Read this little story.
A New Hampshire county chair for Donald Trump’s presidential campaign lost his job as a police officer in 2006 after he threatened to kill his colleagues and rape the police chief’s wife in retaliation for his suspension for having a relationship with an underage high school girl, according to an internal report released last week upon orders from the New Hampshire Supreme Court. The findings regarding former Claremont police officer Jonathan Stone, which came to light due to a right-to-know lawsuit filed by, appeared to catch Trump’s New Hampshire campaign chair, Stephen Stepanek, by surprise. “I just found out about it this morning,” he told Huffington Post Wednesday. “He’s been a Trump supporter for a long time, and he’s been a state representative, and he had, as far as we were concerned, what looked like a great background.” Stone, who won a seat in the New Hampshire House of Representatives in 2022, was terminated from the Claremont Police Department after making the threats. He would go on to work as a Vermont prison guard and would open a gun store, according to InDepthNH, and gave Trump an AR-15 during his 2016 campaign. Neither Stone nor the Trump campaign’s co-managers, Chris LaCivita and Susie Wiles, responded to queries from Huffington Post. Stepanek said a decision on Stone’s future with the campaign was pending: “I think it will be handled by Mar-a-Lago, in consultation with me.”
Now tell me how surprised you are by every sentence about Jonathan Stone.
I don’t see why they’d denounce him. While these accusations could and should end anyone’s public career, we’ve know these testosterone poisoned trash have no problem with death threats statutory rape so long as it’s not THEIR child.
Edit: …with death threats or statutory rape…
Joe.My.God has an article that says the exact same thing. No surprise how corrupt these bozos can be.
ChatGPT, generate a typical Trump Supporter…
If we had a healthy justice system, he’d be more than just fired.
@ 5
Sadly, anyone who dares talk about doing any real change gots shouted down.
Recently, one such right-wing bootlicker admonished the Dems for daring to use the phrase “defund the police” lest it scare away the white liberals What has his name…? Oh yeah, Barrack Obama.
Edit: …get’s shouted down…
And every word from Stephen Stepanek, as well.
Not surprised at all. He still has a long way to go to catch up to Trump.
“I am shocked, shocked I tell you, to learn that Jonathan would go after underage girls!”
“Your young escort has arrived, sir”
“Oh, thank you.”
How did he get elected to a House of Representatives with a resume like that? Was their opponent asleep?
Apropos considering news has come in about yet another school shooting.
This article about a tRUMP campaign chair’s crimes is just one additional reminder of how society is a failure. As I commented on the o.j. post, there is so very little accountability for massive crime here. o.j. still owed $100 million to the Goldman family when the ahole died! Additionally, the orange magat is not in prison yet for all his obvious crimes. He keeps using other people’s money to delay and avoid any punishment.
It’s New Hampshire. An inanimate object could run and as long as an R appeared after its name, it would get elected.
The most surprising thing is that he actually got fired for his crime.
@15: It’s sad. Sucks that we live in a society that rarely considers punishing criminal cops.
I’m ready for America to treat police the way they deserve: As criminals on the supply side of violent crime.
^ Bronze Dog : Enforcers for and protectors of violent criminals on the worst and largest national and international scales.