Inconstant weather

Well, it’s 32°C in Morris today, with extremely low humidity and the potential for strong winds. I think that means the spiders will be stirring, so I’ve got to abandon grading for an hour or two to wander the streets looking for my little friends. I better do it now, since for all I know it’s going to snow later this week. That’s my excuse for evading my responsibilities, anyway.


  1. blf says

    Here in S.France it’s been raining all day (pause at the moment), and c.12℃, albeit no wind to speak of. Forecast doesn’t include any of this strange snow mentioned in the OP, albeit there may be some rain next weekend. I’m unawares of any spider forecasts (locally or for any other locale), albeit the mildly deranged penguin is forecasting a bumper Kraken season, as baitlong pigs scurry to the beaches and slatter themselves with tasty flavourings with an extra helping of SARS-Cov-2.

  2. davidc1 says

    It was snowing at Clee Hill in Shropshire yesterday ,Clee hill is one of the higher parts of the county ,1,200 ft ,i know it doesn’t sound much ,As for where I live it is very cold ,never known a May day as cold .

  3. springa73 says

    Wow, here in Massachusetts it’s about 14C / 58F, a fine day for someone like me who likes cool weather.

  4. Tethys says

    Happily our inconstant weather has returned to an appropriate springlike 18C today. Yesterday’s high of 86F was far too warm for working out in the sun. It was go

  5. Tethys says

    It was good for insects. Granddaughter and I spotted many small bees and other insects in the garden for the first time this season.

  6. birgerjohansson says

    Low humidity and high temperature can add up to a risk of grass fires. The odd rainfall is your friend.