Resistance is… persecution?

This is really not going to end well for the ID creationist community…

“David Coppedge alienated his co-workers by the way he acted with them, and blamed anyone who complained about those interactions,” according to JPL in their response. “He accuses his former project supervisor and line manager of making discriminatory and retaliatory employment decision, when they had in fact protected him for years.”

via Blogs.

One of the problems with being reality-averse is that you also corrupt your ability to assess your own circumstances. I’m sure Coppedge went into this suit convinced that he was going to show the world how prejudiced and unfair everyone else was for resisting his attempts to convert them to his own beliefs. He should have learned his lesson from Bill Buckingham.


  1. Reginald Selkirk says

    During that 2009 meeting, Coppedge alleges, his supervisor became angry and belligerent asserting that “intelligent design is religion” and ordered him to stop.

    Coppedge apparently agrees, since he is suing for religious discrimination.

  2. Tony Hoffman says

    Inigo Montaya, to the Gatekeeper: “Give us the key.”
    Gatekeeper: “What key?”
    Inigo Montaya: “Fezzik, rip his arms off.”
    Gatekeeper: “Oh, this key.”

  3. Stacy says

    I’ve been following The Sensuous Curmudgeon’s coverage of this trial. TSC has been posting the Discovery Institute’s spin, which is pretty hilarious.

    You know they know Coppedge hasn’t much of a case when they spend most of one press release talking about how sickly Coppedge is (he apparently suffers from stress-related headaches). Clearly he’s too fragile to be the pain-in-the-ass JPL alleges he was! Also, poor baby, dealing with a lawsuit (*whisper* which of course he initiated/whisper) in his condition!

  4. rapiddominance says

    David Coppedge alienated his co-workers by the way he acted with them, and blamed anyone who complained about those interactions,” according to JPL in their response.

    Pretty vague language, is it not? What the hell is JPL referring to, anyway, when they say “by the way he acted” and “those interactions”?

    He accuses his former project supervisor and line manager of making discriminatory and retaliatory employment decision, when they had in fact protected him for years.”

    What were his supervisor and manager protecting him from (for years)? Were they deliberately shielding a valuable employee from the due consequences of harrassing coworkers? If so, I take it that these “mini bosses” have faced some sort of disciplinary actions for their collaboration, as well.

    I imagine this sounds tedious, but the problem I’m having (small as it may be) is that these citations inspired an eye-rolling (yet, ironically optimistic) comment out of you.

    This is really not going to end well for the ID creationist community…

    Not exactly your finest work, is it?

    • rapiddominance says

      I was second guessing myself so I went back and read those JPL statements again. The thing is, in the bottom of my heart I realize that this thread isn’t one that you’re supposed to analyze and I feel a little like a prick at the moment.

      That second quote, however, about “managerial protection” is glaringly problematic. I simply can’t make it fly.

      And I think you should find it just a little bit alarming, also.

      • says

        And yet, if you read the actual CNN story, your questions are completely answered therein:

        In March 2009, Coppedge claims that his supervisor advised him that co-workers had complained that he was harassing them over debates about his religious views and coercing them in the workplace into watching DVD programs about intelligent design.

        … attorneys for JPL stated in court documents that one of Coppedge’s co-workers complained to his supervisor that Coppedge made her feel so uncomfortable in discussing “non work related topics” that it bordered on harassment. The supervisor encouraged Coppedge to limit his discussions about topics like religion and politics to periods like lunch breaks, according to the response.

        The documents state that other co-workers complained they also felt harassed when Coppedge expressed views in favor of California Proposition 8, the ballot initiative in 2010 that defined marriage between and man and woman.

        “David Coppedge alienated his co-workers by the way he acted with them, and blamed anyone who complained about those interactions,” according to JPL in their response. “He accuses his former project supervisor and line manager of making discriminatory and retaliatory employment decision, when they had in fact protected him for years.”

        As usual: Christian claims lack of privilege to harass as “discrimination.”

      • rapiddominance says

        You were correct in calling me out on lazy and negligent reading.

        You identified some specific allegations as to how Coppedge might have “acted”. By doing this, a reader can also begin to imagine the nature of the Coppedge/coworker “interactions”.

        I’m still having trouble with the fact that Coppedge’s superiors “protected him for years”. But I don’t suppose that’s any failure of yours whether my apprehensions are legitimate or not.

        By the way, I read the JAQing link and I’m pretty sure that I understood it clearly. What I am failing at, however, is connecting the word to anything in my comments. You’re obviously talented at spotting problems and then resolving them and I’m wondering if I can count on you again to educate me.

        Thank you in advance.

  5. Paul Burnett says

    I’m waiting for the JPL attorney to ask Coppedge if he has heard of the Moody Bible Institute (famously fundamentalist anti-science “bible college”) – which is the mothership of Illustra Media (producer of the DVDs), of which Coppedege is on the Board of Directors. That could lead to an interesting line of Q&A. The connection is of course just one more proof that intelligent design creationism has everything to do with religion and nothing to do with science.

    • rapiddominance says

      You’re right.

      That could lead to an interesting line of Q&A.

      Which is probably why JPL’s attorneys should NOT bring it up.

      If you’re JPL, then you want to distance yourself from concerns about the guy’s beliefs and focus on the harrassment that occurred (allegedly) in house. Now is not the time for the defense to fight the culture war. Not overtly, at least.

      It WOULD be sensible, however, to be prepared to discuss the subject matter for if and when it comes up; but the best attitude is one of apathy towards their former subordinate’s extracurricular ventures.

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