
  1. says

    Oh, and my first wife was a paramedic, and she told me that paramedics always have plenty of tampons along with their other tools and supplies. ‘Cuz they regularly deal with people who are bleeding a lot. Republicans can look that up themselves, it’s under “D” for “Duh.”

  2. rx808 says

    I’d wager that the author of this ridiculousness has never – assuming it’s a dude, and assuming he has a woman in his life – bought (or had to get) a tampon for anybody. Not his wife, mother, sister, daughter or even an acquaintance.

    Sad, is what it is. They come from where (and what) they think is some sort of macho position of power and this is what they arrive at.

    Weird, is what it is.

  3. Akira MacKenzie says

    “This is supposed to be negative ad…”

    To a lot of sexist, transphobic Americans, this is high political art,

  4. Ed Seedhouse says

    I mean I have no experience with them, but I understand they are designed to hold moisture. Depending on the shape there might be a host of applications that a smart man with at least one sister might find them handy for. But I’m just guessing. In my 80 years I have never seen one, which makes me wonder why not…

  5. stuffin says

    I consider myself fairly intelligent and on top of current events. On first read that did not make sense to me. Wonder what people less intelligent think when they read it. On the second read I got the tilt of it, but it comes across like a poorly tuned violin.

    Retired nurse, yes tampons are designed for a specific purpose, but they can be repurposed for other uses, like to absorb fluids (blood) or used to control bleeding (surgical pad). If a boy in Minnesota needed a tampon it would because the school nurse ran out of gauze and/or band aids.

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