Go away, Kooi Chong

We get email. We all get email. Since the dawn of time, a lot of us here at Freethoughtblogs (and also many other people) have been getting demanding messages from Kooi Chong. Here, he introduces himself.

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am Kooi Eng Chong, age 28 and I am from Malaysia. In the year 2020, I had finished my Master’s Degree in History at the National University of Malaysia (UKM). Currently, I am attempting to write a book about world history and a PhD proposal about the history of the Chinese Communist rule in Tibet. Thus, here is my draft PhD proposal about the Chinese Communist rule in Tibet as stated below. Also, I had put my University exam results and my CV below. Moreover, I would like to meet you via Zoom. However, as I am working from Mondays to Fridays, I only can have a meeting with you on Saturday (9:00pm) Malaysia time. Would that be alright for you?

Looking forward to hearing from you soon


Kooi Eng Chong

That’s nice, except he keeps threatening to enclose his PhD proposal, and never does. Even if he had, I’m not interested. I don’t know why he would think I would care, and I have no idea what he wants from me, but he keeps scheduling Zoom meetings. Every few weeks, he sends us a message asking why I didn’t show up or reply and asking to arrange a meeting again. Here’s a sampling of his tedious and frequent messages.

Dear Sir/Madam,

It has been two and a half months already and I still haven’t receive a reply from you. May I know why is it taking so long? Also, may I know when can I have a Zoom meeting with you? If you can’t make it then you can contact me via my phone number: xxxx xxxx xxx. Would that be alright for you?


Kooi Eng Chong

Email: kooi.chong@yahoo.com.my

On Sunday, 1 October 2023 at 09:53:18 am MYT, Kooi Chong wrote:

Dear Sir/Madam,

It has been nearly four months already and I still haven’t receive a reply from you. May I know why is it taking so long? Also, may I know when can I have a Zoom meeting with you? If you can’t make it then you can contact me via my phone number: xxxx xxxxx xxx. Would that be alright for you?


Kooi Eng Chong

Email: kooi.chong@yahoo.com.my

On Friday, 2 June 2023 at 10:12:54 pm GMT+8, Kooi Chong wrote:

Dear Sir/Madam,

It has been a month already and I still haven’t receive a reply from you. May I know why is it taking so long? Also, may I know when can I have a Zoom meeting with you?

Looking forward to hearing from you soon


Kooi Eng Chong

Email: kooi.chong@yahoo.com.my

On Sunday, 23 April 2023 at 09:58:46 am GMT+8, Kooi Chong wrote:

Dear Sir/Madam,

It has been a month already and I still haven’t receive a reply from you. May I know why is it taking so long? Also, may I know when can I have a Zoom meeting with you?

Looking forward to hearing from you soon


Kooi Eng Chong

There are more, many more. I haven’t replied to any of them, nor will I — he’s very bot-like, and I have no idea what he’s trying to do. On the remote possibility that he’s a real human being, hunched over his computer in his apartment, sending out plaintive requests for human contact, scanning the internet for some hint that anyone recognizes his existence, I post this that he might discover that yes, a person has heard his cry.

And that he might learn this is the wrong fucking way to to anything.

If it is just a stupid bot, the most likely possibility, I’m letting it know that next week I’ll add a filter that’ll disintegrate all of its email before I even see it.

Bye, Kooi.


  1. says

    He does appear to exist although he is not listed on any of the alumni pages of UKM. His Farcebook page lists where he has studied and they are all genuine Malaysian Institutions. His email address @yahoo,com.my is odd I have a number of Malaysian contacts with yahoo emails and none of them have a .my at the end. Why he thinks you could help him with a PhD on Communist China and Tibet is a mystery. He does appear to have an inordinate fascination with native Americans.

  2. gijoel says

    Time to start a betting pool:
    Kooi is evo psych 3:1
    Kooi is a crypto-creationist 2:1

  3. says

    OOH, he wrote again! The curious thing is, he is at this persistently for about a year by now, or maybe even longer. I know I have ignored a good dozen of his e-mails assuming that if he is a person he gets the hint and if he is not a person, that the bot’s algorithm figures out there is no point in writing with no reply. And neither of those things happened.

    I’m not going to engage him, but I am mildly curious what this is about.

  4. raven says

    Has he asked you yet about your car’s warranty?

    He is probably trying to sell you a Medicare Advantage plan.

  5. Alan G. Humphrey says

    Definitely an extraterrestrial making first contact. The last contact will be, “April fools! We don’t really want to associate with meat that mimics thought.”

  6. map61 says

    I’m thinking these continual unsolicited emails could be the result of a mechanical anomaly. Sorta like the scene in the film On the Beach, when they discover the garbled morse code they’d been receiving is the result of coke bottle manipulated by a windblown window shade.

  7. says

    RE “On the Beach”. The movie is set in Melbourne, Australia and the plot is that the world has been annihilated in a nuclear war but Australia was spared the bombs. The only problem is there is a life-ending cloud of radioactive fallout heading their way and nobody will survive. Naturally there has to be an American hero involved in the form of a Captain of a US submarine, (it is Hollywood after all). Given the date the book was written you have to assume the sub is not nuclear powered and doesn’t carry nuclear warheads otherwise Melbourne would be an obvious target.
    Sadly the book would have to be rewritten. Australia has leased land in Central Australia for a peppercorn rent to America to run a massive intelligence base and has a major communications facility in Port Headland in NW of Western Australia. No doubt the base is providing intelligence to help Israel commit its genocide in Gaza. As if this is not enough to make Australia a nuclear target, it is about to complete the unholy trifecta by acquiring second hand nuclear subs which are designed for only one purpose, to sit submerged off the coasts of China and Russia ready to deliver a nuclear strike.
    Any future remake would have to be set in New Zealand which had the good sense decades ago to ban American naval ships from its ports because the would not disclose if they were carrying nuclear weapons. This of course would also mean writing the submarine out of the story.

  8. McKinley Valentine says

    I’ve been getting these as well!

    Except it doesn’t mention the content of his PhD and just says he’s writing a book on world history

    Two documents are attached: one labelled as a CV and the other “Antinatalism and chidlfree part 1” [sic].

    (I do write about history in my newsletter sometimes but it should be very obvious I’m a lay-enthusiast not a historian who would be useful as a source. Have never written about antinatalism)

    @11 garydargan – not that this is why I came to the blog, but i live in Melbourne and don’t think we’re a likely Chinese nuke target because we have a massive, massive Chinese population. It would not play well domestically in China to kill a bunch of people’s families, esp as it tends to be the wealthier families who have kids at uni here. If they start telling Chinese people in Australia to return home, then I’ll worry.