
  1. stroppy says

    Yeah, I think I’ll stick with my life giving scarab overlord. What’s Maman really going to do for me? Probably lay eggs in my head…

  2. Colin J says

    I saw her in Bilbao earlier this year. That’s the thing about spiders – there’s never just one. Or is that mice?

    They had Puppy in Bilbao as well. I remember years ago (20 years ago?) when they had a version of Puppy outside the Museum of Contemporary Art in Sydney.

  3. Derek Vandivere says

    There’s a Louise Bourgeois exhibit at the Rijksmuseum sculpture garden through November, if you’re near Amsterdam.

  4. dianne says

    I’m now picturing you with an Indiana Jones hat yelling, “It belongs in my yard!” to a group of confused Canadians.

  5. Just an Organic Regular Expression says

    Louise Bourgeois is a pretty prolific sculptor, apparently; I’ve seen her spiders at MOMA in NYC and at SFMOMA as well. Here’s a pic of the SFMOMA installation.