I’m afraid that I’m going to have to tap out at this point, Cromrades. The combination of 2 back-to-back shows with the band followed by 6 hours of learning and recording has completely flayed the fingertips of my left hand, and the remnants of my voice to boot. If I haven’t done your request, fear not: SSA Week is not over. I will keep adding videos as the week progresses. To be completely honest, I did not expect this kind of response, so I have to thank all of you for digging into your pockets the way you did.
I will leave you with this fantastic secular anthem, requested by Danny White:
Compare this to the original here.
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This is so fantastic! You know what? I’m donating another $20 to your side. I respect your commitment and JT still hasn’t done the request I sent him.
Long live Crommunism!
I’d never heard this song before. Loved it – both your version and the original.
Here’s an off-the-wall request: “The Aviator,” by Deep Purple, from their 1996 album, Purpendicular. (I’d request “Vavoom! Ted the Mechanic,” but I don’t see that translating well to acoustic guitar.)