
  1. Jean says

    He did lash out in public but I bet that in private it may not be the same; it won’t be a good day to be near him.

  2. sonofrojblake says

    That is… tragic, actually. What is going on in the world? Last week it was Theresa May stamping her darling tiny little foot and scweaming until she was thick, demanding the EU treat her and the UK with respect (hint, love -- if you have to ask for respect, there’s a good chance you’re never going to get it). And now Trump gets a laugh he didn’t expect and simply doesn’t realise it’s at him, not with him. It’s like watching the mentally-handicapped victim of a school bully laughing along with his tormentors. It’s horrible. I find myself feeling sorry for them. It’s a most unpleasant feeling.

  3. John Morales says


    It’s like watching the mentally-handicapped victim of a school bully laughing along with his tormentors. It’s horrible. I find myself feeling sorry for them. It’s a most unpleasant feeling.

    Mmm. How Christian of you.

    As for mentally-handicapped victim, that’s a laugh.
    First time I’ve heard of POTUS being a victim.

    The chap has lived a looong life hitherto, basically basking in luxury.
    He’s competent enough for that, no?

    He may not be the brightest lightbulb, perhaps, but I note he recovered quickly in that circumstance. Bright enough.

    (And but realise he ain’t feeling sorry for you)

  4. John Morales says

    PS I suppose I should add that I understand both are caricatures.

    Because that’s how you intended “Theresa May stamping her darling tiny little foot […]”, right?

  5. John Morales says

    OK, I watched it (@1.25x), having to put up with a 6 second advertisement first that I could neither avoid nor speed-up.

    I did not miss the bit where the host says “They’re laughing at you, not with you”, if that’s to what you refer.

    But you already said that, and I don’t dispute it.

  6. Pierce R. Butler says

    sonofrojblake @ # 7: … now Trump gets a laugh he didn’t expect and simply doesn’t realise it’s at him, not with him.

    Maybe somewhat “with him” -- or can you (or anyone) better explain the scattered clapping?

  7. sonofrojblake says

    … that’s how you intended “Theresa May stamping her darling tiny little foot […]”, right?

    I was invoking Violet Elizabeth Bott, yes.

    I can think of at least two explanations for a large disparate group producing scattered clapping amid audible mocking laughter. Can’t you?

  8. suttkus says

    Of course, at the point where the room laughed, Trump was essentially bragging about how great he was. Are we really supposed to believe the UN delegates were all excited that, at last, someone was refreshingly honest about how great they were?

    “I’m tired of everyone getting up and giving speeches with false modesty!”

    “Yeah! So nice to have someone just boast about how awesome they are.”

    “Sure makes me want to laugh in relief!”

    “I hope he brags some more! HA HA HA HA!”

  9. John Morales says

    Well, I know I’m not normal, but I reckon (having watched the video) that at least some of that secondary laughter was appreciative, as shared humanity. Thus it seems to me, anyway, though I could not articulate the specifics of how.

    sonofrojblake @13, my imagination is not particularly limited.

    Point being, I’m closer to being sorry for you feeling sorry for Trump than I am to being sorry for Trump.


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