On the first day of each spring, I like to play some version of George Harrison’s Here Comes the Sun because it perfectly captures the joy of emerging from winter, even when the winters have been so mild as the last two have been in Cleveland. Of course, the first official day of spring was this past Monday but I sneer at being bound by calendars. For me, the first day of spring has to feel warm, sunny, have no snow on the ground, and be late enough in the year so that even though it will snow again, that snow will quickly disappear within a day or so.
Today is the first day that meets all those criteria so here’s George in a live performance at the second annual Prince’s Trust concert in 1987, accompanied by an all-star band consisting of, among others, Ringo Starr, Phil Collins, Elton John, and Eric Clapton. (The ‘Prince’ in this case is not the singer but Prince Charles.)
I spent the first day of spring shovelling my truck out of the snowbank I planted it in last week. I know global warming is going to screw a lot of people but those of us who live up on the cooler heights aren’t going to mind much.
Coming from Edmonton and always being astounded that the first official day of winter is in late December, I agree with you about sneering at calendars.
Tabby @2: Yeah, Edmonton autumns were beautiful, but they only seemed to last a week or two. Then there was that Spring day when it was -20°C in the morning, and +20°C in the afternoon.
I fed two loads of sticks through the chipper and chopped the big branches up for firewood (since the imaginary house will have a fireplace, and it will be real by next winter!) Then I stopped, because even though I’m young enough to feel like I could keep going, I’m old enough to know better.
Then I came in and watched this video. Perfect!