Just basic science

I want to know where these people learn their “basic science”.

That reminded me of this post on We Hunted the Mammoth.

They are so confident and certain when they state absolutely batshit looney misinformation. Where do they learn that kind of confidence? In church, I suspect, because they aren’t getting it in any legitimate school.

I wonder if he confused conception with photosynthesis? Nah, that would be light plus carbon dioxide.

Don’t worry that something might shatter that astonishing confidence. He’s currently doubling down.


  1. anxionnat says

    Jesus fucking Christ, this reminds me of the US congressman who said women couldn’t get pregnant from being raped unless it was “legitimate rape.” “Otherwise,” he opined, “the body shuts the whole thing down.” Whatever that meant, and whatever these idiots mean. It’s word salad, but misogynistic word salad. Suggested reading: “Nine months a slave: when pregnancy is involuntary servitude to a foetus.” by .K.D. Allotey-Reidpath et al. 13 April 2018. Reproductive Health Matters, 26(52.): 57-61. (easily accessible on line by googling the title) Another good article is Amanda Marcotte on Salon.com: “Are women people?” dated 2 Sept 2021. I think both these articles nailed it.

  2. unclefrogy says

    that absolute confidence is primary to all that authoritarian thinking it is the root. We respond to that confidence like a child, it feels good it eases the fear. It does not change reality nor the facts much however but has consequences especially when decisions are based on such thinking.

  3. says

    I assumed by the title of this post it would be about terf stuff, the way the last few years have gone. Now that Roe v Wade is in the garbage, classic flavored misogynist weirdness will once again become food for foolery. Not that both sides won’t be dropping plenty of transphobia or trans erasure in the discussion. Thanks to terves I gotta second guess the source of every feminist thing I reblog, and thanks to reactionary success against abortion, now I have to reblog a lot more feminist content. Good times were had by all.

    One useful tell, btw, in avoiding RBing / promoting a terf who happened to make a valid point about abortion, is if the OP is careful to not say preserving abortion access is exclusively to protect woman (thereby erasing transmen, etc.). Good people can fail to include those caveats or careful phrasing, but a lot of people are doing that, which is cool.

    Also convenient, terves are such shit feminists they actively worked with the people who made this possible, so they’re not likely to fuss about throwing bodily autonomy under the bus of transmisogyny. Some are even vocally anti-abortion. Good people.

  4. says

    Sounds like a bad excuse from the 1940s: “Hey, baby. You can’t get pregnant if we turn out the lights. That’s just basic science.”

  5. blf says

    The mildly deranged penguin points out the reason he (the eejit quoted in the OP, not her, the mildly deranged penguin) needs light is because his head is wedged so far up his arse it’s not only smelly, lacking oxygen, but also dark — and to physically twist around enough for such a deep and prolonged insertion, his legs are probably spread very wide.

  6. birgerjohansson says

    It is only amatomically possible to wedge it up that far if the brain and surrounding cranium have shrunk…but considering the quality of his argument I cannot rule it out.
    I hope some late TV show host will pick up this treasure of human thinking and mock it. John Oliver, where are you?

  7. brucegee1962 says

    The thing is, as @1 anxionnat said, the level of stupidity that has been exhibited constantly on the internet makes it entirely plausible that someone could believe this. We already buried sarcasm; he just missed the funeral.

  8. woozy says

    FWIW… I figure he has heard the 50s misogynistic sobriquet about “If you don’t want to get pregnant keep your legs closed” (i.e. don’t have sex) and took it literally. FWIW… which I guess is not anything.

    But it makes him at least three levels of stupid. At the very least.

  9. says

    @10 Nah, that’s not a shitpost. It’s just a shit post. Shitposting is fun. That’s just… Well, just look at it! 🤮

    Dude is getting his a*s dragged on Twitter. If this keeps up, he’s not going to have any skin left. 🤣

  10. gijoel says

    Where do they learn that kind of confidence? In church, I suspect, because they aren’t getting it in any legitimate school.

    Or 4chan, 8chan, Facebook, Instagram, various deplorable sub-redditts, toilet walls, the list is endless.

  11. says

    I remember some time ago some ageing, anti-choice, anti-birth-control republican was saying, “Back in my day, the girls just took an asprin. Then didn’t swallow it, they just held it between their knees. No more unwanted pregnancies.”
    And one of the women on set gave him a death glare and said sweetly, “If you think a woman can’t get pregnant with her knees together, then you have a lot less imagination than I do.”
    There was a pause of about three seconds before everyone on set collapsed into laughter. Even the camera was bobbing gently up and down. Eveyone except the anti-choice plonker who looked bewildered and was clearly going to need an explanation afterwards.

  12. cartomancer says

    Maybe he’s somewhat dyslexic, and it’s combustion he’s confusing with conception (and mixing up light and heat at the same time)?

  13. davidc1 says

    @4 I thought it was doing it standing up won’t get a woman pregnant .
    @15 Only thing dumber than an American republican is an English tory MP.

  14. Ichthyic says

    Ok. so now that all the obvious and inane has been dissected (as usual)… who is actually doing what to fix this crap?


    pretty tired of seeing the left in the US steamrolled by a gang of chihuahuas.

  15. says

    @#18, davidc1:

    Nah, I think the Republicans are dumber. The Tories semi-publicly shorted the British economy in various ways before Brexit, and put in place other investment strategies which prosper more the further the British economy crashes. I remember seeing an article which outlined ways in which Johnson’s cabinet alone was poised to make over £2 billion (I forget the exact amount, but it was in the multiple billions of pounds; might have been as high as 5) if the negotiations failed in December and the UK bounced out with no deal. They didn’t exactly manage to get no deal, but I’d be willing to bet that they captured a sizable chunk of that amount with the bad deal they ended up negotiating.

    The Republicans want to burn down the whole block because they’re confident they’ll like living in the ashes better than in houses; the Tories don’t intend to live in the ashes, they’re committing arson after taking out fire insurance and leasing accommodations elsewhere. It’s a pity that Labour and the Democrats have spent the last several decades purging anybody who was actually serious about stopping any of it, but what can you do? We’ve been assured that Biden and Starmer are really, really serious about stopping all this, despite everything in their history suggesting that they are the last people anybody should trust.

  16. PaulBC says

    I’m just trying to wrap my head around “severed and cleansed.” Is that what you do to the energies, the spirits, the auras, or the actual sex partners?

  17. microraptor says

    Great American Satan @3:

    Also convenient, terves are such shit feminists they actively worked with the people who made this possible, so they’re not likely to fuss about throwing bodily autonomy under the bus of transmisogyny. Some are even vocally anti-abortion. Good people.

    Which is why I prefer calling them FARTs: Feminism Appropriating Reactionary Transphobes. Because you can’t make common cause with some of the most anti-feminism people on the planet and seriously insist you’re actually committed to the cause of promoting women’s rights.

  18. says

    I know I’m a couple days late, but

    Jesus fucking Christ, this reminds me of the US congressman who said women couldn’t get pregnant from being raped unless it was “legitimate rape.” “Otherwise,” he opined, “the body shuts the whole thing down.”
    Actually, you’re misremembering: Todd Akin said women couldn’t get pregnant if it was “legitimate rape.” The point being that he thought anyone who gets pregnant from rape was actually lying about being raped.