Around FtB

What’s going on, gang?

  • Stephanie discusses a common fallacy about harassment.

  • Avicenna finds an MRA woman making excuses for pedophilia. I need to shower now.

  • Aron debated a creationist rapper. I’m hoping it was a rap battle.

  • Ashley is getting all miscellaneous up in her place.

  • Brianne is in Belize. I am envious.

  • Black Skeptics announce that Sikivu Hutchinson has a new book, Godless Americana: Race and Religious Rebels. You will buy it. Buy it NOW.

  • Miri explains privilege. C’mon, people, it’s really not so difficult!

  • The Digital Cuttlefish cheers as we hit a new record—the highest CO2 in 3 million years!

  • Ed says a rude word to the goons who arrested atheist bloggers in Bangladesh.

  • Jason expresses his exasperation that Benedict Cumberbatch has been cast as…Khan Noonien Singh? WTF?

  • Taslima features an ex-Muslim who is proud to be an atheist.

  • Stephen looks at Iceland, and notices that they spurned the austerity option…a wise choice.

  • Religion is “a great body of knowledge”? Ophelia doesn’t think so.


  1. carlie says

    Yeah, but if you’ve been anywhere on the internet you’ve already seen it. It’s not a spoiler so much as a pre-press release at this point.

  2. lancefinney says

    The link labeled as Ophelia actually goes to Stephanie’s article. Fix the link, please?

    And feel free to remove this comment, if you want.

  3. sonofrojblake says

    if you’ve been anywhere on the internet you’ve already seen it.

    I saw the movie, unspoiled, last night. It’s been out, like, less than a week. I’ve deliberately avoided going places on the internet where I thought spoilers might come up, and this was NOT one of them.

    And “everyone else is doing it” is now a defence?

  4. carlie says

    “Everyone is doing it” is, in fact, a defense if the argument is whether something is common knowledge or a secret. Rumors about that being his character have been out for months, and blogs everywhere have been railing on the racism of the casting choice for weeks since it was confirmed. I guess it just doesn’t really seem to fall into the category of a spoiler, given how much press it’s gotten.

  5. Trebuchet says

    Meanwhile, the main page is still cluttered with at least eight blogs which are officially closed or moribund while the two latest don’t appear except in the sidebar. Ed says there’s an update coming “in a few weeks”. It’s long overdue.

  6. sonofrojblake says

    “Everyone is doing it” is, in fact, a defense if the argument is whether something is common knowledge or a secret.

    The movie’s been out less than a week. Whether or not it’s been speculated on, it would be at least polite to consider those of us who might not have (a) been following those blog and (b) had a chance to see it yet.

    In other news, it was his sled, it’s really the Earth, the policeman did it, he was a ghost all along, Tyler is only in his head and Verbal is Keyser Soze. Seriously, though, less than a week. Not going to complain about this any more.

  7. Azkyroth Drinked the Grammar Too :) says

    I suppose it’s just pedantic to be annoyed by people misusing the word “pedophile,” isn’t it… >.>

  8. nmcc says

    I suppose it’s just pedantic too to be annoyed by Myers promoting (indeed hosting) the blog of a terrorist sympathiser. As Taslima Nasrin is in regard to the murderous Provisional IRA.

    The atheists, with their sectarian splintering and abject hypocrisy appear more like the Christians every day.

  9. nmcc says

    And just to show that I’m not pedantic in the least, there’s a comma missing after the word hypocrisy in my comment above.

  10. birgerjohansson says

    nmcc, if you are going to be a troll, you need to be more creative.

  11. DonDueed says

    Sonofrogblake, you forgot “The calls are coming from inside the house!”

  12. Trebuchet says

    Me @9:

    Meanwhile, the main page is still cluttered with at least eight blogs which are officially closed or moribund while the two latest don’t appear except in the sidebar. Ed says there’s an update coming “in a few weeks”. It’s long overdue.

    Hmm, a couple of the moribund ones disappeared since I posted. The officially dead ones seem all to still be there however.

  13. chippanfire says

    “Everyone is doing it” is, in fact, a defense if the argument is whether something is common knowledge or a secret. Rumors about that being his character have been out for months, and blogs everywhere have been railing on the racism of the casting choice for weeks since it was confirmed. I guess it just doesn’t really seem to fall into the category of a spoiler, given how much press it’s gotten.

    That is so much bullshit. I have no idea which blogs you are referring to as I for one haven’t seen them, so all this was new to me. Fuck you very much PZ. And fuck you too, Thiebault, as your headline gives the game away almost as explicitly. You have no excuse either as you say “big spoilers for some relatively new nerd media that I’ve probably already given away by the title if you’re savvy”. So you knew just what you were doing. Wanker.