I have more imminent travel plans. I’ll be at the World Humanist Conference in Oslo this coming weekend, and then on Monday the 15th I’ll be doing this:
- Sted: Asylet, Grønland 28 [kart]
- Tid: Fra kl. 18 og utover
- Facebook-event
Paul Z. Myers er en amerikansk biolog som jobber ved University of Minnesota Morris, og forsker på zebrafisk innen området evolusjonær utviklingsbiologi. Mest kjent er han for sin populære blogg Pharyngula, hvor han blant annet kommer med harsk kritikk mot intelligent design og kreasjonistmiljøet generelt. Kort sagt er han en aktivist innen den amerikanske kreasjonisme-/evolusjons-debatten. I august er PZ i Oslo i forbindelse med World Humanist Congress 2011, og tar i den forbindelse selvsagt turen innom puben for å slå av en prat med Oslo-skeptikerne!
Skeptikertreffene er uformelle, sosiale treff for skeptikere i Oslo-området. De er ment som en mulighet til å diskutere skepsis, vitenskap og alt mulig annet med likesinnede, og bli kjent med andre skeptikere. Man trenger ikke å være medlem av foreningen Skepsis.
Denne gangen samles vi nok en gang på Asylet, i bakgården dersom det er fint vær. Hvis du ikke har vært med før, så se etter bordskiltet vårt med logoen på, eller spør i baren.
I do not know what that means. If I’m now committed to doing burlesque in Norwegian, let me know soon. When I was a wee little kid, I could recite the Lord’s Prayer in Norwegian, but I think I’ve forgotten it all now.
(Also on Sb)
I’m pretty sure that that last word means ‘naked’…
Something about dancing on a bar ;)
Paul Z. Meyers is an American creationist and jabberwock with University of Minnesota Morris, and frisker of zebrafish, comrade of evolution-deniers and the Viking BioLogos.
“If I’m now committed to doing burlesque in Norwegian, let me know soon.”
You will need your practice.
Rats – Babel Fish doesn’t do Norwegian!
Ooooooo…the new server is soooo sniny!
Google translation:
Ah yes, backyard at the asylum. Wait, what?
I am still hoping to see you once in Germany.
Spring, 2012, the Atheist Alliance International conference will be meeting in Essen, Germany. Hint, hint.
Any plans on coming to Sweden?
Whatever you’re doing, take care not to get bitten by a moose.
“Spring, 2012, the Atheist Alliance International conference will be meeting in Essen, Germany. Hint, hint.”
Essen … horrible city in the middle of the Ruhrpott.
But for you i would go there.
If you need a tourist guide, give me another “hint” ;-)
I’m pretty sure “utviklingsbiologi” means you’re an honorary viking biologist, a very high honor in Norway, I believe.
Paul Z. Myers is an American biologist who works at the University of Minnesota Morris, and researcher of zebrafish in the field of evolutionary biology. He is best known for his popular blog Pharyngula, where he harshly critiques intelligent design and creationist topics in general. In short, he is an activist in the American creationism/evolutionism debate. In August, PZ will be in Oslo in connection with World Humanist Congress 2011, and, of course, for a visit to the pub for a chat with Oslo skeptics!
The skeptic meetings will be informal, social meetings for skeptics in the Oslo area. They are meant as an opportunity to discuss skepticism, science, and everything else with other likeminded people, and to become acquainted with other skeptics. One need not be a member of the Skepticism Association(?) to attend.
We will meet at the Asylet(?), in the back garden if the weather is nice. If you have not joined us before, look for the signboard with our logo, or ask for us at the bar.
Real Norwegians are welcome to correct my likely horrendous translation.
* raises hand * Me,me… let me try! *bounces in desk*
Paul Z. Meyers is an American biologist attached to the University of Minnesota Morris and researches the zebrafish in relation to evolutionary developmental biology. Most know him for his popular blog Pharyngula, for which he gains (generates) concern for his harsh criticism of intelligent design and creationism. In short, he works and [activists] in the American creationism/evolutionism debates…
@ Allyson
Oh Noze! Snakker y Norsk…. teh real deal.
(Teh theophontes sulks, leaves with tail between legs.)
I wouldn’t go if I were you.
1) They’re taking you to the Asylum (yes, that is what it means).
2) The booze is hella expensive.
3) It’s Norway.
I have known a number of Norwegians, the worst thing you can do is attempt to speak their language. You will end up butchering it, and every one I have known just preferred I speak English rather than attempt to speak their language.
Also I thought you would get a kick out of this. That really is what it suggested, based on accidentally adding an extra “e” to norwegian.
Here’s a handy guide on where to drink, courtesy of Humon:
I fail at HTML formatting.
DE DUVA (The Dove)
wonderful short film from possibly Norway or perhaps Danmark?
So, now I have this image of PZ running about in the background of Dolby’s She Blinded Me With Science video (silly asylum scene) with a not-a-cat’s cradle of zebrafish guts around his fingers and a hyperbolic “eureka!” expression on his face.
I wish you could see it, too.
Um, @joed, De Düva is a 1968 American parody of Bergman. The “language” is English, butchered to sound vaguely like Swedish, and then subtitled. Comic vamp Madeline Kahn makes her debut in it. But yes, it is a wonderful short film.
They just want to have a beer and a chat. Sounds good.
Paul Z. Myers is an American biologist who works at the University of Minnesota Morris, and researcher of zebrafish in the field of evolutionary biology. Minnesota is home to mani interesting furry animals. He is best known for his popular blog Pharyngula, where he harshly critiques intelligent design and creationist topics in general. Including the majestic møøse. In short, he is an activist in the American creationism/evolutionism debate. A møøse once bit his sister. In August, PZ will be in Oslo in connection with World Humanist Congress 2011, and, of course, for a visit to the pub for a chat with Oslo skeptics!
We apologise for the fault in the translation. Those responsible have been sacked.
Damn. My vacation is over, so I cannot travel over to Norway.
BTW, Allyson and Theopontes forgot the references to “sucker coming from America” and “roasting long pig”.
(We are the evil atheists, what do you expect)
Haven’t the Norwegians suffered enough recently?