My classes are all done! My last thing today was to give my cell bio class an exam on DNA replication, transcription, translation, and gene regulation, and whoa, were they ever a hangdog, shell-shocked bunch trailing out of the classroom afterwards.
Now it’s my turn to retreat with all of these papers and get everything graded over the weekend. We’ll see who is hangdog and shell-shocked by Sunday night!
… and on the other side of the coin, my oldest finished her last microbiology research presentation today, and officially has completed her requirements for a BS in Biology from the University of Washington Bothell. (squee, brag)
My calculus final is on Monday, and that’s it: my papers for English and Communications are all turned in. Then not quite three weeks before the whole mess starts all over again.
I get to breathe a big sigh of relief until fa!!. A couple of years ago, I received wonderful encouragement to embark on this journey from commenters here, so if they are still reading, thank you!!!
Reminds my of my giving organic chem finals during my academic days. The students couldn’t complain, as every concept was in their notes. All they had to do was to attend class and pay a modicum of attention.
I am SO glad that I don’t teach undergraduates!
Professor, will any of this be on the exam?
Oh my cats, that picture! That was me at every exam, ever.
@#1, spamamander, internet amphibian:
Congratulations to your daughter!
I know all this, I simply don’t recall. It’ll all come back to me once the exam is over.
“Silly long pigs”, says the mildly deranged penguin between bites of cheeses, “there’s no cheese so it’s not serious, no MUSHROOMS! so it’s not important, no moar cheese so it’s no moar seriously important, and the perfessor isn’t bitten in half, so yer not ex-dinosaurs. Burp!“
Get an early start on marking.
I was proctoring an exam the other day and an instructor showed up about 1/2 an hour before the exam ended.
Four of his 18 students had handed in papers so rather than waste time he borrowed a red pen and started marking. With any luck he would have had a quarter or so of the papers marked before the exam ended.
Now that’s efficiency.
X Grade lab final
X Grade fourth lecture exam
Grade final lab reports
Grade 9 term papers
Write final exam
Grade final exam
As you can see, I’m on track. Tomorrow I finish the lab reports, and then I can give students their preliminary final grade, so they can decide whether to take the optional final exam.
Would it help progress if I prioritized Action Item #7? Will think about it.