RSS Feed

Somebody posted a comment that wound up in my spam folder asking about an RSS feed, but I haven’t checked the spam in a couple of weeks because of a variety of distractions.  I approved the comment, but now I can’t find it.  In any event, what I’d respond is that I’m largly clueless about RSS, but PZ could probably give a good answer.


  1. Bruce says

    On my iPad and iPhone I use the Newsify app still to read my RSS feeds.
    For PZ and all the rest, including Billy Seymour, I just added to get everything. Works fine. I never felt a need to find the individual feeds, as I like it all.

  2. billseymour says

    I never run apps on a cell phone.  I’m not a Luddite, I’m a computer programmer.  It’s just that I don’t like phones and can’t type on those little screens.

    Is there a way to get Newsify to send posts to my e-mail account so I can read them on my laptop?

  3. John Morales says

    bill, FWIW.

    “cell phones” are connected computers, if you mean modern smartphones.
    No disputing the interface is shitty as, but still… there’s an operating system and user interface nonetheless. Tiny screen, but super high res.

    I eventually had to give in and get, and still hate the interface, but I used to get paid for programming back in the day, and so to me it’s just another OS and another interface. Apps are just application programs, no?

    I’ve found that relying on the predictive text (with due overrides) is quicker than trying to do it manually on the virtual keyboard.
    And I’ve found that, with a bit of concentration, the voice interface is quite workable.

  4. billseymour says

        “Email. Send me email. I like email. I hate phones. I kill phones.” — Laura Lemay

    John Morales @3:  this old fart’s hands automatically type “cell phones”.  Yes, I mean “smartphones”.

    And yes, I know that they’re computers that have come way beyond what we used to think of as embedded systems; but even if one could get a C or C++ compiler for them (possible…I don’t know), <showing off> they’d likely still be freestanding, rather than hosted, implementations since they’d lack significant parts of the standard library </showing off>😎

    And in any event, I probably dislike the interface even more than you do (although given what you wrote, it might be close).

  5. says

    Slightly less dirty, also including the links to the articles:

    curl -s | \
    grep -E '<title>|<link>' | sed -E 's/<[^>]+>//g'

    This command is to be run from a shell, of course.

  6. says

    Bill Seymour @5; Most smartphones run castrated “managed” environments.

    While C/C++ cross compilers exist for the hardware platforms (usually some kind of ARM CPU these days), you probably won’t get the compiled code to run as-is.

    You can add C/C++ code to android projects, but you have to jump through some hoops.

    There are C/C++ apps for both android and ios. The android one looks kind of interesting. But it looks like an “environment in an environment”. Typing code on a smartphone would not be my idea of a good time, though.

  7. xohjoh2n says


    Fuck me! A compiler with ads and “in-app purchases” that steals my location information!

    For Android at least: the basic platform you’re expected to use is Java (most common) or Kotlin (officially preferred but who on earth cares about it) compiled against the Android Runtime down to their version of Java bytecode. Google provide a full development environment for free and it’s pretty much what you’d expect from a modern code+UI IDE. This includes “native” compilers for C/C++ – what you would normally do there is write most of your application shell in Java and implement and call native methods from Java for the hotspots, which I have done. It *is* also possible to write an app entirely in C/C++ and still have access to the UI toolkit but, well I looked briefly at doing that and decided it was way too much faff.

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