In spite of all of the work piled up around me, I’m taking off today to attend the NEA/AFT Higher Education Joint Conference in Washington DC. I’m in the middle of this busy month where I spend just about every weekend flying off somewhere, in between weeks that still have the same teaching load waiting to be done.
I’m also supposed to be taped for WCCO while I’m in Minneapolis this evening, but after that, I may have to gatecrash the Minneapolis Drinking Liberally event, if it’s still going on. I hope I’m not thrown out by security.
I hope I’m not thrown out by security.
I hope you are. It makes for such great stories. :-D
grilled cheese for lunch?
Just wear your Dawkins mask and they’ll let you in.
Never mind security – watch out for Matt Nisbet who is, after all, at AU in Washington DC. He may come and tell you to sit down and shaddap (though your reaction would be worth seeing, as tired as you likely are of all that).
I’d say more but after Matt and Chris basically wanted to help “expel” you and Richard Dawkins, my irony meter melted (along with most of my respect for them) and I have to run go get it fixed now.
Security alert! Who’s gonna be checking for tickets?
We almost didn’t want to let you in to the Pharyngulistas with Beer event on Saturday. Someone pointed out that we had to let you in so that your Trophy Wife would come. (Pictorial evidence here.) I have to confess that Ben Z has a better camera than I do, so the four good pictures are his
More than one person noted that it wasn’t a proper Pharyngula Fest with you gate-crashing.
So who’s organizing your after-conference drinking parties in DC? ;)
Hope you’re taking the shuttle from Dulles again.
It would have been great to have you speak at this year’s DC Science Writers Association’s professional development day this Saturday at the AAAS building downtown. Maybe next year. Or you could truly gatecrash an event where you name actually isn’t on the list.
Enjoy the cherry blossoms!
On a more serious note I understand just how hard it is to juggle work/family/self. Personally I’ve got 3 kids under 3 and I run the household. I’m studying to admit as a Barrister by December and, I’m starting work part-time in law firm next week as a Solicitor. Mr Shrek is wearing thin on the needy stakes. And I’m, truggling to get to gym to lose the post-baby 10 kilos. Aaaarrrggh. Can I have another 10 hours in the day.
By what underhanded means did you gain access to Minneapolis Drinking Liberally website? Were you invited?
Cue Keith Eaton proving it’s impossible to fly from Minnesota to DC.
… and Mark Mathis suggesting it’s impossible to fly to Minnesota from Austin?
Are there any plans for a Pharyngulista get-together this weekend (with or without PZ)?
I don’t know the area near the conference well enough to suggest a spot. Anybody else?
There’s the Science Club:
Science Club
1136 19th Street NW Washington DC 20036
Or Bourbon:
2321 18th St NW
Washington, DC 20009
Family’s coming tonight for the Cherry Blossoms/Kite Festival and will be here all weekend, otherwise it could be fun.
Travelling gave me influenza. Hope you don’t get sick.
I don’t know if PZ will be in town Friday night, but there will be a showing of the movie “Inherit The Wind” at the Center For Inquiry DC ( ). It’s open to the public – no “ticket” required ; ).
CFI-DC is close to the Eastern Market Metro. Movie starts at 7:00.
J. D.
Higher education? Is that where the aircraft comes in?
Soz, couldn’t help myself… :P
OK, I see that the Friday night movie won’t work, as the conference goes until 8:30 that night. But if you jump in a cab on Saturday when the conference ends at 4:30, you have time to see this:
J. D.
One possibility would be to take the lazy way out like last time PZ and Phil were here, and just camp out in the hotel bar. That way, we could also keep an eye out and prevent PZ from trying to sneak away.
Failing that, I’m familiar with neither the Science Club nor the Bourbon, but I like the name “Science Club”, so that gets my vote.
The Science Club is a trendy lounge that plays house music and over charges for drinks. A better alternative would be that new place in Adams Morgan, The Black Squirrel.
On Saturday, DC will be extremely crowded downtown. There’s the annual kite festival on the mall (very colorful) and the cherry blossoms are out (hordes of tourists) AND some logistics expert picked Saturday morning/early afternoon to schedule the “National” marathon, which runs throughout DC and screws up all vehicular traffic. Take the Metro whenever possible.
And if you check your e-mail I’m offering to pick you up from Dulles.