpose Is to Dry Up the Supply of These Weapons Over Time’
What part of “We don’t want to take your Guns Away!” do you not understand?
Not only do they teach godless evolution, they also teach godless math and godless grammar. The horror!
“It’s already a proven fact that more laws will only increase the gun violence. The United Kingdom and Australia did what President Obama and these religious leaders are wanting to do and it resulted in a significant increase in violent crimes, especially those committed with a gun.”
Ah yes – my favourite philosophical device ‘argumentem tractum ex ano’ – always a good one. Put it with my favourite bumper sticker “Get real. Like Jesus would ever own a gun and vote republican”. Goes over well in this part of rural Virginia. Of course the point he misses completely is that any gun law – any at all – must be made not by doG but by people.