
  1. Raiko says

    “In case you’re wondering what a Minnesota zip code might be…”

    … google “Minnesota zip code”.
    I just love the protection. It’s so efficient. :D

  2. says

    I thought I’d missed this, then I realised that coming from the civilised part of the world I am actually 6 hours ahead!

    Being a godless soldier myself (albeit from the UK) I shall listen with interest.

  3. Spook says

    Duh. Zip code, not area code. And I didn’t see that it was already entered in.

    Now I feel like a doofus.

  4. maxi says

    I see now why I needed the zip code, why do you have to be from Minnesota to listen? Humph.

    Listening now though, what a faff.

  5. says

    This military topic is incredibly interesting. This was only touched upon at the American Atheists Conference. The fragging (intentional friendly fire) story is appalling. This is religious people plotting murder of atheists in the field. But really, I should not be surprised.

  6. says

    Baby Mama? What in the Hell? MN Atheists are gonna meet at the Block E to see Baby Mama?!?!?!? What about Indiana Jones or Iron Man. Indiana Jones would be more appropriate considering it flirts with the idea that aliens (yes, space aliens) are our gods. Something that is considerably more plausible than fucking Jesus.

  7. maxi says

    I loved the ad for the evolved vs. intelligently designed buffet. You don’t get that sort of thing on UK radio! There’s good business sense if I ever heard it, taking money from anyone, regardless of beliefs.

  8. says

    The pest control thing was in there for an odd reason.

    Insider radio: The engineer who does the weather overslept and we were worried that we might not get on today. She normally records the weather while we are setting up, but since there was such a rush she didn’t get to record it. The cart system doesn’t play yesterday’s weather forecasts, and so it automatically inserted a random advert.

  9. says

    Thanks for the info, Mike. I must say that it was an absolutely hilarious coincidence the player randomly picked pest control, during an atheist show which is… battling pests. By the way, the last half of the show was one of the best segments you guys have had so far.

  10. Manual Goldenshow says

    Atheists are sometimes soldiers, but they excell at stuff like working for the KGB and secret police organizations.

  11. says

    Manual, according to a recent study by the Population Resource Bureau, 19% of the members of the US Armed Forces are atheists.

    Be careful who you try to frag.