
  1. Ray Moscow says

    Well, I’ll have to get a ticket. It does sound like fun, and it’s (almost) local for me.

  2. Zeno says

    Just finished reading Stephen Fry’s The Liar. Ripping good fun and very peculiar (that’s a good thing).

  3. Kel, OM says

    TAM London looks great. Hopefully TAM Australia is half as good as that.

  4. jack.rawlinson says

    As a Londoner, I approve of this. I’ll be there!

    And Zeno – read “The Hippopotamus” next. A sceptic’s delight, that one.

  5. Cathal says

    @ Zeno

    That’s so funny, I just bought that book recently in a charity shop and have been debating what to read next.

    The Liar it is then, so.

    (although I couldn’t really get into The Star’s Tennis Balls or whatever his other one was called)

  6. Sili, The Unknown Virgin says

    That’s so funny, I just bought that book recently in a charity shop and have been debating what to read next.

    That’s where I got mine. Haven’t read Tennisballs yet, but that was the one he’d written that alerted me to his being an author. He was on Parkinson and told of his shock when he realised he’d just written The Count of Monte Christo.

    Last year TAM London sold out before I could even check the page. I’m afraid I’ll need to get a job soon if I’m to afford it. Of course, then I won’t have any holidays saved up.