You’ve only got a few days left to enter: Everything Octopus is giving away a cephalopod tree ornament, and all you have to do is subscribe to the site and leave a comment. Easy!
I already own this very same ornament, and will be putting up our family christmas tree this weekend. I’ve received a lot of ‘pod gear from readers over the last few years, and I’m planning to decorate the tree with lots of it (I’ll put up a photo when it’s done). If you won this ornament, you’ll be on the path to outdoing the awesomeness of my tree. It’s something to dream of, you know.
Can it truly be reverent to place a replica of a holy cephalopod onto a dry spiky green bit of vegetation, when heaven is a hole underwater?
If only we had a holy book to tell us what is right where cephalopods are involved…
Glen D
And there are four more days left for that other contest too.
You have a Christmas tree, PZ?
Of course. Why wouldn’t I? It’s not as if it were a religious or specifically christian tradition, you know.
That’s a very lovely ornament.
I made some cephalopodmas decorations the other year – one set for myself and another set divided into individual gifts for a few special friends and family members. One of those kept the decoration on display all year in the end!
It’s not as if it were a religious or specifically christian tradition, you know.
That is true. It started off as a Germanic pagan tradition and was adapted as they converted to Christianity. Nowadays, you can void it of both its pagan or Christian meaning and just make a pretty object to have around the house or keep it as a symbol of plenty and prosperity.
It’s not as if it were a religious or specifically christian tradition, you know.
I’ve begun referring to my tree as the “non-religious family holiday and gift giving occasion tree.”
Has a nice ring to it, don’t you agree?
Speaking of things squiddy and Xmassy, these ‘Christmas Cards of Truth’ are at They’re not real cards and not for sale. (In case your mental spam alarm is going off.) Besides, there’s a cool mutant squid thingy, the FSM and a dig at creationists, so I felt obliged to share.
Merry Squidmouse
Merry Creationist Christmas
Merry FSMas
And a Cthulhu Christmas card too.